Published December 31, 2007 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Archaeoteleia dispar Early, Masner & Johnson, 2007, new species


Archaeoteleia dispar Masner, new species

Description: Female. Length 3.0-4.8 mm. Color: body light brown; A1-A5 bright yellow, A6-A12 almost black; legs, including coxae, bright yellow; gena, ventral and lateral portions of mesosoma dark brown, metasomatic sternites darker than tergites.

Head (Figs. 36, 37, 40): vertex, temples, upper frons densely punctate, setose; patches of longitudinal rugulosity along inner orbits, middle portion of frons below anterior ocellus with fine, dense punctures, with fine, appressed pilosity; upper gena rugose punctate, sculpture more finely expressed in smaller specimens; eye sparsely setose; vertex between posterior ocelli and occipital carina slightly concave medially; LOL subequal to OOL; occipital carina sharp, acute, complete, simple to deeply crenulate; frons medially with strong keel reaching about half distance to anterior ocellus; striae on lower frons reaching inner orbits, striae on lower gena well developed; clypeus transversely striate, punctate dorsally, anterolateral corners strongly projecting; antennal toruli confluent with dorsal margin of clypeus; A1 4.6-5.5 times longer than wide; A2 2.5-2.7 times longer than wide; A3 1.9-2.3 times as long as A2; flagellum with fairly long, semierect setae; claval formula A6-A12/2-2-2-2-2-2-1.

Mesosoma (Figs. 36, 37): transverse pronotal carina almost straight, bladelike sharp, median tooth not pronounced, anterolateral corners only moderately angular, not spinelike; vertical epomia absent; horizontal epomia turned downward posteriorly, distinctly separated from mesoscutum, pronotal shoulders very broad, with rough rugulosity; side of pronotum glabrous, almost entirely smooth and shining; netrion distinctly delimited by arc of foveolae; mesoscutum strongly reduced, moderately convex, deeply punctured, with fine, scattered pilosity; admedian lines absent; notaulus deep, broad, coarsely foveolate; parapsidal line absent; transscutal articulation deep, strongly foveolate; scutellum strongly transverse, striplike, length 0.5-0.6 times length of mesoscutum, deeply punctate, with appressed pilosity, apical margin distinctly crenulate, slightly invaginated medially; scutellar spines strong, straight, sharply pointed, at about 45° angle to longitudinal axis of body or greater; mesopleural carina absent; mesopleuron predominantly glabrous, smooth, mesepisternum ventrally predominantly smooth, shining, almost glabrous, with row of deep crenulae above mid coxa; acetabular carina distinct, crenulate; posterior margin of mesopleuron with complete chain of deep foveolae reaching ventrally to coxal cavity; metapleuron predominantly glabrous, with only very few small, scattered setae, shining, with row of foveolae along anterior margin and arcuate foveolar line at meson, roughly rugulose above hind coxa, smooth and shining medially; propodeum moderately setose, posteromedially almost without sculpture, nearly smooth, submedian keels weakly developed or absent; tegula minute, but present; fore wing represented in form of scale behind tegula, twice as long as tegula in largest specimens; hindwing represented by small scale, more elongate in larger specimens, not reaching past propodeal spiracles; legs: robust, but not shortened; pretarsal claws strong; hind coxa unusually large, robust, only slightly shorter than hind femur, twice as long as mid coxa, reaching posteriorly nearly as far as apex of T2, posterior surface of distal portion with transverse wrinkles.

Metasoma relatively elongate, spindlelike, length 4.1-4.8 times width; length of T1 1.4 times width, dorsal surface of horn with transverse rugulosity, posterior part of tergite with irregular, rough rugulosity, near horn transversely oriented, near posterior margin longitudinally oriented; T2-T5 each with pair of longitudinal deep depressions; length of T2 0.7-0.8 times width; length of T3 0.6 times width; length of T4 0.6 times width; T2-T4 with exceptionally coarse, irregular rugulosity, becoming concentric in middle of sclerite, with sparse, semi-appressed setae, without bristles; length of T5 0.5-0.6 times width, depressions shallower, shorter; T6 distinctly elongate, length 2.3-2.8 times width, with finer irregular rugulosity, fairly dense semierect pilosity; small specimens with posterior surface of T1, entire T2-T4 predominantly longitudinally rugose, T5 with irregular rugulosity and punctures.

Male. Length: 2.8-4.6 mm. Color: light honey-brown with pleural and ventral region of mesosoma distinctly darker; wings slightly yellowish, not clear, with appreciable dark cloud under marginal vein; antenna and legs concolorous with body.

Head (Figs. 38, 39, 41): vertex, temples, frons rugose punctate, frons with dense appressed pilosity, upper gena entirely rugose punctate, sculpture finer in smaller specimens; eye with scattered hairs; vertex behind ocelli with moderate median longitudinal depression; LOL distinctly shorter than OOL, lateral ocelli far from inner orbits, ocellar triangle very compact; occipital carina sharp, complete, finely crenulate; median keel distinct, reaching midpoint between antennal insertion and anterior ocellus; facial striae strong, reaching inner orbit, extending to lower third of eye; clypeus very high, higher than wide, anterolateral corners strongly projecting, lower half with transverse rugae, upper half almost smooth; toruli contiguous with upper margin of clypeus; A1 3.9-4.0 times as long as wide; A2 1.3 times as long as wide; A3 4.4 times as long as A2; A5-A9 gently to distinctly arched, elongate; A4 and A5 with distinct keels, keel longer on A4, in smaller specimen keels subequal in length.

