Epicrius tauricus Bregetova 1977
Epicrius tauricus Bregetova, 1977
Epicrius tauricus Bregetova, 1977: 31; Karg, 1993: 244; Gwiazdowicz, 2000: 469. Epicrius kargi Solomon, 1978: 9 (new synonymy); Karg, 1993: 244. Epicrius monticola.— Kalúz & Žuffová, 1989: 224; Kalúz, 1998: 78. Epicrius stellatus.— Kalúz, 1993: 72; Kalúz 1997: 67.
Epicrius schusteri.— Krumpál et al., 1998: 55.
Verified published data. Bukovské Vrchy Hills: Nová Sedlica, Dolina Zbojského Potoka; Nová Sedlica, Stužica, Kremenec; Nová Sedlica, Stužica, Krtia Lúka; Nová Sedlica, Stužica, Pod Kremencom; Runina, Ď urkovec; Ruský Potok, Veľký Bukovec; Topoľa, Pod Havešovou; Uličské Krivé, Rožok; Zboj, Stinská; Zboj, Stinská, Majková; Zboj, Slatina Pod Stinskou; Zboj, Sušice (Fenďa & Mašán 2003). Malá Fatra Mts.: Terchová, Rozsutec, Nové Diery (Fenďa & Mašán, 2003).
Revised published data. Malá Fatra Mts.: 1 Ψ – 15 June 1991, Šútovo, Šútovská Dolina (published as E. stellatus – Kalúz, 1997, coll. S. Kalúz); 2 ɗɗ – 3 October 1996, 5 October 1996, Terchová, Rozsutec (labelled as E. monticola – unpublished, coll. S. Kalúz). Slovenský Kras Karst: 1 Ψ – 27 July 1987, Silica, Silická Ľadnica (published as E. stellatus – Kalúz, 1993, deposited in the SNM Collection: SZ 5531); 1 ɗ – 4 May 1988, Hačava, Zádielska Planina, Grečov Vrch (published as E. monticola – Kalúz, 1998, coll. S. Kalúz). Ve ľká Fatra Mts.: 1 ɗ – 4 September 1985, Ľubochňa, Skalná Alpa (published as E. monticola – Kalúz & Žuffová, 1989, deposited in the SNM Collection: SZ 5531).
New data. 1 Ψ – 2/2; 1 ɗ – 6/1; 4 ΨΨ, 1 ɗ – 9/1; 1 Ψ – 9/2; 1 Ψ – 11/3; 1 Ψ – 13/1; 1 Ψ – 13/3; 1 ɗ – 13/4; 1 Ψ, 2 ɗɗ – 13/5; 1 ɗ – 13/6; 3 ΨΨ – 13/7; 1 ɗ – 13/8; 1 Ψ – 14/5; 1 Ψ – 15/1, 2 ΨΨ, 1 ɗ – 15/2; 1 Ψ, 2 ɗɗ – 15/3; 1 Ψ – 17/1; 2 ΨΨ – 20/1; 2 ɗɗ – 20/4; 4 ΨΨ, 5 ɗɗ – 20/5; 1 DN – 21/1; 1 Ψ – 23/1; 3 ɗɗ – 24/1; 2 ΨΨ – 28/3; 1 Ψ, 4 ɗɗ – 28/4; 1 Ψ – 28/5; 1 Ψ – 28/6; 1 Ψ – 29/2; 3 ΨΨ – 30/1; 2 ΨΨ, 3 ɗɗ – 30/2; 1 Ψ – 30/4; 1 Ψ – 30/5; 1 Ψ, 1 ɗ – 30/8; 6 ΨΨ, 1 DN – 30/9; 3 ΨΨ, 7 ɗɗ – 33/1; 1 Ψ, 5 ɗɗ – 36/1.
