Published December 31, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Mimesa Shuckard, sp. nov.


Key to the species of Mimesa Shuckard from China

1. Petiole very short: hind trochanter reaching or nearly reaching end of petiole, hind femur far exceeding end of petiole...............................................................................................................................................2

- Petiole longer: hind trochanter not reaching end of petiole, hind femur slightly to far exceeding end of petiole...............................................................................................................................................................4

2. Dorsal surface of petiole with a sturdy, obtuse longitudinal carina medially; vertex with sparse, fine punctures ............................................................................................................................ M. crassipes A. Costa

- Dorsal surface of petiole convex, without carina; vertex with dense and small to midsize punctures…....3

3. Clypeus near apex with transverse round tubercle medially; border of propodeal enclosure ill defined...... .......................................................................................................................... M. breviventris F. Morawitz

- Clypeus near apex without tubercle; propodeal enclosure delimited by triangular, moderately strong carina ....................................................................................................................... M. sibirica (de Beaumont)

4. Dorsal surface of petiole with longitudinal carina medially........................................................................5

- Dorsal surface of petiole convex or flat, without carina..............................................................................7

5. Clypeus near apex without tubercle medially ............................................ M. punctipleuris (Gussakovskij)

- Clypeus near apex with transverse tubercle medially..................................................................................6

6. Clypeal free margin with four denticular prominences medially, near free margin with transversely elongate oval tubercle medially, tubercle longer than half length of clypeal apical prominences ....................... ......................................................................................................................... M. rhyssocephalica, sp. nov.

- Clypeal free margin with four sinuate prominences medially, near free margin with two dentate tubercles, tubercles shorter than half length of clypeal apical prominences ...................................... M. grandii Maidl

7. Petiole flat dorsally ..................................................................................................... M. lutaria (Fabricius)

- Petiole convex dorsally................................................................................................................................8

8. Clypeus near apex without tubercle medially, or tubercle inconspicuous.....................................................9

- Clypeus near apex with transverse, round or elongate, oval tubercle medially.........................................11

9. Ocellar area flat; vertex and gena with very dense, slender transverse ridges; border of propodeal enclosure ill defined ................................................................................................................ M. bicolor (Jurine)

- Ocellar area elevated; vertex and gena without transverse ridges; border of propodeal enclosure with triangular, sturdy, conspicuous carina...........................................................................................................10

10. Ocellar area and vertex medially slightly elevated; mesoscutum with dense, slightly coarse punctures; petiole very long, hind femur slightly exceeding end of petiole; petiole strongly convex dorsally; lateral surface of petiole with one sturdy longitudinal carina on each side and deep, longitudinal depression medially ............................................................................................................. M. concors (Gussakovskij)

- Ocellar area and vertex medially conspicuously elevated; mesoscutum with fine punctures, dense or sparse; petiole fairly long, hind femur far exceeding end of petiole; petiole slightly convex dorsally; lateral surface of petiole with one slender longitudinal carina on each side, without depression medially...... ................................................................................................................................ M. vindobonensis Maidl

11. Metapleuron with dense, slender, long ridges; gastral tergum I medially and posteriorly, and tergum II reddish brown ............................................................................................................ M. pekingensis (Tsuneki)

- Metapleuron without ridges, or with sparse, short ridges on upper portion; gastral segments I and II partly or wholly and sometimes segments I to IV partly or wholly reddish brown or fulvous; tergum IV and V posteriorly black or dark brown.................................................................................................................12

12. Petiole without carina laterally; gastral segments I–III and tergum IV (basally or all) reddish brown or fulvous.............................................................................................................................. M. kaszabi (Tsuneki)

- Petiole with one longitudinal carina on each side laterally; gastral segments I to II partly or wholly reddish brown or fulvous, sometimes also tergum IV basally; tergum III black or dark brown partly.................13

13. Petiole strongly convex dorsally; gastral tergum I medially and posteriorly, tergum II reddish brown or fulvous, terga III to V posteriorly dark brown ................................................... M. filippovi (Gussakovskij)

- Petiole weakly convex dorsally; gastral segments I–II, sometimes tergum IV basally reddish brown, tergum III black .................................................................................................................. M. caucasica Maidl


Published as part of Ma, Li, Li, Qiang & Chen, Xue-Xin, 2008, The genus Mimesa in China with descriptions of two new species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Crabronidae), pp. 19-29 in Zootaxa 1745 on pages 20-21, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.181635


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