Published December 31, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Limnesia (Tetralimnesia) pinguipalpis Cook 1967


Limnesia (Tetralimnesia) pinguipalpis Cook, 1967

Records from the study area: Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu—Cook (1967); Prasad (1974); Uttaranchal—Smit & Pešić (2010).

Remarks: Limnesia pinguipalpis closely resemble L. bakeri, a species described from the Philippines (Walter 1930), but can easily be distinguished from it in the first coxae fused medially in the male (not fused in the male of L. baker i, see Walter 1930). Lundblad (1969) reported Limnesia bakeri from Ambernath, 50 miles from Bombay. However, Lundblad’s figures (first coaxe fused medially, as in L. pinguipalpis) clearly show that his specimens are not conspecific with L. bakeri.

Habitat: Ponds, lakes, sluggish streams, but also in fast flowing streams.

Distribution: India, Sri Lanka, Oman (Smit & Pešić 2010).


Published as part of Pešić, Vladimir, Chatterjee, Tapas & Bordoloi, Sabitry, 2010, A checklist of the water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) of India, with new records and description of one new species, pp. 1-54 in Zootaxa 2617 on page 24, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.197964


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  • Cook, D. R. (1967) Water mites from India. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 9, 1 - 411.
  • Prasad, V. (1974) A catalogue of mites of India. Indira Acarology Publishing House, Ludhiana, 320 pp.
  • Smit, H. & Pesic, V. (2010) New species of water mites from Oman, with some zoogeographical notes (Acari: Hydrachnidia). Acarologia, 50 (2), 151 - 195.
  • Walter, C. (1930) Hydracarinen von der Insel Luzon, Philippinen. The Philippine Journ of Sciences, 41 (2), 159 - 167.
  • Lundblad, O. (1969) Indische Wassermilben, hauptsachlich aus Hinterindien. Arkiv for Zoology, 22, 1 - 126.