Published December 31, 2009 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Potamodrilidae Bunke


Potamodrilidae Bunke

Potamodrilus fluviatilis (Lasto č kin)

Stephensoniella fluviatilis Lastochkin, 1935 Potamodrilus stephensoni Lastočkin, 1937

Ecology: FW

Distribution: PA

Habitat: HY, SB

Additional references: Chekanovskaya (1962, 1981), Bunke (1967, 1988), Van der Land (1971), Jouin (1973), Kasprzak (1981), Juget & Dumnicka (1986), Artheau & Giani (2006)


Published as part of Glasby, Christopher J., Timm, Tarmo, Muir, Alexander I. & Gil, João, 2009, Catalogue of non-marine Polychaeta (Annelida) of the World, pp. 1-52 in Zootaxa 2070 on page 38, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.187085


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  • Lastochkin, D. A. (1935) Two new river AEolosomatidae (Oligochaeta limicola). Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Series 10, 15, 636 - 645.
  • Lastockin, D. A. (1937) New species of Oligochaeta limicola in the European part of the USSR. Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie des Sciences de l'URSS, 17 (4), 233 - 235.
  • Chekanovskaya, O. V. (1962) Aquatic oligochaete worms of the fauna of the USSR. Opredeliteli po faune SSSR, 78, 1 - 411. [In Russian]
  • Chekanovskaya, O. V. (1981) Keys to the fauna of the USSR 78, Aquatic Oligochaeta of the USSR. Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, xxiv + 513 pp. [A translation of Chekanovskaya, 1962]
  • Bunke, D. (1967) Zur Morphologie und Systematik der Aeolosomatidae Beddard 1895 und Potamodrilidae nov. fam. (Oligochaeta). Zoologische Jahrbucher. Abteilung fur Systematik, Okologie und Geographie der Tiere, 94,187 - 368.
  • Bunke, D. (1988) 30. Aeolosomatidae and Potamodrilidae. In: Higgins, R. P. & Thiel, H. (Eds), Introduction to the study of meiofauna. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D. C., pp. 345 - 348.
  • Van der Land, J. (1971) Family Aeolosomatidae. In: Brinkhurst, R. O. & Jamieson, B. G. M. (Eds), Aquatic Oligochaeta of the world. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, pp 665 - 706.
  • Jouin, C. (1973) Nouvelles donnees sur Troglochaetus beranecki Delachaux (Archiannelida Nerillidae). Annales de Speleologie, 28 (4), 575 - 579.
  • Kasprzak, K. (1981) Skaposzczety wodne, I. Rodziny: Aeolosomatidae, Potamodrilidae, Naididae, Tubificidae, Dorydrilidae, Lumbriculidae, Haplotaxidae, Glossoscolecidae, Branchiobdellidae. Klucze do oznaczania bezkr c gowcow Polski, 4, 1 - 226.
  • Juget, J. & Dumnicka, E. (1986) Oligochaeta (incl. Aphanoneura) des eaux souterraines continentales. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.), Stygofauna Mundi. A faunistic, distributional, and ecological synthesis of the world fauna inhabiting subterranean waters (including the marine interstitial). E. J. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands, pp. 234 - 244.
  • Artheau, M. & Giani, N. (2006) A checklist of the groundfreshwater Oligochaeta and Polychaeta in France: an overview. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Biologie, 76, 229 - 255.