Published December 31, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Paramanota orientalis Tuomikoski 1966



Paramanota orientalis Tuomikoski, 1966

Figs 1 C, 5 A–E

Male. Colour. Head yellowish, vertex brown, antennal flagellomeres 5–14 brown; setae (all lost on face) and other vestiture dark. Thorax yellowish, scutum brown with the anterior third paler yellowish brown, scutellum brown, mediotergite medially widely brown, anepisternum infuscated antero-dorsally; setae dark. Legs yellowish, middle femur very slightly infuscated ventrally at apex, hind femur infuscated dorsally and ventrally at apex, dorsally on apical third, ventrally on apical half; setae and other vestiture dark. Wing brownish; haltere yellowish brown with dark brown knob. Abdomen brown, hypopygium concolorous with the other parts; setae dark. Head. Antennal flagellomere 4, Fig. 5 A. Maxillary palp similar to fig 7 a in Hippa et al. (2004), ultimate palpomere 1.9 times longer than the penultimate one. The strong postocular setae are broken in the specimen and could no be counted. Thorax. Similar to fig. 8 a in Hippa et al. (2004). Legs. Apical part of tibia 1, Fig. 5 B. Wing, Fig. 1 C. Wing length 2.7 mm. Hypopygium, Figs 5 C, D, E: Gonocoxae ventrally separated by a membranous area, each side appearing as a very large lobe, posteriorly extending much further than the gonostylus and with the posterior margin simple, the ventral surface evenly rather short setose, the dorsal surface posteriorly with an area of long setae, including a more lateral row of short and a more mesial row of long megasetae. The part of gonocoxa visible in dorsal view of hypopygium simple with the setae similar to those of the ventral side. Tergite 9 simple, the posterior margin concave, the posterolateral corner lobe-like prolonged, the setae similar to gonocoxa, one of the setae on the posterolateral lobe conspicuously long. Cercus simple, rather evenly short setose. Hypoproct as long as cercus, each half about one third of the width of cercus, each half with ca. 3 setae. Laterad from the hypoproct there is a crescent-shaped sclerite (x in Fig. 5 C) with ca. five setae at posterior margin. Gonostylus two-lobed, the dorsal lobe with a comb-like row of submembranous pale lamellae along the posterior margin, the ventral lobe with a comb-like row of black sclerotized lamellae along the mesial margin. Adeagus broader than long, with short obligue posterolateral lobes, the apodemes transverse; in the mount ejaculatory apodeme with associated parts is pushed unusually posteriod (Fig. 5 E) Parameres not discernible in the mount, probably fused with aedeagus.

Female. Unknown.

Discussion. Paramanota orientalis was described from a single male from Burma, Kambaiti (Tuomikoski 1966) and has not been recorded since. The holotype has not been found among Tuomikoski’s material in Zoological Central Museum, Helsinki, and may be lost. Tuomikoski’s (1966) drawings of the hypopygium are rather rough but fit the present Thailand specimen rather well, differing in the following details: the posterolateral angle of tergite 9 is much less prolonged, the postero-mesial corner/angle of the dorsal lobe of the gonostylus is more prolonged and acute, and the megasetae on the dorsal surface of the ventral gonocoxal lobe are shorter and more widely distributed. In Tuomikoski’s (1966) fig. 4 there is a comb-like lobe at the mesial margin of the gonostylus. It apparently belongs to the ventral lobe of the gonostylus, visible in the present Fig. 5 D. The Thailand specimen differs also from the holotype in colouration: the face is unicolorous yellow, not “ochraceous above, brownish below”, the anterior third of scutum is pale yellowish brown, not concolorous brown with the main part of scutum and the middle and hind femora are not unicolorous “pale yellow” but have apical infuscations. Further, the Thailand specimen is smaller, with wing length 2.7 mm contra 3.8 mm. The overall similarities however between the Thailand specimen and Tuomikoski’s (1966) description of P. orientalis indicate that these are the same species.

The practical identification of P. orientalis is rather easy. It is distinguished from all other described Paramanota by the ventral lobe of gonocoxa which is simple, posteriorly not divided into sub-lobes. P. orientalis is distinguished from the other species also by its simpler gonostylus which has only two main lobes instead of three or more, but this character may be difficult to see if the gonostylus cannot be studied from the side.

Material studied. 1 male, THAILAND Nan Doi Phu Kha NP, Office 14, 1912.488'N 1014.907'E, 1375m, Malaise trap 8–15.xii.2007, Charoen & Nikom leg., T3278 (in QSBG).


Published as part of Hippa, Heikki, 2010, Review of the genus Paramanota Tuomikoski (Diptera, Mycetophilidae), with the description of new fossil and recent species, pp. 47-60 in Zootaxa 2618 on pages 55-57, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.197988


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Paramanota orientalis Tuomikoski, 1966 sec. Hippa, 2010


  • Tuomikoski, R. (1966) On the subfamily Manotinae Edw. (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). Annales Entomologici Fennici, 32, 211 - 223.
  • Hippa, H., Jaschhof, M. & Vilkamaa, P. (2004) Phylogeny of the Manotinae, with a review of Eumanota Edwards, Paramanota Tuomikoski and Promanota Tuomikoski (Diptera Mycetophilidae). Studia dipterologica, 11 (2), 405 - 428.