Epipocus Germar 1843
Epipocus Germar, 1843: 86.
Type species: Endomychus tibialis Chevrolat, 1834.
This is the most diverse genus in México and its species are widespread in this country. It usually has been collected from rotting logs, under bark and feeding on lignicolous fungi of the families Auriculariaceae, Sirobasidiaceae and Polyporaceae and on sporophores of Boletaceae mushrooms (Navarrete-Heredia 1996, 1997). Some specimens have been found on rotting bananas and some others were attracted to lights. In México Epipocus is present in almost all kinds of forests and in plantations of coffee and bananas; collected through the year but more abundant in the rainy season: June to October. Strohecker (1977) revised this genus and recognized 32 species distributed from northeastern United States to Colombia, with México being the most important diversification center. Tomaszewska (2000) presented a detailed generic description. McHugh & Pakaluk (1997) described the larval stages. Twenty described and one probably unnamed species in México.
32. E. aztecus Strohecker, 1977.
Epipocus aztecus Strohecker, 1977: 307.
Type locality: México: Oaxaca, 22.4 mi. N. Puerto Escondido.
Type material: holotype in FSCA.
Distribution: México: OAX.
All recorded specimens were collected from Oaxaca in July. The paratype specimen labeled “C. de Plumas” designated by Strohecker (1977) probably belongs to the locality “Cerro de las Plumas (Ihuitepec)” in Oaxaca (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática 2002).
33. E. balli Strohecker, 1977.
Epipocus balli Strohecker, 1977: 311.
Type locality: México: Chiapas, 3.1 mi. N. Pueblo Nuevo, Rte 195. Type material: holotype in FSCA.
Distribution: México: CHIS; Guatemala.
34. E. brunneus Gorham, 1889. Fig. 10.
Epipocus brunneus Gorham, 1889: 124; Strohecker 1977: 308.
Epipocus mollicomus Arrow, 1920: 45; Blackwelder 1945: 438; Strohecker 1953: 67.
Type locality: México: Sinaloa?, Presidio.
Type material: lectotype in BMNH.
Distribution: México: DGO, JAL, NAY, SIN.
According to the known distribution of this species, the locality “Presidio” in the Biologia Centrali-Americana (Gorham 1889) refers to “Estacion Presidio in Mazatlan” (Selander & Vaurie 1962) in Sinaloa. Beetles of this species have been collected from June to August, although little is known about their habits.
35. E. cinctus LeConte, 1853. Fig. 10.
Epipocus cinctus LeConte, 1853: 358; Gerstaecker 1858: 246; Gorham 1889: 121; Blackwelder 1945: 438; Strohecker 1953: 67; Strohecker 1977: 313.
Epipocus mutilatus Gerstaecker, 1858: 249; Gorham 1889: 122; Blackwelder 1945: 438; Strohecker 1953: 67.
Type locality: United States of America: Texas.
Type material: holotype in MCZ.
Distribution: México, CHIS, OAX, PUE *, SLP, VER. United States of America, Guatemala. The specimens of this species have been collected from April to November at an altitude from 30 to 1640
meters above sea level.
36. E. cryptus Strohecker, 1977.
Epipocus cryptus Strohecker, 1977: 320.
Type locality: México: Veracruz, Xalapa.
Type material: holotype in BMNH.
Distribution: México: VER.
This species seems to be present near 1500 meters above sea level. A specimen in IEXA collection was collected in June from “fungus and trunk”. Two females from “Motzorongo” and “Paraje Nueve” Veracruz, preserved in NMNH are labeled as paratypes of “ Epipocus cryptus Strohecker, 1974 ”. However, in the formal description of Epipocus cryptus (Strohecker 1977) these specimens were not designated as type material, but are listed as E. rufitarsis (Chevrolat) to which they clearly belong.
37. E. figuratus Gerstaecker, 1858.
Epipocus figuratus Gerstaecker, 1858: 247; Gorham 1889; Blackwelder 1945: 438; Strohecker 1953: 67; Strohecker 1977: 314.
Type locality: México.
Type material: lectotype in MNHN.
