Published December 31, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Nesomyrmex braunsi


Nesomyrmex braunsi (Forel, 1912) Fig. 1j -l

Dilobocondyla (Tetramyrma) braunsi Forel, 1912: 767. For type information and synonyms, see Bolton (1982).

Description of worker

HL 1.225-1.287, HW 1.033-1.109, HW1 1.111-1.152, CI 83-88, SL 0.885-0.942, SI 83-88, PW 0.825-0.865, ML 1.541-1.628, EL 0.285-0.334, EI 27-30 (5 of 29 measured).

Description matches that of Bolton (1982).


Nesomyrmex braunsi looks similar to N. simoni and N. saasveldensis but iseasily recognized by lacking spines on the propodeum, lacking hairs on the promesonotum (hairs abundant on promesonotum of the latter two species), and by being larger (HW 1.033-1.109 versus 0.783-0.884).


Specimens have been collected from pitfall, yellow pan,

and malaise traps, and by sweeping vegetation, in Nama-Karoo. Nest is in the soil; the entrance is in the open and can have a circle of soil round it.

Material examined

South Africa: Eastern Cape: Willowmore, [33°18'S 23°29'E], January 1913, Dr H. Brauns, SAM-HYM-C 004720; Western Cape: Elandsfontein farm, 32°18.14'S 22°56.85'E, Nama-Karoo on dolerite soils, Malaise trap, 24 April 2001, S. van Noort & H.G. Robertson, SAM-HYM-C 019119; Elandsfontein farm, Middelkamp, 32°17'47"S 23°0'6"E, Karoo on dolerite soils, circular nest entrance in open between bushes with scattering of soils round it, 22 February 2000, H.G. Robertson, SAM-HYM-C016133; Kamferskraal farm, 32°16.92'S 23°01.13'E, Nama-Karoo on dolerite soils, Pitfall, 22-29 April 2001, H.G. Robertson & R. Tourle, SAM-HYM-C019116; Kamferskraal farm, 32°13.92'S 23°01.13'E, Nama-Karoo on dolerite soils, Yellow pan trap, 22-29 April 2001, S. van Noort & D. Larsen, SAM-HYM-C019117; Kamferskraal farm, 32°13.61'S 22°58.43'E, Nama-Karoo on dolerite soils, Sweep, 20 April 2001, S. van Noort, SAM-HYM-C019118


Published as part of Mbanyana, N. & Robertson, H. G., 2008, Review of the ant genus Nesomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) in southern Africa., pp. 35-55 in African Natural History 4 on page 35


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  • FOREL, A. 1912. Descriptions provisoires degenres, sous-genres, et especes de Formicides des Indes Orientales. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 20: 761 - 774.
  • BOLTON, B. 1982. Afrotropical species of the myrmicine ant genera Cardiocondyla, Leptothorax, Melissotarsus, Messor and Cataulacus (Formicidae). Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History. Entomology 45: 307 - 370.