Published December 31, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Archispirostreptus smithii Pocock 1899


Archispirostreptus smithii Pocock 1899

Fig. 8

Archispirostreptus smithii Pocock 1899, p. 406. Graphidostreptus smithii: Attems 1914

Archispirostreptus smithii: Hoffman 1965; Krabbe 1982

Type material: Holotype: SOMALIA: 1 3, (BMNH 1897.11.10.89).

Additional material examined: SOMALIA: 1 Ƥ, (BMNH 1897.11.10.90). Diagnosis: Lateral metaplical process broad and horizontal proximally, distal half bent and tapering towards apical metaplical process (Figs 8a, 8b).

Description: Size: Body length 3 145–170 mm, Ƥ 220 mm; maximum body width 14–18 mm.

Number of body rings: 59–63.

Colour: Body black or brown.

Collum: Produced into anterior lobe, with 2 complete striae. Upper-most stria prominent.

Pre-femoral process of 1st pair of male legs: Triangular with long tapering extension (Fig. 8c).

Gonopod: (Figs 8a, 8b) Apex of sternum broadly rounded, apex not reaching level of paracoxite apex; paracoxite rounded apically and fused tightly to metaplica.

Metaplicae wide apart at level of telopodite spiral.

Proplica width constant; proplica apex overlapping lateral metaplical process proximally.

Lateral metaplical process broad and horizontal proximally, long and tapering distally. Distal half of lateral metaplical process deflected towards apical metaplical process. Apical metaplical process and proximal lateral metaplical process at right angle.

Distribution: Known from Ethiopia (Krabbe 1982) and Somalia.

Remarks: The apical metaplical process of the gonopod is similar to that of A. lugubris, A. bottegi and A. dodsoni, however, the orientation of the lateral metaplical process differs among these species. In A. smithii the lateral metaplical process gently bends distally towards the apical metaplical process. Although the position of the antetorsal spikes in relation to the apex is as in the gonopod of A. tumuliporus, the orientation of the terminal spike differs between the two species. In addition, the acute and tapering apical metaplical process of A. tumuliporus differs from the finger-like apical metaplical process of A. smithii and A. bottegi (see remarks on A. lugubris).


Published as part of Mwabvu, Tarombera, Hamer, Michelle, Slotow, Rob & Barraclough, David, 2010, A revision of the taxonomy and distribution of Archispirostreptus Silvestri 1895 (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Spirostreptidae), and description of a new spirostreptid genus with three new species, pp. 1-49 in Zootaxa 2567 on pages 21-25, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.197288


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  • Pocock, R. I. (1899) Solifugae, Scorpions, Chilopoda and Diplopoda. Pp. 392 - 407. In: Smith, D. (Ed.), Through unknown African countries. London: Edward Arnold.
  • Attems, C. (1914) Afrikanische Spirostreptiden nebst Ueberblick uber die Spirostreptiden orbis terrarum. Zoologica, 25, 1 - 233.
  • Hoffman, R. L. (1965) A new species in the diplopod genus Archispirostreptus from south western Arabia. Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg, 3 (51), 17 - 23.
  • Krabbe, E. (1982) Systematik der Spirostreptidae (Diplopoda, Spirostreptomorpha). Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg. Verlag Paul Parey. Hamburg, 476 pp.