Published December 31, 2009 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Dilipa fenestra Leech 1891


Dilipa fenestra (Leech, 1891)

(Figs. 2, 17)

Vanessa fenestra Leech, 1891: 26 [Type locality: “Omei-Shan”, northwestern China].

Dilipa fenestra: Seok, 1934: 730 (first record from Korea); Kishida and Nakamura, 1936: 533; Lee, 1982: 75; Masui and Inomata, 1993: 5; Chou, 1994: 438; Korshunov and Gorbunov, 1995: 72; Lee, 2005: 27.

Dilipa fenestra takacukai Seok, 1937: 31 [Type locality: “Songdo, Mt. Syōyō, Tyokusizi, Kyūzyō”]; Seok, 1939b: 109; Seok, 1942: 88; Kim and Mi, 1956: 397; Seok, 1973: 144; Shin, 1975: 45; Inomata, 1982: xviii.

Subspecies. The Korean populations are considered to belong to subsp. takacukai.

Adult. Active from early April to early June (one brood). Males puddle on wet ground, in full or partial sun, near or sometimes on rocks in streams, with wings spread (Fig. 17). They are sun loving butterflies seldom seen on cloudy days. They are attracted to sap fluids of Actinidia arguta (Siebold and Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq. var. arguta, sprouts of Acer saccharinum L. and decomposing organisms. In the afternoon, they engage in hilltopping on shrubs or rocks near streams. See Yoon and Kim (1989).

Larval host plants. Celtis jessoensis, Celtis sinensis, etc. (Joo et al. 1997).

Life cycle. See Yoon and Kim (1989). Eggs are laid one by one under leaves of the host plants. Larvae are solitary. The pupae hibernate.

Distribution. Korea (excluding northeastern mountainous areas, the Taebaek Mountains and the adjacent islands), China (including Tibet) and Far Eastern Russia.


Published as part of Lee, Young June, 2009, Apaturinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) from the Korean Peninsula: Synonymic Lists and Keys to Tribes, Genera and Species, pp. 1-20 in Zootaxa 2169 on pages 14-15, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.189163


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Dilipa fenestra Leech, 1891 sec. Lee, 2009


  • Leech, J. H. (1891) New species of Rhopalocera from North-West China. The Entomologist, 24 (Supplement), 23 - 31.
  • Seok, D. M. (1934) Papilioj en Koreujo (Unua Raporto). Bulletin of the Kagoshima Imperial College of Agriculture and Forestry, 25 th Anniversary, 1, 631 - 784.
  • Kishida, K. & Nakamura, Y. (1936) A catalogue of Japanese insects, fasc. 9. Lepidoptera. The Entomological World, Tokyo, 4, 433 - 673. (In Japanese)
  • Lee, S. - M. (1982) Butterflies of Korea. Editorial Committee of Insecta Koreana, Seoul. 125 pp., 63 pls.
  • Masui, A. & Inomata, T. (1993) Apaturinae of the world (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) - 5 -. Yadoriga, 155, 2 - 11.
  • Chou, I. [ed.] (1994) Monographia Rhopalocerorum Sinensium, 1 - 2. Henan Scientific and Technological Publishing House, Zhengzhou. 854 pp. (In Chinese)
  • Korshunov, Y. P. & Gorbunov, P. (1995) [Butterflies of the Asian part of Russia. A handbook] (Dnevnye babochki aziatskoi chasti Rossii. Spravochnik). Ural University Press, Ekaterinburg. 202 pp. (In Russian)
  • Lee, Y. J. (2005) A list of butterflies from Korea with notes on some changes in scientific names. Lucanus, Seoul, 5, 18 - 28. (In Korean with English abstract)
  • Seok, D. M. (1937) On two new subspecies of butterflies. Zephyrus, 7, 29 - 32. (In Japanese)
  • Seok, D. M. (1939 b) A synonymic list of butterflies of Korea (Ty o sen). Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Seoul. xxxl + 391 pp., 2 pls.
  • Kim, H. K. & Mi, S. W. (1956) [Correction of the scientific names of Korean butterfly list.] Commemorative Theses for the 70 th Anniversary of Ewha Womans University, Seoul. pp. 377 - 405. (In Korean)
  • Seok, D. M. (1973) The distribution maps of butterflies in Korea. Po Chin Chai, Ltd., Seoul. 517 pp. (In Korean)
  • Shin, Y. - H. (1975) Notes on the butterflies of Kwangnung, Korea (supplement). Journal of Research Institute of Science and Technology, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, 3, 41 - 47. (In Korean with English abstract)
  • Inomata, T. (1982) Appendix. pp. i - xxiv In: Mori, T., Doi, H., & Cho, F., Coloured butterflies from Korea (rep. edn.). Scientist Inc., Tokyo. 30 pls., 86 + 23 + xxiv pp. (In Japanese)
  • Yoon, I. - H. & Kim, S. - S. (1989) Some notes on the life history of Dilipa fenestra Leech (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Journal of the Amateur Lepidopterists' Society of Korea, 2, 60 - 63. (In Korean with English summary)
  • Joo, H. - Z., Kim, S. - S., & Sohn, J. - D. (1997) Butterflies of Korea. Kyo-Hak Publishing Co., Ltd., Seoul. 437 pp. (In Korean)