Distribution: México: CAMP *, CHIS *, QROO, TAB, VER?, YUC. Guatemala, Belize, Costa Rica. The first record from Campeche is also the first record for the family in this state. The record from Xal-
apa, Veracruz in Gorham (1889) is treated here as dubious due to the distribution of this species reported by Strohecker (1977) where no Veracruz locality was cited. Collected from January to July at an altitude from 7 to 850 meters above sea level.
38. E. flavipes Strohecker, 1977.
Epipocus flavipes Strohecker, 1977: 322.
Type locality: México: Veracruz, Tlapacoyan. Type material: holotype in IMLA.
Distribution: México: VER.
39. E. gorhami Strohecker, 1977. Fig. 11.
Epipocus gorhami Strohecker, 1977: 308.
Type locality: United States of America: Arizona, Patagonia.
Type material: holotype in FSCA.
Distribution: México: DGO, NAY, SIN; United States of America. Specimens have been collected in logs infested by Polyporaceae fungus from June to September at an alti-
tude from 1 to 1360 meters above sea level.
40. E. guatemoc Strohecker, 1977.
Epipocus guatemoc Strohecker, 1977: 324.
Type locality: México.
Type material: holotype in MNHUB.
Distribution: México (without specific data of the distribution).
41. E. longicornis Gerstaecker, 1858. Fig. 12.
Epipocus longicornis Gerstaecker, 1858: 255; Gorham 1889: 123; Blackwelder 1945: 438; Strohecker 1953: 67; Strohecker 1977: 305.
Epipocus binotatus Gorham, 1889: 124; Blackwelder 1945: 438; Strohecker 1953: 67; Strohecker 1977: 305; Navarrete- Heredia 1996.
Type locality: México.
Type material: holotype in MNHUB.
Distribution: México: DF, GRO, JAL, MEX *, MICH, MOR, SIN, VER?.
The first record from the State of Mexico is also the first record for the family in this State. The record from Cordoba, Veracruz reported by Gorham (1889) was not confirmed in Strohecker’s review (1977) where no Veracruz locality was listed. Therefore it is treated here as dubious.
Specimens of this species has been collected from February to November, predominantly present in localities over 1140 meters above sea level, with one record from Sinaloa at 120 m. The majority of the specimens have been found in rotting logs or logs infested by lignicolous fungus like Sirobasidium sanguineum (Sirobasidiaceae); others seem to feed on Boletaceae mushrooms (Navarrete-Heredia 1996).
42. E. mixtecus Strohecker, 1977.
Epipocus mixtecus Strohecker, 1977: 323.
Type locality: México.
Type material: holotype in BMNH.
Distribution: México (without specific data of the distribution).
43. E. opacus Strohecker, 1977.
Epipocus opacus Strohecker, 1977: 306.
Type locality: United States of America: Arizona, Sta. Cruz Co., 2 mi. w. Patagonia. Type material: holotype in FSCA.
Distribution: México: BCS; United States of America.
The locality cited by Strohecker (1977) as “ 20 mi. n. Comondu” occurs in the Mexican state of Baja California Sur (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática 2002).
44. E. punctatus LeConte, 1853. Fig. 13.
Epipocus punctatus LeConte, 1853: 358; Guérin-Méneville 1857: 265; Gerstaecker 1858: 252; Strohecker 1953: 67; Strohecker 1977: 311.
Epipocus bivittatus Gerstaecker, 1858: 253; Gorham 1889: 122; Blackwelder 1945: 438; Strohecker 1953: 67.
Type locality: United States of America: Georgia.
Type material: lectotype in MCZ.
Distribution: México, CHIS, DGO?, PUE, SLP*, TAMPS, VER, YUC; United States of America, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panamá.
The record from “Villa Lerdo in Durango” in Gorham (1889) is treated here as dubious due to the distribution of this species reported by Strohecker (1977) where none Durango locality was listed. Some specimens have been collected from hard bracket fungus and banana debris. Present at an altitude from 7 to 1769 meters above sea level from June to October.
45. E. rufitarsis (Chevrolat, 1835).
46. E. sallaei Gorham, 1889.
Epipocus sallaei Gorham, 1889: 125; Blackwelder 1945: 438; Strohecker 1953: 67; Strohecker 1977: 315.