Mesosoma (Figs. 38, 39): transverse pronotal carina complete, well developed, anterolateral corners angular, but not spinelike, no middle tooth; vertical epomial carina absent; horizontal epomial carina well developed, pronotal shoulder fairly broad, rugose punctate; side of pronotum partly smooth, with scattered punctures at margins; netrion well developed; mesonotum entirely covered by fine appressed pilosity, middle lobe of mesoscutum mesally with transverse rugulae, laterally densely rugospunctate; admedian lines rudimentary; notaulus complete, deeply incised, with fine foveolae; parapsidal line evanescent; transscutal articulation broad, with large foveolae; scutellum almost rectangular, densely punctate, length 0.5 times length of mesoscutum; scutellar spines short, straight, acute, pointing diagonally backwards; mesopleural carina not developed, but replaced by 3-4 longitudinal furrows on mesepisternum; upper portion of mesopleuron entirely smooth, shining, glabrous, mesepisternum below partly smooth, with scattered punctures; acetabular carina fine; chain of foveolae on posterior margin of mesopleuron complete, extending ventrally to coxal cavity; metapleuron largely glabrous, with only scattered fine hairs, with rough irregular rugulosity above hind coxa, area topped by arcuate of foveolae medially, upper metapleuron with smooth glabrous mirror, carina between metapleuron and propodeum sharply raised; propodeum with irregular, rough rugulosity, relatively sparse pilosity, median keels not developed, but with two irregular rudiments in area of keels; fore wing slightly to strongly exceeding tip of metasoma, basal vein strongly pigmented, delicate infuscated cloud below marginal vein, postmarginal vein distinctly tracheate, length 2.5 times length of stigmal vein, stigmal vein distinctly arched and slightly to distinctly hooklike at apex, Rs, M, Cu well-defined by nebulous streaks; hind basitarsus relatively strong, hind coxa very large, on posterior surface with irregular rugulosity and several transverse wrinkles above apex.

Metasoma (Figs. 38, 39) distinctly elongate, length 3.3-3.6 times width; length of T1 equal to width; length of T2 0.6 times width; length of T3 0.6 times width; length of T4 0.6 times width; length of T5 0.5 times width; all five basal tergites with longitudinal costae, some irregular rugulae at sides; width of T6 0.6 times length; tergites beyond T6 extremely small, length of T7 0.3 times width, length of T8 0.6 times width.

Diagnosis: The female is differentiated from the other flightless species, A. pygmea and A. submetallica, by the presence of short stubs of wings, deeply incised and foveolate notaulus, well-developed and foveolate transscutal articulation, and the elongate metasoma with pairs of longitudinal sublateral depressions on T2- T5. The male is distinguished from most Chilean species by the elongate, tracheate postmarginal vein, a character shared with A. pygmea and A. robusta. From those two species the male may be distinguished by the well-developed notauli (absent in A. pygmea) and the gentle, but distinct bowlike curving of antennomeres 5- 8 (straight and cylindrical in the other two species).

Etymology: The specific epithet dispar, Latin for unlink or different, stresses the strong secondary sexual dimorphism of the males and females.

Link to Distribution Map. [ _page?page_level=3&page_id=taxon_page_data&page_version=190981 &page_option1=M]

Material Examined: Holotype female: CHILE: Los Lagos, Chiloe Is., Ahoni Alto, 70 m., 22.II.1988, primary forest, pan trap, L. Masner, OSUC 163624. Deposited in CNCI.

Paratypes: CHILE: Aisen, Parque Nacional Rio Simpson, 70 m, 33 km E Puerto Aisen, 22.II.1988, J. Peck, S. Peck, male, OSUC 146498 (CNCI). Araucania, Lago Caburgua, 21 km NE Pucon, 600 m, 15.XII.1984 - 10.II.1985, J. Peck, S. Peck, female, OSUC 146496 (CNCI). Los Lagos, N of Correntoso, El Chingue, Prov. de Llanquihue, IV-V.1989, L.E. Pena, male, OSUC 146499 (CNCI); 30 km W La Union, 600 m, Prov. de Valdivia, 10.II.1988, G.B. Edwards, female, OSUC 146497 (CNCI); 34 km W La Union, 700 m, Prov. de Valdivia, 17.XII.1984 - 7.II.1985, J. Peck, S. Peck, female, OSUC 146495 (CNCI); 37 km SE Chaiten, 60 m, Prov. de Palena, 28.XII- 30.I.1985, J. Peck, S. Peck, female, OSUC 146494 (CNCI); Ahoni, 70 m, primary forest, Isla Chiloe, IV.1988, L. Masner, Malaise trap, male, AMNZ 75763. Chepu, 42°S, 120 ft, mixed forest, Isla Chiloe, female, OSUC 163623 (CNCI); Chiloe Is., Ahoni Alto, 70 m., 22.II.1988, primary forest, pan trap, L. Masner, OSUC 146500, 163625 (CNCI); Las Trancas, 500 m, 30 km W La Union, Prov. de Valdivia, 7.II.1988, L. Masner, male, OSUC 146501 (CNCI); Parque Nacional Chiloe, 42°20'S 747'W, sea level, Isla Chiloe, 11- 12.XII.2002, L. Masner, male, OSUC 146504 (CNCI); Piopio, Isla Chiloe, 3- 15.II.1995, A. Ugarte, male, OSUC 146503 (CNCI); Rio Puntra & Rt.5, 100m, Isla Chiloe, 24.II.1988, L. Masner, male, OSUC 146502 (CNCI).


Published as part of Early, J. W., Masner, L. & Johnson, N. F., 2007, Revision of Archaeoteleia Masner (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea, Scelionidae)., pp. 1-48 in Zootaxa 1655 on pages 25-28


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