Camponotus elegans Forel 1902
Camponotus elegans Forel, 1902 stat.n. (Figs. 4 - 6)
Camponotus claripes r.elegans Forel, 1902 Type material examined: 3 syntypes (GMNH): 1 major and 2 minor workers " C claripes elegans Froggatt Aust Wallsend Forel".
Other material examined (in SAMA): Australian Capital Territory: Canberra (35° 18' S, 149° 08' E), 30. IX.2001, leg. T.Hands.New South Wales: Eatonsville (29° 38' S, 152° 50' E), 29.XI.1997, leg. A.J.McArthur & R.Eastwood; Eungella (28° 21' S, 153° 19' E), 9.I.1966, leg. B.B.Lowery; Hornsby (33° 42' S, 151° 06' E), 14.XII.1914, leg. W.M.Wheeler; Manly (33° 48' S, 151° 17' E), 24. IX.1914, leg. W.M.Wheeler; Royal NP (34° 04' S, 151° 04' E), 26.IX.1914, leg. W.M.Wheeler; Silverton (31° 53' S, 141° 14' E), 20.IX.1969, leg. R.H.Mew; Sutherland (34° 02' S, 151° 06' E), 22.IX.1914, leg. W.M.Wheeler; Trundle (32° 55' S, 147° 42' E), 5.I.1964, leg. B.B.Lowery.Queensland: Cunninghams Gap (28° 03' S, 152° 24' E), 3.XI.1958, leg. E.M.Exley; Dalby (27° 11' S, 151° 15' E), 5.VI.1959, leg. E.M.Exley; Warwick (28° 13' S, 152° 02' E), 30.XI.1997, leg. A.J.McArthur & R.Eastwood.South Australia: Adelaide (34° 56' S, 138° 36' E), 3.X.1998, leg. A.J.McArthur; Beltana (30° 50' S, 138° 23' E), 14.IX.1972, leg. J.E.Feehan; Bookmark (34° 10' S, 140° 45' E), 1.I. 1998, leg. E.Banna; Bordertown (36° 18' S, 140° 46' E), 9.XII.2007, leg. J.Samuel White; Bridgewater (35° 00' S, 138° 46' E), 5.XII.1994, leg. E.G.Matthews & J.A.Forrest; Burr Well (30° 23' S, 138° 41' E), 28.VIII. 1963, leg. B.B.Lowery; Callory Bore 4 km ESE (31° 49' S, 138° 48' E), 20.XI.1999, leg. SADEH NW Flinders Ra.Survey; Cape Borda 5 km E (35° 45' S, 136° 38' E), 15.IV.1973, leg. P.J.M Greenslade; Ceduna 20 km NW (32° 00' S, 133° 32' E), 29.X.1995, leg. R.Foster; Danggali CP (33° 31' S, 140° 28' E), 7.VIII.2000, leg. A.J.McArthur; Ferries MacDonald NP (35° 13' S, 139° 09' E), 5.X.1978, leg. E.G.Matthews; First Dam (33° 56' S, 140° 12' E), 12.X.2000, leg. RGS Book-ark Survey; Gluepot (33° 46' S, 140° 07' E), 6.XII.2000, leg. Gluepot Survey; Hambidge CP (33° 24' S, 135° 55' E), 22.VIII.2000, leg. T.Hands; Hideaway Hut (33° 45' S, 140° 32' E), 3.X.1996, leg. G.L.Howie; Karte CP (35° 07' S, 140° 42' E), 29.III.2000, leg. J.A.Forrest; Kolay Dam (32° 33' S, 135° 36' E), 11.XII.1989, leg. J.A.Forrest; Koona-more (32° 04' S, 139° 23' E), 6.IX.1996, leg. SADEH Koo-namore Survey; Lake Gilles CP (32° 56' S, 136° 46' E), 21.XI.1995, leg. B.Pike; Lashmars Lagoon (35° 48' S, 138° 04' E), 4.I.2002, leg. G.& R.Churchett; Minnawarra (35° 26' S, 138° 32' E), 20.IV.2002, leg. Scientific Exploration Group Survey; Mount Rescue CP (35° 54' S, 140° 22' E), 19.III.1992, leg. E.G.Matthews & J.A.Forrest; Mundulla (36° 22' S, 140° 42' E), 15.XII.1996, leg. SADEH Box & Bulloak Survey; Munyaroo CP (33° 22' S, 137° 20' E), 27. IX.2002, leg. SADEH Munyaroo Survey; Murray Bridge (35° 07' S, 139° 16' E), 9.III.1999, leg. M.Ludewigs; Ora-parinna (31° 22' S, 138° 43' E), 15.VI.1973, leg. J.A.Forrest; Orroroo (32° 44' S, 138° 37' E), 7.X.1976, leg. P.J.M.Greenslade; Padthaway (36° 36' S, 140° 29' E), leg. Chee Song Chong; Panaramatee (32° 39' S, 139° 38' E), 1.V.2008, leg. G. & R.Churchett; Pinkawillinie CP (33° 07' S, 136° 06' E), 25.XI.1995, leg. J.A.Forrest; Renmark (34° 10' S, 140° 45' E), 18.X.1996, leg. R.Grund; Sandford Dam (33° 20' S, 140° 54' E), 23.III.2001, leg. J.A.Forrest & D.Hirst; Scott Creek (35° 04' S, 138° 42' E), 12.XII.2001, leg. T.Hands; Sinclair Gap (33° 08' S, 137° 08' E), 10.XI.1999, leg. S.Barker; Strathalbyn (35° 16' S, 138° 54' E), 10.II.1981, leg. R.D.Robinson; Tiverton (32° 44' S, 139° 43' E), 30.IX. 2001, leg. G. & R.Churchett; Warren Gorge (32° 12' S, 138° 00' E), 23.III.1965, leg. R.V.Southcott; Waterfall Creek (35° 43' S, 136° 54' E), leg. D.Hirst; Woakwine (37° 26' S, 140° 06' E), 1.I.2003, leg. A.J.McArthur & A.A.Simpson; Wolseley (36° 22' S, 140° 54' E), 1.IV.2007, leg. J.Samuel White.Tasmania: Apsley Gorge (41° 51' S, 148° 10' E), 27.II.1994, leg. B.B.Lowery; Conara (41° 50' S, 147° 26' E), 