47. E. subcostatus Gorham, 1889. Figs. 11, 25.
Epipocus subcostatus Gorham, 1889: 123; Blackwelder 1945: 438; Strohecker 1953: 67; Strohecker 1977: 309.
Type locality: México: Morelos, Cuernavaca.
Type material: lectotype in BMNH.
Distribution: México: GRO, JAL, MOR, OAX *.
We were not able to find the locality cited by Strohecker (1977) as “Sola”, but it may refer to Sola de Vega in Oaxaca (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática 2002). This species has been collected from June to November at an altitude of 1050 to 1952 meters above sea level, with one record from 10 meters. Some specimens were attracted to light.
48. E. tibialis (Chevrolat, 1834). Fig. 14.
Endomychus tibialis Chevrolat, 1834: no. 94.
Endomychus (Epipocus) tibialis Chevrolat, 1844: 317.
Epipocus tibialis Gerstaecker, 1858: 251; Gorham 1889: 122; Blackwelder 1945: 438; Strohecker 1953: 68; Strohecker 1977: 310.
Type locality: México.
Type material: Illustration of lectotype in the Iconographie Regne Animal, partie 7: pl. 50, fig. 9. Distribution: México: CHIS, HGO *, JAL *, NAY, SLP, OAX *, PUE *, QRO*, TAB, VER, YUC; Guatemala, Belize.
This is an endomychid species with a wide distribution throughout the Mexican territory. However, the data obtained are not enough to infer the habits of this species. It has been found associated with lignocolous fungi like Auricularia mesenterica and unidentified Polyporaceae, also in banana debris. Present at an altitude from 10 to 1460 meters above sea level, practically during the whole year.
49. E. toltecus Strohecker, 1977.
Epipocus toltecus Strohecker, 1977: 308.
Type locality: México: Oaxaca, 22.4 mi. n. Puerto Escondido. Type material: holotype in FSCA.
Distribution: México: OAX.
50. E. tristinoctis Strohecker, 1977.
Epipocus tristinoctis Strohecker, 1977: 321.
Type locality: México.
Type material: holotype in BMNH.
Distribution: México: CHIS?.
One female from Chiapas was tentatively identified as belonging to this species.
51. E. unicolor Horn, 1870. Fig. 13.
Epipocus unicolor Horn, 1870: 96; Blackwelder 1945: 438; Strohecker 1953: 68; Strohecker 1977: 305. Epipocus parvus Arrow, 1920: 45; Blackwelder 1945: 438; Strohecker 1953: 67.
Epipocus punctipennis Casey, 1916: 145; Blackwelder 1945: 438; Strohecker 1953: 67.
Type locality: United States of America: Colorado.
Type material: lectotype in MCZ.
Distribution: México: CHIH, COL *, JAL, SON.
This is the first confirmed record for this species and for the family Endomychidae from the state of Colima. This record is based on a specimen from NMNH, which bears the label data “Colima Col.”. This specimen was studied by H.F. Strohecker and could be the reference for the locality cited as “Jalisco, Volcan Colima” (Strohecker 1977). The most frequent habitat of this species is in rotting logs and under bark; in addition, a group of beetles were found feeding on Fistulinella sp. (Boletaceae). This species is present in areas above 1800 meters above sea level, mainly in pine and pine-oak forests.
Comment on Epipocus fuliginosus
Guérin-Méneville (1857) and Gerstaecker (1858) named their new species as Epipocus fuliginosus.
Epipocus fuliginosus Guérin-Méneville, 1857: 266 Type locality: Cartagena
E. fuliginosus Gerstaecker, 1858: 244
Type locality: Nova Granada
Strohecker (1953) in his catalogue treated both names as synonymies and reported the species from Colombia and México. In his revision of Epipocus (Strohecker 1977), however, he considered Guérin’s and Gerstaecker’s species as separate. He classified the species of Gerstaecker in the genus Epipocus giving to it a new name E. funeralis, while the species of Guérin was later moved to the genus Anidrytus (Strohecker 1997). Neither Anidrytus fuliginosus nor Epipocus funeralis were listed in Strohecker’s papers as present in México. We are following this situation in the present paper.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Endomychidae
- Genus
- Epipocus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Germar
- Taxon rank
- genus
- Taxonomic concept label
- Epipocus Germar, 1843 sec. Arriaga-Varela, Tomaszewska & Navarrete-Heredia, 2007
- Germar, E. F. (1843) Eumorphus, pp. 84 - 86. In, Ersch J. S. and J. G. Gruber, Algemeine Encyclopaedie der Wissenschaften und Kuentze, Vol. 39, Eugen - Ezzelino, Leipzig.
