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Published December 31, 2009 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Prionospio (Prionospio) ehlersi Fauvel 1928


Prionospio (Prionospio) ehlersi Fauvel, 1928

Prionospio ehlersi Fauvel, 1928:10 –11, fig. 1; Day 1967:490, fig. 18.9; Mackie & Hartley 1990:364 –366, fig. 1. Prionospio (Prionospio) ehlersi: Blake & Kudenov 1978:217, fig. 20; Maciolek 1985:345 –347, fig. 7; Imajima 1990a:106 –111, figs. 2–3; Blake 1996:133 –136, fig.4.13.

Material examined. ESFM –POL/05–1636, 1 specimen, 27 September 2005, Antalya Bay, D39, 36º48΄49ʺN, 30º37΄57ʺE, 100 m, mud; ESFM –POL/05–1852, 6 specimens, 30 September 2005, Finike Bay, G18, 36º16΄31΄΄N, 30º10΄50΄΄E, 75 m, mud; ESFM –POL/05–3209, 7 specimens, 30 September 2005, Finike Bay, G19, 36º16΄0 6΄΄N, 30º11΄31΄΄E, 100 m, mud; ESFM –POL/05–3210, 2 specimens, 6 October 2005, Fethiye Bay, G30, 36º39΄24΄΄N, 29º04΄44΄΄E, 50 m, sandy mud; ESFM –POL/05–1997, 18 specimens, 6 October 2005, Fethiye Bay, G31, 36º38΄56΄΄N, 29º03΄38΄΄E, 75 m, muddy sand with gravel; ESFM –POL/05–2600, 26 specimens, 6 October 2005, Fethiye Bay, G33, 36º38΄28΄΄N, 29º02΄37΄΄E, 200 m, mud; ESFM –POL/05–3211, 2 specimens, 6 October 2005, Fethiye Bay, G32, 36º38΄42΄΄N, 29º03΄18΄΄E, 100 m, mud.

Diagnosis. Largest specimen incomplete, 0.8 mm wide, 13.6 mm long, with 40 chaetigers. Color in alcohol opaque white. Prostomium anteriorly rounded; laterally somewhat convex; dorsal caruncle extending to chaetiger 2. Two pairs of eyes in trapezoidal arrangement; anterior pair smaller than posterior pair. Branchiae numbering four pairs; first pair longest, with digitiform pinnules; branchiae on chaetigers 3 and 4 apinnate, longer than notopodial lamellae, with dense lateral ciliation and naked tips; branchiae on chaetiger 5 apinnate, longer than those on chaetigers 3 and 4, reaching to chaetiger 7, basally united by a low membrane. Lamellae on chaetiger 1 small, rounded; well developed on following chaetigers. Neuropodial lamella rounded on chaetiger 2, angular, dorsally directed on chaetiger 3; becoming rounded thereafter. Notopodial lamella subtriangular, erected on chaetigers 2–5; becoming smaller, rounded thereafter. Low dorsal crests across dorsum, from chaetiger 6 to 24–26. Interparapodial pouches from chaetiger 4 to 19–20. Ventral sabre chaeta first present on chaetigers 18–20, numbering 1–2 per fascicle. Multidentate hooded hooks first appearing on neuropodia of chaetigers 19–20 and on notopodia of chaetigers 31–32.

Remarks. The Mediterranean specimens agree with the original and subsequent descriptions of the species (Fauvel 1928, Mackie & Hartley 1990, Maciolek 1985, Imajima 1990a, Blake 1996). However, notopodial hooded hooks first appeared on chaetigers 31–32 in the Mediterranean specimens; on chaetigers 37 or later in the Atlantic and Pacific specimens (Maciolek 1985); on chaetigers 44–48 in the Japanese specimens (Imajima 1990a); and on chaetigers 44–60 in the North Atlantic specimens (Blake, 1996).

Ecology. The maximum population density (260 individuals.m -2) of this species was found on muddy substratum at 200 m depth at station G 33 (Fethiye Bay).

Distribution. Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea (Tebble 1959; Laubier 1965; Amoureux et al. 1978; Blake 1983, 1996; Maciolek 1985; Imajima 1990a); 5–4176 m.


Published as part of Dagli, Ertan & Çinar, Melih Ertan, 2009, Species of the subgenera Aquilaspio and Prionospio (Polychaeta: Spionidae: Prionospio) from the southern coast of Turkey (Levantine Sea, eastern Mediterranean), with description of a new species and two new reports for the Mediterranean fauna, pp. 1-20 in Zootaxa 2275 on pages 6-7, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.191050


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Prionospio (Prionospio) ehlersi Fauvel, 1928 sec. Dagli & Çinar, 2009


  • Fauvel, P. (1928) Annelides polychetes nouvelles de Maroc. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, 53, 9 - 13.
  • Day, J. H. (1967) A Monograph on the Polychaeta of Southern Africa. Part 2, Sedentaria. British Museum (Natural History) Publication No. 656, 459 - 878.
  • Mackie, A. S. Y. & Hartley, J. P. (1990) Prionospio saccifera sp. nov. (Polychaeta: Spionidae) from Hong Kong and the Red Sea, with a redescription of Prionospio ehlersi Fauvel, 1928. In: Morton, B. (Ed.), The marine flora and fauna of Hong Kong and southern China II. Volume 1. Introduction and taxonomy. Proceedings of the Second International Marine Biological Workshop, Hong Kong University Press, pp. 363 - 375.
  • Blake, J. A. & Kudenov. J. D. (1978) The Spionidae (Polychaeta) from southeastern Australia and adjacent areas, with a revision of the genera. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, 39, 171 - 280.
  • Maciolek, N. J. (1985) A revision of the genus Prionospio Malmgren, with special emphasis on species from the Atlantic Ocean, and new records of species belonging to the genera Apoprionospio Foster, and Paraprionospio Caullery (Polychaeta: Spionidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 84, 325 - 383.
  • Imajima, M. (1990 a) Spionidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Japan IV. The genus Prionospio (Prionospio). Bulletin of the Natural Science Museum Tokyo, Series A, 16 (3), 105 - 140.
  • Blake, J. A. (1996) Family Spionidae Grube, 1850. In: Blake, J. A, Hilbig, B. & Scott, P. H. (Eds.), Taxonomic Atlas of the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa Barbara Channel, Volume 6. The Annelida Part 3. Polychaeta: Orbiniidae to Cossuridae. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, pp. 81 - 221.
  • Tebble, N. (1959) On a collection of polychaetes from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Bulletin of Resolution Council Israel (Zoology), B 8, 9 - 30.
  • Laubier, L. (1965) Quelques annelides polychetes de lʹAtlantique recemment signalees ou nouvelles en Mediterranee occidentale. Rapport de la Commission I nternational Exploration de la Mer. Mediterranee, 18, 135 - 138.
  • Amoureux, L., Rullier, F. & Fishelson, L. (1978) Systematique et ecoloie dʹAnnelides Polychetes de la Presquʹil du Sinai. Israel Journal of Zoology, 27, 57 - 163.
  • Blake, J. A. (1983) Polychaetes of the family Spionidae from South America, Antarctica, and adjacent seas and islands. In: Kornicker, L. S. (Ed.), Biology of the Antarctic Seas XIV. Antarctic Research Series, 39, 205 - 288.