3.XI.1994, leg. B.B.Lowery; Devonport (41° 11' S, 146° 21' E), 28.IV.2003, leg. R.Lavigne; Evandale (41° 34' S, 147° 15' E), leg. A.M.Lea; Flinders Island (40° 07' S, 148° 07' E), 5.XI.1991, leg. B.B.Lowery; Frankford (41° 20' S, 146° 46' E), 11.XI.1992, leg. B.B.Lowery; Lefroy (41° 06' S, 146° 59' E), 24.XII.1990, leg. B.B.Lowery; Maria Island (42° 38' S, 148° 05' E), 26.II.1992, leg. B.B.Lowery; Mt.Rumney (42° 52' S, 147° 27' E), 12.XII.1971, leg. R.H.Mew; Mt.Wellington (42° 54' S, 147° 14' E), 1.I.1991, leg. B.B.Lowery; North Bruny Island (43° 09' S, 147° 21' E), 1.III.1992, leg. B.B.Lowery; Railton (41° 21' S, 146° 25' E), 1.III.1991, leg. B.B.Lowery; Rossarden (41° 40' S, 147° 45' E), 3.XI.1994, leg. B.B.Lowery; St.Helens (41° 20' S, 148° 15' E), 3.X.1994, leg. B.B.Lowery; Ta-roona (42° 57' S, 147° 20' E), 22.XI.1994, leg. B.B. Lowe-ry; Ulverstone (41° 10' S, 146° 11' E), 11.I.1995, leg. B.B.Lowery.Victoria: Big Desert (35° 25' S, 141° 40' E), 11.X. 1981, leg. R.D.Robinson; Bogong (36° 48' S, 147° 13' E), 1.I.1998, leg. National Museum of Victoria; Creswick (37° 26' S, 143° 54' E), 9.II.1999, leg. National Museum of Victoria; Halls Gap 10 km S (37° 13' S, 142° 31' E), 10.XI.1989, leg. A.J.McArthur; Hamilton (37° 45' S, 142° 02' E), 5.I. 1995, leg. R.G.Simms; Inglewood (36° 35' S, 143° 52' E), leg. S.Hinckley; Mackenzie Falls (37° 07' S, 142° 25' E), 10.XI.1989, leg. A.J.McArthur; Maffra (37° 58' S, 146° 59' E), 6.V.1998, leg. National Museum of Victoria; Maldon State Forest (37° 04' S, 144° 05' E), leg. S.Hinckley; Mal-lacoota (37° 34' S, 149° 45' E), 1.I.1990, leg. S.Morrison; Mt.Brenanah (36° 32' S, 143° 41' E), leg. S.Hinckley; Ta-wonga Gap (36° 43' S, 147° 07' E), 14.I.1999, leg. A.J. Pon-tin; The Patch (37° 53' S, 145° 23' E), 4.II.1992, leg. J. Wai-ner. Western Australia: Condinup (33° 46' S, 116° 30' E), 1.V.1994, leg. M.A.Adams; Moora (30° 38' S, 116° 00' E), 31.VII.1983, leg. B.B.Lowery; North Bannister (32° 35' S, 116° 27' E), 16.VII.1988, leg. B.Heterick.
Worker description: Major worker. Head sides posterior three quarters parallel weakly convex, anterior quarter tapering anteriorly. Vertex straight corners widely rounded. Clypeus anterior margin lateral thirds forming shallow concavities, median third projecting forward, bounded by two teeth, concave between. Mandibles with 6 teeth. FCW <HW / 3. Integument mainly glossy. Pronotum uniformly convex. Mesonotum feebly inclined anteriorly, otherwise weakly convex. Metanotum a feeble transverse trough. Pro-podeal dorsum weakly convex. Propodeal angle 135° rounded. Petiolar node summit tending sharp. Erect setae on me-sosoma dorsum mostly near angle and on pronotum. Genae and underside of head with plentiful erect setae. Scape and tibiae with short setae raised to 10°. Colour: mostly black or brown, legs lighter.
Minor worker. Head sides straight, parallel. HL> HL. Vertex convex. Clypeus anterior margin median third projecting with a concavity between two blunt teeth. Mandibles with 5 or 6 teeth. FCW <HW / 3. Integument mainly glossy. Pronotum nearly flat. Mesonotun mostly flat. Pro-podeal dorsum mostly flat. Propodeal angle 135° rounded. Petiolar node length about half height, anterior and posterior straight summit blunt. Erect setae on mesosoma dorsum sparse. Genae and underside of head with plentiful erect setae. Scape and tibiae with short setae raised to 10°. Colour: mostly black or brown, legs lighter.
Morphometrics: See Fig. 5.
Comparative notes: Camponotus elegans stat.n. has an elongate mesosoma as shown in Fig. 4 whereas in C.claripes it is higher, as shown in Fig. 1.
Distribution: See Fig. 6.
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- Family
- Formicidae
- Genus
- Camponotus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hymenoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Forel
- Species
- elegans
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Camponotus elegans Forel, 1902 sec. McArthur, 2009
- Forel, A. 1902: Fourmis nouvelles d'Australie. - Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10: 405 - 548.