- Chevrolat, L. A. A. (1834) Trimere-Chrysomeline. In: Coleopteres du Mexique, G. Silbermann (ed.), Strasbourg, fasc. 4. no. 94.
- Navarrete-Heredia, J. L. (1996) Coleopteros micetocolos de Basidiomycetes de San Jose de los Laureles, Morelos, Mexico. M. Sc. Thesis, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Mexico D. F. pp. 179.
- Navarrete-Heredia, J. L. (1997) Coleopteros asociados a Basidiomycetes. In: Gonzalez-Soriano E., Dirzo R. & Vogt R. C. (Eds), Historia Natural de Los Tuxtlas. Instituto de Biologia e Instituto de Ecologia, UNAM, Mexico D. F., pp. 381 - 382.
- Strohecker, H. F. (1977) Revision of the genus Epipocus (Coleoptera, Endomychidae). Transactions of the American Entomology Society, 103, 303 - 325.
- Tomaszewska, K. W. (2000) Morphology, phylogeny and classification of adult Endomychidae (Coleoptera, Cucujoidea). Annales Zoologici, 50 (49), 449 - 558.
- McHugh, J. V. & Pakaluk J. (1997) Review of the larval stages of Epipocinae (Insecta, Coleoptera, Endomychidae). Annales Zoologici, 47 (1 / 2), 59 - 77.
- Arrow, G. J. (1920) A contribution to the classification of the coleopterous family Endomychidae. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1 - 83, pl. 1.
- Blackwelder, R. E. 1945. Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, The West Indies, and South America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 185, 343 - 550.
- Strohecker, H. F. (1953) Coleoptera Fam. Endomychidae. In, Wytsman P. (ed.), Genera Insectorum. Desmet-Verneuil, Brussels, 140 pp.
- Selander, R. B. & Vaurie P. (1962) A Gazetteer to accompany the " Insecta " Volumes of the " Biologia Centrali-Americana ". American Museum Novitates, 2099, 1 - 70.
- Gerstaecker, A. (1858) Monographie der Endomychiden, einer Familie der Coleopteren. In: Gerstaecker A., Entomographien. Abhandlugen in Bereich der Gliederthiere, mit besonderer Benutzung der Koenigl. Entomologischen Sammlung zu Berlin. Erster Band. W. Engelmann, Leipzig. XIV + pp. 433, 3 pls.
- Guerin-Meneville, F. E. (1857) Materiaux pour une Monographie des Coleopteres du groupe des Eumorphides, et plus specialement du genre Eumorphus. Archives entomologiques, 1, 237 - 280, 1 pl.
- Chevrolat, L. A. A. (1835) Trimere-Chrysomeline. In: Coleopteres du Mexique, G. Silbermann (ed.), Strasbourg, fasc. 5. no. 123.
- Chevrolat, L. A. A. (1844) In Guerin-Meneville. Iconographie du regne animal de G. Cuvier, ou representation d'apres les plus remarquables, et souvent non encore figurees, de chaque genre d'animaux. Insectes. J. B. Bailliere, Paris, 576, 51 pls.
- Horn, G. (1870) Contribution to coleopterology of United States. Transactions of the American Entomology Society, 3, 69 - 97.
- Casey, T. (1916) Memoirs on the Coleoptera 7. New Era Print. Co., Lancaster, 300 pp.
- Strohecker, H. F. (1997) An illustrated descriptive catalogue of the genera Anidrytus Gerstaecker and Epopterus Chevrolat, with descriptions of new species (Coleoptera, Endomychidae). Insecta Mundi, 11 (2), 158 - 188.