There is a newer version of the record available.

Published February 24, 2022 | Version v1.0.0
Software Open

RDF Property and Datatype Usage Scanner v1.0.0


A Java 11 tool to survey the usage of datatypes in the Web Data Commons (December 2020) dataset.


How to start the experiment:

  1. Preparation: Clone the repository and run mvn clean package to build the tool.
  2. Run:
    • java -jar target/CreateDatabase.jar to create the database
    • ./ to start the measure
    • java -jar target/ExportDatabaseToCSV.jar to export each table of the database as a .csv.gz file

For automatic restart on Linux edit crontab using crontab -e and add the line: @reboot bash <path to script>/ (keep an empty line at the end of the document)



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