Published December 31, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Draconarius zonalis Xu & Li, 2008, spec. nov.


Draconarius zonalis spec. nov.

Figs 43–49

Type material: Holotype female, 1 male paratype, CHINA: Hunan Province, Hengshan County (30.3°N, 102.8°E), Nanyue Mt., 6 October 2003, Xiang Xu leg. (IZCAS)

Etymology. The species name zonalis, -is, -e is derived from the Latin noun zona, meaning “belt” and referring to the copulatory ducts resembling a waistbelt; adjective.

Diagnosis. This species is similar to D. neixiangensis (Hu, Wang & Wang, 1991) in having short epigynal teeth and missing a patellar apophysis, but can be distinguished by the presence of a strongly curved median apophysis, the embolus having a sharp distal end and the conductor exhibiting an apophysis on the distal margin in males (Figs 44–46), and by the strongly sclerotised copulatory ducts and the strongly contorted spermathecae (Fig. 48).

Description. Holotype male. Total length 4.6 (specimen dried), prosoma 3.0 long, 2.0 wide; opisthosoma 1.6 long, 1.0 wide. Eye measurements: AME 0.10; ALE 0.18; PME 0.15; PLE 0.15; AME–AME 0.03; AME– ALE 0.05; PME–PME 0.10; PME–PLE 0.13; clypeus 0.15. Chelicerae with 3 promarginal and 2 retromarginal teeth (Fig. 43). Leg formula: IV, I, II, III; measurements of legs: I: 8.3 (2.3, 2.9, 2.0, 1.1); II: 7.5 (2.1, 2.5, 1.9, 1.0); III: 6.8 (1.9, 2.2, 1.8, 0.9); IV: 9.3 (2.5, 3.1, 2.6, 1.1). PLS with the distal segment slightly longer than the basal one.

Patellar apophysis absent; RTA sharp, with distal end extending beyond tibia; lateral tibial apophysis present; cymbial furrow short, about one fourth of cymbium length; conductor with apophysis on distal margin; dorsal apophysis of conductor large; median apophysis strongly curved distally; embolus moderately long, arising at approximately 7.30–o’clock–position (Figs 44–46).

Female paratype. Total length 4.6 (specimen dried). Prosoma 2.8 long, 1.8 wide; opisthosoma 1.8 long, 1.5 wide. Eye measurements: AME 0.10; ALE 0.20; PME 0.20; PLE 0.20; AME–AME 0.03; AME–ALE 0.05; PME–PME 0.05; PME–PLE 0.15; clypeus 0.15. Chelicerae with 3 promarginal and 2 retromarginal teeth. Leg formula: IV, I, II, III; measurements of legs: I: 8.1 (2.1, 2.5, 1.7, 0.9); II: 6.3 (1.8, 2.2, 1.5, 0.8); III: 5.5 (1.5, 1.7, 1.6, 0.7); IV: 8.1 (2.1, 2.8, 2.3, 0.9).

Epigynal teeth small, situated on the anterior epigynum and widely separated from the atrium; atrium strongly reduced and with posterior margin strongly sclerotised; copulatory ducts zonal, originating laterally; spermathecae complex, separated not far from each other (Figs 47–48).

Distribution. China (Hunan) (Fig. 49).


Published as part of Xu, Xiang & Li, Shuqiang, 2008, Ten new species of the genus Draconarius (Araneae: Amaurobiidae) from China, pp. 19-34 in Zootaxa 1786 on pages 33-34, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.182476


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sp. nov.
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Draconarius zonalis Xu & Li, 2008