Key to the World genera of Litadeini (modified from Froeschner, 2001)
1. Pronotum with median carina elevated and inflated forming a cyst for virtually full length [Caution: Look carefully, for some genera reached by other half of couplet have a dorsal cyst formed by paranota being broadly reflexed and meeting dorsally]; paranota biseriate, closely reflexed against lower half of that cyst ... Cottothucha Drake and Poor
-. Pronotum with cyst absent or formed by strongly reflexed and elevated paranota meeting above median line........ 2.
2. Paranota absent or present and horizontal or vertical, never reflexed above pronotal surface, latter fully exposed (for reference, calli exposed) .............................................................................................................................................. 3.
-. Paranota very broad, reflexed, and meeting each other above midline of pronotum, forming a bulbous cyst conceal- ing dorsal surface of pronotum (for reference, calli not exposed) ............................................................................. 17.
3. Head with 3 long, slender processes (as long as length of head) extending horizontally forward from anterior margin of head [not to be confused with cephalic spines arising from dorsum of head] .................................. Palauella Drake
-. Head without such a marginal process ........................................................................................................................ 4.
4. Head without or, at best, with 2 cephalic spines or tubercles ...................................................................................... 5.
-. Head with 3 or more cephalic spines or tubercles ....................................................................................................... 8.
5. Pronotum short; clavi well developed, claval commissure present ............................. Therontingis Duarte Rodrigues
-. Pronotum long, with well developed triangular process; clavi reduced, claval commissure absent .......................... 6.
6. Paranota areolated, uni- or biseriate ......................................................................................... Nobarnus Distant [part]
-. Paranota very narrow, developed as a simple carina ................................................................................................... 7.
7. Antennal segments and anterior legs with numerous, small tubercles, each bearing an erect seta; vertex each side of midline with a sharp, deep sulcus arising from dorsal margin of eye, extending about half way to midline, then curved abruptly forward to about midlength of eye ........................................................................ Tadelia Linnavuori
-. Antennal segments and tibiae without setigerous tubercles; dorsum of head smooth, without such sulci .................... ................................................................................................................................................................. Litadea China
8. Costal margin at base transversely concave with lateral end projecting cephalad of hemelytral articulation; parano- tum with 3 or more rows of cells anteriorly................................................................................................................. 9.
-. Costal margin not projecting cephalad of hemelytral articulation; paranotum absent or composed of 1–2 rows of are- olae............................................................................................................................................................................. 10.
9. Discoidal area strongly, obliquely, tumidly elevated, distinctly overhanging very narrow, uniseriate subcostal area; peritreme absent ................................................................................................................ Aristobyrsa Drake and Poor
-. Discoidal area flat, not overhanging multiseriate (2 or more rows of cells) subcostal area; peritreme present, elevated ............................................................................................................................................... Stragulotingis Froeschner
10. Costal area expanded, wider than discoidal area, with three or more rows of large cells ......................................... 11.
-. Costal area narrower than discoidal area or almost equal to, composed of 1–3 rows of cells .................................. 15.
11. Pronotum short, triangular pronotal process shortened posteriorly........................................................................... 12.
-. Pronotum prolonged backward, triangular pronotal process fully developed ........................................................... 13.
12. Discoidal area flat, external margin of costal area strongly costate ................................................... Tanytingis Drake
-. Discoidal area tumidly elevated, external margin of costal area not costate........................ Malagasotingis gen. nov.
13. Pronotal collar tumidly elevated above level of posterior pronotal lobe, projecting convexly above base of head; antennal segment I less than twice as long as segment II ........................................ Psilobyrsa Drake and Hambleton
-. Pronotal collar not so elevated, not projecting above base of head; antennal segment I elongate, about 4 times as long as segment II ...................................................................................................................................................... 14.
14. Dorsomedial cephalic spine present, costal area in its basal part folded downwards ............... Cephalidiosus Guilbert
-. Dorsomedial cephalic spine absent, costal area in its basal part not folded downwards.......... Nobarnus Distant [part]
15. Paranotum for full length expanded, uniseriate ................................................................................ Ogygotingis Drake
-. Paranotum reduced to a simple carina without cells ................................................................................................. 16.
16. Costal area (except apical one-fourth) reduced to a simple carina without cells ............................... Larotingis Drake
-. Costal area for full length expanded, composed of 2–3 rows of areolae ............................. Pseudohegesidemus B. Lis
17. Antennal segment I very long, about 1.5 times as long as head. Hemelytral cells wholly hyaline................................ ................................................................................................................................................... Holophygdon Kirkaldy
-. Antennal segment I shorter than head. Cells of hemelytra, at least in part, opaque .................................................. 18.
18. Hemelytron with basal two-thirds black (except for post-median lateral white blotch) with cells small, almost punc- tiform; apical one-third yellow, with cells abruptly much larger; in lateral view, dorsal outline of paranotal cyst smoothly rounding to collar ............................................................................................... Aeopelys Drake and Ruhoff
-. Hemelytron not thus divided by cells size and color; in lateral view, dorsal outline of paranotal cyst abruptly decurved anteriorly, not reaching collar, i.e., cyst terminating above anterior coxae........ Oecharis Drake and Ruhoff
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- Journal article: 10.5281/zenodo.191853 (DOI)
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- Family
- Tingidae
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hemiptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Taxon rank
- tribe
- Froeschner, R. C. (2001) Lace Bug Genera of the World, II: Subfamily Tingidae: Tribes Litadeini and Ypsotingini (Heteroptera: Tingidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 611, 1 - 28.