Penthoscapha lorentzi Heller
Penthoscapha lorentzi Heller
(Figs. 1–3, 22, 31, 32, 41–43, 70, 72)
Penthoscapha lorentzi Heller, 1914: 647 (type locality: Wichmann Mts.; see “Distribution” below). Diagnosis. Elytral sculpture basally foveate-rugose, basal margin and intervals 3 and 7 costate; microsculpture at apical declivity granulate, sutural interval subapically forming blunt protrusion (Fig. 22). Lateral contour of elytra (Fig. 1) subangulate.
Description. Lectotype, male (Fig. 1–2). Length. Total length 17.5 mm; pronotum + elytron 13.5 mm.
Coloration black except elytral declivity, antennal scape and parts of legs reddish brown; without conspicuous exocuticular pigments; dorsum of head and rostrum, base of pronotum, basal and lateral elytral edges and anterior surface of femora greyish, probably due to age related degradation of cuticle. Body subglabrous.
Head dull, coriaceous, dorsally subglabrous, ventrally sparsely setose; between eyes 1.13 X as wide as vertical diameter of eye, with pair of curved wrinkles bordering eyes, with longitudinal fovea continued posteriad on vertex as median furrow. Eyes markedly prominent from outline of head. Gena relatively long, 1.21 X as long as vertical diameter of eye.
Rostrum (Fig. 32) 1.72 X longer than wide at base; maximum width in front of antennal insertion 1.38 X width at base. Dorsum with broad, shallow impression, without median ridge; in front of eyes with distinct sublateral impressions.
Antenna. Funicle + club 1.76 X length of scape; club 3.65 X as long as wide.
Thorax. Pronotum 1.17 X wider than long; sides in basal half subparallel, widest in subapical third; disc punctate, weakly rugose, with round impression slightly in front of middle, midline weakly impressed. Thoracic venter subglabrous.
Elytron medially free, 4.49 X longer than wide between humeri; at greatest width 1.19 X wider than between humeri; side subangulate; basal margin costate; dull, coriaceous, granulate; in basal half striae foveate, intervals 3 and 7 costate, other intervals markedly transversely rugose, interval 7 forming sharp lateral edge; in apical half intervals flat, strial punctures shallow; sutural interval at apical declivity (Fig. 22) with blunt, glabrous protrusion visible in lateral aspect. Ala (Fig. 31) vestigial, length 9.5 mm, 0.94 X length of elytron.
Legs. Femora long, slender; metafemur in repose not quite reaching elytral apex. Tibiae ventrally weakly, sparsely denticulate; metatibia apically with subglabrous bevel; posterior distal comb of metatibia consisting of few dentiform setae, terminating ventrally on a protuberance (“secondary mucro”). Tarsi elongate, tarsomere 1 of metatarsus 2.3 X as long as wide, tarsomere 2 1.5 X as long as wide.
Abdomen. Ventrite 1–2 subglabrous, weakly sparsely punctate, with few scattered setae; ventrite 5 subapically with distinct median impression, densely punctate, sparsely setose. Genitalia. Aedeagus (Figs. 41–42) with sides subparallel beyond apical orifice, subapically distinctly constricted, apex extended, rounded; In lateral aspect apical tip distinctly curved dorsad. Transfer apparatus (Fig. 43) ca. 3 X as long as wide at base.
Material examined. Lectotype, male (Figs. 1–2): labels (Fig. 3): 1) [white, rectangular]: “Z. NieuwGuinea, Lorentz 1909-10 [printed], Wichmann Gebergte, 3000 M, XI.09 [handwritten]”, 2) [blue, small, quadrate] “1912 [printed], 6 [handwritten]”, 3) [red, rectangular] “ Typus! [printed], lorentzi [handwritten]“, 4) [white, rectangular] “Staatl. Museum für Tierkunde Dresden [printed]”, 5) [red, rectangular] “ LECTOTYPUS, Penthoscapha lorentzi Heller, det. A. Riedel 2009 [printed]”; condition: fair, left wing removed and glued to card, genitalia in glycerol, in microvial attached to pin (SMTD).
Distribution (Fig. 72). So far, this species is known from the type specimens only. Heller (1914) gives as type locality “Hellwig montes, altitudine 3000 m ”. This is evidently a mistake. The original label of the lectotype states “Wichmann Gebergte, 3000 m ”; besides that, the Hellwig mountains do not exceed 2600 m. Presumably, Heller erroneously copied the locality of the species described before which is Rhinoscapha (Niphetoscapha) wichmanni from the Hellwig mountains. Based on the data from the map given by Nouhuys (1914) and Google Earth the approximate coordinates of the type locality are E 138° 43.088´S 4° 25.201´. However, both the Hellwig mountains and the Wichmann mountains are not too distant from each other: they are about 18 km, respectively 25 km linear distance south of Mt. Trikora.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Curculionidae
- Genus
- Penthoscapha
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Heller
- Species
- lorentzi
- Taxon rank
- species
- Heller, K. M. (1914) Coleoptera. Nova Guinea. Resultats des expedition scientifique Neerlandaise a la Nouvelle-Guinee en 1907 et 1909 sous les auspices du Dr H. A. Lorentz, 9, Zoology, 5, 615 - 666.
- Nouhuys, J. W. van (1914) Ubersichtskarte der Expedition nach Zentral-Neu-Guinea 1907 und 1909 / 10 unter der Leitung von Dr. H. A. Lorentz. 1: 200.000. Resultats des expedition scientifique Neerlandaise a la Nouvelle-Guinee en 1907 et 1909 sous les auspices du Dr H. A. Lorentz, 9, Zoology 5.