There is a newer version of the record available.

Published February 28, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D3.4 Periodical assessment of the services V1 (Under EC Review)

  • 1. EGI Foundation
  • 2. INCD
  • 3. SURF
  • 4. GRNET
  • 5. EODC


A report that will provide assessment and statistics of all C-SCALE services provided under Virtual Access. 

This report presents the first assessment of the C-SCALE services provided through the Virtual Access (VA) mechanism to the users. These include computing and storage resources. This first version of the deliverable presents the existing VA installations, their management within the project and the initial usage delivered from the start of the project (January 2021) and until November 2021.



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European Commission
C-SCALE – Copernicus - eoSC AnaLytics Engine 101017529