Cryptofavognathus anatolicus Doğan & Dönel, 2010, sp. nov.
Cryptofavognathus anatolicus sp. nov.
Holotype. Female (Figures 1, 2). Length of body 338 (including hood and anal covers), width 215.
Dorsum. Anterior margin of hood smooth with two or three dimples in each longitudinal row. Dorsum with pores, evenly distributed, encroaching upon hood. Dorsum reticulated dorsolaterally and posterior of hood, central area of dorsum not reticulated but punctate but mixed with striae posteriorly. Reticulate pattern formed by cells, each bearing one or two pores and short striae. Dorsum with six pairs of apodemal dark markings, three pairs of slit-like cupules (ia, im, ip). One pair of eyes and one pair of postocular bodies laterally between setae sce and c 1. Dorsal shield with 11 pairs of simple setae. Dimensions of setae as follows: ve: 15; sci: 18; sce: 18; c 1: 23; c 2: 24; d 1: 25; e 1: 25; e 2: 23; f 1: 25; h 1: 20; h 2: 18. Distances between setae: ve-ve: 30; sci-sci: 45; ve-sci: 25; sce-sce: 73; sci-sce: 25; c 1 -c 1: 85; c 2 -c 2: 155; c 1 -d 1: 53; d 1 -d 1: 143; e 2 -e 2: 50; d 1 -e 1: 31; d 1 -e 2: 30; e 1 -e 1: 75; e 2 -e 1: 30; f 1 -f 1: 50; e 1 -f 1: 63; e 2 -f 1: 73; f 1 -h 1: 35; f 1 -h 2: 45; h 1 -h 1: 30; h 2 -h 2: 75; h 1 -h 2: 18.
Ven te r. Prosternal apron smooth, without foveolae. Ventral shield with fine striae and pores. Intercoxal area striate. Venter bearing six pairs of setae (1a, 3a, 4a, 4c, ag 1, ag 2) and two pairs of genital setae (g 1, 2), setting adjacent to genital opening. Anal shield terminal, with three pair of setae (ps 1-3).
Legs. Leg I 205, leg II 188, leg III 195, leg IV 200. Chaetotaxy of leg segments as follows: Coxae 2–1–2– 1, trochanters 1–1–2–1, femora 4–3–2–2, genua 6(κ)–5(κ)–2–3, tibiae 7(ϕρ,ϕ)–5(ϕρ)–4–3, tarsi 14(ϕρ,ω)– 13(ϕρ,ω)–10(ω)–10(ω). Addorsals on tarsus II dissimilar, genua I and II with solenidion κ.
Gnathosoma. Chelicera 90 long (including moveable digits). Palp 60 long. Counts of setae from palpfemur to palptarsus: 2–2–3–4 + 1 ω + 4 eupathidia. Subcapitulum with two pairs of adoral setae (or 1,2) distally and one pair of subcapitular setae (m) proximally. Dimension of setae m: 10; distances of between mm: 22.
Male (Figures 3, 4). Smaller than female. Length of body 280-285 (including hood and anal covers), width 150–155.
Dorsum. Similar to that of female, but the apodemal dark markings indistinguishable. Dorsal body setae relatively shorter than those of female. Dimension of setae as follows: ve: 8–10; sci: 13–15; sce: 10–14; c 1: 15–20; c 2: 18–22; d 1: 22–25; e 1: 20–23; e 2: 18–20; f 1: 20–22; h 1: 20–20; h 2: 15–17. Distances between setae: ve-ve: 20–24; sci- sci: 17–20; ve -sci: 18–21; sce-sce: 60–63; sci-sce: 15–18; c 1 -c 1: 67–70; c 1 -d 1: 37–41; d 1 -d 1: 125–131; e 2 -e 2: 37–40; d 1 -e 1: 14–20; d 1 -e 2: 15–20; e 1 -e 1: 59–61; e 2 -e 1: 15–20; f 1 -f 1: 27–30; e 1 -f 1: 47–50; e 2 -f 1: 48–52; f 1 -h 1: 20–20; f 1 -h 2: 20–22; h 1 -h 1: 18–20; h 2 -h 2: 27–30; h 1 -h 2: 8–10. Anal and genital shields posterodorsally coalesced with three pair of setae. f 1, h 1 and h 2 close together in a cluster.
Ve n t e r. Similar in female, but ag 2 moved posterior to anogenital shields. Genital shield and setae absent. Aedeagus evident.
Legs. Leg I: 187–193, leg II: 165–174, leg III: 172–182, leg IV: 180–190. Counts of setae on leg segments I–IV as follows: tarsi 14(φρ,ω♂)–13(φρ,ω♂)–10(ω♂)–10(ω♂), tibiae 7(φρ,φ)–5(φρ)–4–3, genua 6(κ)–5(κ)– 2–3, femora 4–3–2–2, trochantera 1–1–2–1, coxae 2–1–2–1.
Gnathosoma. Number of subcapitular setae and setae on palp segments as in female. Dimension of setae m: 8–10; distance of between m-m: 12–18. Palp 57–65 long. Chelicerae (including moveable digits) 70–73 long.
Other immature stages. Unknown.
Etymology. Named after the region Anatolia where the specimens were found.
Type materials.– Holotype female and allotype male from moss on stone, 40°38'31'' N, 36°40'50'' E, 550 m, Ağcaalan Village, Erbaa District, Tokat Province, Turkey, 23 September 2007; one paratype male from a bird’s nest, 40°20'25'' N, 37°30'59'' E, 556 m, Reşadiye District, Tokat Province, Turkey, 24 July 2007. The type material is deposited in Zoological Museum of Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey.
Remarks. This new species closely resembles C. afyonensis (Koç & Akyol). But it differs from C. afyonensis in that the dorsum of the new species is partly striated and reticulated, bears six pairs of apodemal dark markings in female. Trochanter III has two setae versus one seta on trochanter of C. afyonensis, and genu II bears solenidion κ versus without solenidion on genu II of C. afyonensis.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Cryptognathidae
- Genus
- Cryptofavognathus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Prostigmata
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Species
- anatolicus
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Cryptofavognathus anatolicus Doğan & Dönel, 2010