Published December 31, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Cryptodacus trinotatus Norrbom & Korytkowski, new species


Cryptodacus trinotatus Norrbom & Korytkowski, new species

Figs. 4–7, 19, 33, 34

Diagnosis. This species is very similar to C. tau and runs to that species in the key of Norrbom (1994). It differs as follows: face (Fig. 5), in addition to having a pair of large dark brown sublateral spots as in C. tau, also with an unpaired narrow medial brown vitta or 2 spots aligned along midline; clypeus dark brown (yellow to orange in C. tau); frons (Fig. 4) with brown marking in shape of hollow arrowhead extending from band on vertex and ocellar tubercle (only the brown band or mark on the vertex and ocellar tubercle present in C. tau (Fig. 2)); 2 frontal setae (3 in C. tau); postsutural sublateral white scutal vitta interrupted anterior to intra-alar seta (usually complete in C. tau, interrupted by paler brown area in Jalisco female); cell br hyaline between forks of radial veins, extreme base (posterior to cell bc) hyaline with brown margins (these areas yellow in C. tau); orange band from apical part of cell r1 with distal margin in cell r4+5 closer to level of apex of vein R2+3 than to level of crossvein dm-cu (its margin equidistant or closer to dm-cu in C. tau (Fig. 17)), apex of cell r1 entirely orange (without hyaline area as in C. tau); syntergite 1+2 (Fig. 7) mostly dark brown (except for white band on apical margin) versus mostly yellow in C. tau (Fig. 2); aculeus tip (Fig. 34) slightly less sagittate, slightly more elongate, and with slightly finer serrations than in C. tau (Figs. 29–30).

Description. Length 4.5–5.0 mm. Wing length 3.7–4.1 mm, width 1.5–1.7 mm.

Head (Fig. 4): Mostly yellow. Frons with brown marking in shape of hollow arrowhead, with narrow brown margins (yellow in center), extending from dark brown band on vertex and ocellar tubercle along medial and anterior margins of orbital plate and connecting in middle of anterior part of frons. 2 frontal setae, 2 orbital setae, well separated, distance between them 2.00–2.67 times distance from anterior seta to eye margin. Ocellar seta weak, 1–2 times length of ocellar tubercle. Gena yellow with elongate dark brown spot extending from eye to ventral margin. Posterior side of head yellow except postgena dark brown ventrally and lateral occipital sclerite with brown spot bordering occipital suture dorsally but ventral to lateral vertical seta, medial occipital sclerite sometimes with fainter pair of spots aligned with spot on lateral sclerite. Face (Fig. 5) with ventral margin strongly concave, 0.56–0.58 times as high (measured medially) as wide (measured between ventral corners), with pair of large dark brown sublateral spots and unpaired narrow medial dark brown vitta or (1 specimen) 2 spots aligned along midline, lateral margin yellow. Clypeus and prementum dark brown, palpus yellow. Antenna with scape and pedicel yellow, first flagellomere pale to moderate brown, elongate, 4.7–5.2 times as long as wide, apex flattened, in lateral view rounded and sometimes slightly expanded. Arista short pubescent on distal three-fifths.

Thorax (Fig. 6): Mostly dark brown, with following whitish markings: Posterior two-thirds of postpronotal lobe and scutum posterior to it, in one specimen connected to band on transverse suture; band on transverse suture (interrupted medially), across posterior part of notopleuron and posterior margin of anepisternum, almost reaching katepisternum; elongate spot on dorsal margin of katepisternum, extending to or almost to katepisternal seta; single medial and paired sublateral vittae on scutum, medial vitta short, not reaching level of band on transverse suture anteriorly, extending to or almost to acrostichal seta posteriorly, lateral vitta connected to band on transverse suture, extending almost to level of postalar seta but not reaching intra-alar seta; large rectangular area posterior and lateral to intra-alar seta; and scutellum except extreme base of disk and side. Scutum microtrichose except small area on posterior half of presutural part equidistant from midline and lateral margin, with denser submedial vitta. Chaetotaxy normal for genus, postpronotal, 2 notopleural, 1 anepisternal, anepimeral, katepisternal, postsutural supra-alar, intra-alar, postalar, acrostichal, and 2 scutellar setae well developed. Presutural supra-alar seta relatively small, half to two-thirds size of postsutural supraalar seta. Dorsocentral seta aligned one-half to two thirds distance from postsutural supra-alar seta to postalar seta. Legs with coxae, trochanters except apices, most of femora, and hind tibia dark brown; apical third to half of fore femur and apices of mid and hind femora white to yellow; apex of hind tibia often yellow; other tibiae and tarsi yellow.