Notes. On the basis of the original descriptions and precise illustrations, I am not able to find any reliable differential characters for separating E. tauricus Bregetova, 1977 and E. kargi Solomon, 1978, both described from South-East Europe (Bregetova, 1977; Solomon, 1978). The distinguishing characters established by Karg (1993) are variable and scarcely applicable to specimens collected in Slovakia. In spite of the fact that the type material of both species was not available for study, there can be little doubt of their synonymy. It is interesting that before 2003, all specimens of this species from Slovakia were published under the names stellatus (females) or monticola (males), respectively.
Ecology. Eurypotent detriticole with wide ecological plasticity, and one of the most common epicriids widely distributed in Slovakia (Fig. 1). Euryzonal sylvicolous species ranging from low hilly countries (170 m) to the subalpine zone of mountains (1,560 m in dwarf pine forest in Veľká Fatra Mts.), with an optimum up to 1,000 m (Fig. 2). Epicrius tauricus can be found in various woodland habitats while its occurrence in grasslands was not recorded so far. It inhabits both deciduous and coniferous forests, but it is evidently most frequent and abundant in broad-leaved forests. Euryhygrophilous species because it does not avoid forested alluvial stands with more humid to waterlogged substrates (e.g. Alnion glutinosae and Petasition), and thermophilous and arid forest stands (Quercetum cerris). From the zoogeographical aspect, this species seems to be an original element of the South-East European fauna.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Epicriidae
- Genus
- Epicrius
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Mesostigmata
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Bregetova
- Species
- tauricus
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Epicrius tauricus Bregetova, 1977 sec. Án, 2008
- Bregetova, N. G. (1977) Cohort Epicriina. In: Ghilarov, M. S. & Bregetova, N. G. (Eds.), Handbook for the Identification of Soil Inhabiting Mites. Mesostigmata (in Russian). Nauka, Leningrad, pp. 28 - 39.
- Karg, W. (1993) Acari (Acarina), Milben Parasitiformes (Anactinochaeta), Cohors Gamasina Leach, Raubmilben. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands, 59, 1 - 523.
- Gwiazdowicz, D. J. (2000) Description of Epicrius tauricus male (Acari, Gamasida) with a key to males of European species of the genus Epicrius. Biologia, Bratislava, 55, 469 - 471.
- Solomon, L. (1978) Epicriidae from the Romanian fauna. Revue Roumaine de Biologie, Serie de Biologie Animale, 23, 9 - 14.
- Kaluz, S. & Zuffova, Z. (1989) Podne roztoce (Acarina) Statnej prirodnej rezervacie Skalna Alpa (Velka Fatra). Ochrana Prirody, 10, 213 - 230.
- Kaluz, S. (1998) Podne roztoce (Acarina) Grecovho vrchu (Slovensky kras). Entomofauna Carpathica, 10, 73 - 79.
- Kaluz, S. (1993) Podne roztoce (Acarina) v podmienkach teplotnej inverzie Chraneneho prirodneho vytvoru Silicka ladnica. Ochrana prirody - Naturae Tutela, 2, 65 - 80.
- Kaluz, S. (1997) Niektore skupiny podnych roztocov (Acarina) narodnej prirodnej rezervacie Sutovska dolina (NP Mala Fatra). Entomofauna Carpathica, 9, 65 - 70.
- Krumpal, M., Cyprich, D. & Fenda, P. (1998) Predbezny prehlad fauny roztocov (Acarina) a b l ch (Siphonaptera) hniezd niektorych druhov vtakov (Aves) a cicavcov (Mammalia) v Malej Fatre. In: Kornan, M. (Ed.), Vyskum a ochrana Krivanskej Fatry (1997). Sprava NP Mala Fatra, Varin, pp. 52 - 61.
- Fenda, P. & Masan, P. (2003) Roztoce - Acari (Parasitiformes, ex. Uropodina). In: Masan, P. & Svaton, J. (Eds.), Pavukovce Narodneho parku Poloniny - Arachnids of the Poloniny National Park (Arachnida: Araneae, Pseudoscorpiones, Opiliones, Acari - Parasitiformes). Statna ochrana prirody SR Banska Bystrica a Sprava Narodneho parku Poloniny, Snina, pp. 143 - 205.