Published December 31, 2006 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Lycenchelys antarctica Regan 1913


Lycenchelys antarctica Regan, 1913

Lycenchelys antarcticus Regan, 1913: 242, pl. IX, fig. 3 (type locality: abyss off South Orkney Islands); Norman, 1938: 81, fig. 52.

Lycenchelys atacamensis Andriashev, 1980: 1105, figs. 1-4 (type locality: Peru-Chile Trench).

Lycenchelys antarctica: Anderson, 1988: 88, fig. 28; Anderson, 1990b: 258, fig. 2.

Material examined. Scotia Sea: USNM 356654 (1 specimen; 181 mm SL), W of South Orkney Islands, 60°45.5'S, 48°13.5'W, 2511-2542 m, ISLAS ORCADAS coll. UMO 116, 10 ft beam trawl, 18 Feb. 1976, H. H. DeWitt. SAM 34530 (1; 242 mm SL), N of Elephant Island, 60°37.2'S, 54°55.9'W, 3213-3219 m, POLARSTERN sta. AGT-39, Agassiz dredge, 26 Nov. 1996, K.-H. Kock. SAM 34600 (1; 211 mm SL), N of Elephant Island, 59°09.5'S, 58°32.3'W, 3721-3723 m, POLARSTERN sta. AGT-2, Agassiz dredge, 15 Nov. 1996, K.-H. Kock. Weddell Sea: MNHN 1990-645 (2; 135-154 mm SL), off Kapp Norvegia, 71°09.0'S, 13°48.0'W, 2025-2037 m, POLARSTERN sta. 295, Agassiz beam trawl, 21 Feb. 1989, W. Arntz.

Diagnosis. Lycenchelys antarctica is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: single, ventrolateral lateral line; preoperculomandibular pores usually nine; vertebrae 117-138; predorsal length 27-33 % SL; free dorsal-fin pterygiophores 6-16.

Description. Vertebrae 26-27 + 91-97 = 117-124; D 102-108; A 95-100; P 15-16; C 8-10; pelvics 2; branchiostegal rays 6; gill rakers 2 + 12; vomerine teeth 4; palatine teeth 4-6; pseudobranch and pyloric caeca absent. Following proportions as percent SL: head length 15.3-15.9; head width 5.6-7.9; head depth 6.2-7.2; predorsal length 28.7-29; preanal length 35.4-36.7; pectoral base depth 4.3-4.4; pectoral-fin length 7.9-9.7; body height 5.3-7.4; gill slit length 5.0-5.6. Following proportions as percent HL: head width 35.4-51.6; head depth 38.9-47.0; upper jaw length 38.5-41.6; snout length 32.4-32.6; eye diameter 15.8-17.8; gill slit length 31.6-36.8; pectoral-fin length 51.6-60.8; interorbital width 7.6-8.9; interpupillary width 17.4-22.4; caudal-fin length 5.4-6.9; pelvic-fin length 11.9-15.3. Pectoral base/length ratio: 44.6-54.5.

Cephalic lateralis pore variation minimal; USNM 356654 with eight preoperculomandibular pores (pores 5 and 6 joined), the others with nine pores; suborbital pores 7 + 0 in SAM 34530, 8 + 0 in others; postorbital pore 1 only in all specimens; occipital and interorbital pores absent; two supraorbital (nasal) pores. Caudal-fin rays highly variable in this species (Anderson, 1988); present material with one epural, four upper hypural and three lower hypural rays in four fish; one (SAM 34600) with two epural and four upper and lower hypural rays, increasing count to 6-10 rays for the species. Lateral line ventrolateral, complete to tail tip. Dorsal-fin origin associated with vetebrae 13-14, with 8-9 free pterygiophores. Anal-fin pterygiophores inserted anterior to haemal spine of first caudal vertebra 4-6.

Remarks. Anderson (1988) redescribed this species from 14 specimens 139-257 mm SL, including the holotype of Lycenchelys atacamensis Andriashev. The present material agrees well with other specimens, but meristics are extended as USNM 356654 had the fewest vertebrae (26 + 91) encountered so far, and consequently the fewest dorsal and anal rays. Morphometric data are extended slightly for a few characters. The largest specimen here, SAM 34530, is the second known gravid female. It contained 17 ova 4.6-5.9 mm in diameter. MNHN 1990-645 extends the range of this species into the Weddell Sea.


Published as part of M. Eric Anderson, 2006, Studies on the Zoarcidae of the southern hemisphere. X. New records from western Antarctica., pp. 1-15 in Zootaxa 1110 on pages 4-5


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Collection code
Event date
1976-02-18 , 1989-02-21 , 1996-11-15 , 1996-11-26
Material sample ID
MNHN 1990 - 645 , SAM 34530 , SAM 34600 , USNM 356654
Taxon rank
Verbatim event date
1976-02-18 , 1989-02-21 , 1996-11-15 , 1996-11-26
Taxonomic concept label
Lycenchelys antarctica Regan, 1913 sec. Anderson, 2006


  • Regan, C. T. (1913) The Antarctic fishes of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburugh, 49, 229 - 292, pls. 111.
  • Norman, J. R. (1938) Coast fishes, part 3. The Antarctic zone. Discovery Report, 18, 1 - 104.
  • Andriashev, A. P. (1980) On the deepest occurrence of a zoarcid fish (Lycenchelys atacamensis sp. n.) from the Atacama Trench (in Russian). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 59, 1105 - 1108.
  • Anderson, M. E. (1988) Studies on the Zoarcidae (Teleostei: Perciformes) of the southern hemisphere. I. The Antarctic and subantarctic regions. Antarctic Research Series, 47, 59 - 113.
  • Anderson, M. E. (1990 b) Zoarcidae. Eelpouts. In: Gon, O. & Heemstra, P. C. (Ed) Fishes of the Southern Ocean, J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, pp. 256 - 276.