Wing (Fig. 19): Crossvein r-m 0.92 distance from bm-cu to dm-cu, covered by dark brown margin of discal band. Pattern including: brown and orange discal band covering all of cells bc and c and pterostigma, curving posteriorly to cover cell r1 posterior to pterostigma, base of cell r2+3, apex of cell br and crossvein r-m, apical fourth of cells dm and cu1, band dark brown anteriorly and posteriorly, distinctly paler orange or orange brown in pterostigma, and except for dark brown margins, in cells r1, r2+3, and br, and anteriorly in cell dm; brown area covering cell bm except anterodistal corner, cell bcu, and base of cell cu1, extending narrowly along vein Cu1 to connect with discal band, this spot only narrowly connected to base of discal band posterior to crossvein h, cell br hyaline between forks of radial veins, extreme base (posterior to cell bc) hyaline with brown margins; narrow orange band (displaced subapical band?) from apical part of cell r1 to middle of cell r4+5, its distal margin in cell r4+5 closer to level of apex of vein R2+3 than to level of crossvein dm-cu, not connected to discal band posteriorly, but narrowly connected to apical band anteriorly so that apex of cell r1 entirely orange; and apical band, narrower and orange in cells r1 and r2+3, brown in cell r4+5.

Abdomen (Fig. 7): With dark brown margins and medial T-shaped mark. Syntergite 1+2 and tergite 3 dark brown except narrow white band on apical margin of syntergite 1+2 and anterior margin of tergite 3, not reaching lateral margin, and narrow sublateral white marks on posterior margin of tergite 3. Tergites 4–6 brown laterally, with sublateral white area, about as broad as lateral brown area on tergites 4–5, much narrower than brown area on tergite 6, and with double submedial row of dark brown spots (forming base of Tshaped mark) separated by narrow medial white vitta narrower than brown spots except on tergite 6. Tergites nonmicrotrichose except anterior two-thirds of syntergite 1+2 and anterior margins of other tergites. Setulae acuminate, black.

Female terminalia: Oviscape orange, 0.90–1.06 mm long, stout. Aculeus (Fig. 33) (n=1) 0.80 mm long, tip (Fig. 34) (n=2) slender, elongate triangular, 0.13–0.14 mm long, apical 0.09 mm sagittate, triangular, 0.065 mm wide, finely serrate. 2 spermathecae globose with elongate base.

Type data. Holotype Ψ (USNM USNMENT 00214187), PANAMA: Panamá: Cerro Campana [UTM: 662.557 [EW] and 962.803 [NS]], trap 602, 14 Jun 2002, C. A. Korytkowski. Paratypes, PANAMA: Coclé: El Valle [8°36'N 80°8'W], trap N-8, 19 Oct 2000, C. A. Korytkowski, 1Ψ (MEUP 1026.00). Panamá: Cerro Campana, trap 602, 14 Jun 2002, C. A. Korytkowski, 2Ψ (USNM USNMENT 00214186, USNMENT 00214188); Cerro Campana, McPhail traps, Jun–Oct 2003, 39Ψ (MEUP 1218.03); Parque Nacional Chagres, Altos de Pacora [9°15'28"N 79°21'24"W], McPhail trap, 2003, C. A. Korytkowski, 1Ψ (MEUP 131.03).

Distribution. Cryptodacus trinotatus is known only from Panama.

Etymology. The name of this species is a Latin adjective referring to the three markings usually present on the face.

Comments. Unless otherwise indicated, measurements were made on three specimens.


Published as part of Norrbom, Allen L. & Korytkowski, Cheslavo A., 2008, New Cryptodacus (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Panama, with a key to the known species, pp. 31-43 in Zootaxa 1773 on pages 32-36, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.182184


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Scientific name authorship
Norrbom & Korytkowski
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Taxonomic concept label
Cryptodacus trinotatus Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2008


  • Norrbom, A. L. (1994) New species and phylogenetic analysis of Cryptodacus, Haywardina, and Rhagoletotrypeta (Diptera: Tephritidae). Insecta Mundi, 8, 37 - 65.