Published December 31, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Apiomerus barrocoloradoi Forero, Berniker & Szerlip, 2010, sp. nov.


Apiomerus barrocoloradoi sp. nov.

Figures 1–7

Diagnosis. Recognized by the elongate forewing membrane, surpassing the abdomen by about 1/3 of its length (Fig. 1); the apex of metafemur and base of metatibia yellow (Fig. 1, arrows); the median process of the pygophore strongly bifid, with the rami nearly horizontal in posterior view, and a short, wide base (Figs. 4 A, B); the parameres L-shaped, cylindrical, with a swollen base and enlarged apex (Figs. 5 C, D); the lateral sclerotizations of the endosoma triangular and recurved (Figs. 5 E, F, lats); the caudal margin of tergite 8 in females entire (Fig. 4 C); the bursa copulatrix with lateral lobes (Figs. 6 A, C); and the dorsal-most fold of the sclerotized transversal folds of the bursa copulatrix triangular and knob-shaped (Figs. 6 A, B, dmf).

Description. MALE: Medium-sized; total average length 21.36 (SD ± 1.1) mm (Table 1). COLORATION (Fig. 1): HEAD: Dark brown. THORAX: Pronotum with anterior lobe always dark brown, posterior lobe from dark brown to yellow, sometimes forming patterns. Scutellum disc dark brown. Mesoscutum usually yellow, sometimes dark brown. Thoracic pleura from dark brown to pale yellow, sometimes pale yellow with dark areas. Hemelytron: Corium usually yellow with apex dark brown, but commonly highly variable, from completely dark brown with apical veins yellow, to pale brown medially and yellow at base and apex; membrane from dark brown to pale yellow. Legs: Foreleg either completely dark brown, or with femur partially or completely yellow, and tibia with apical 3/4 black, sometimes with base yellow; coxa and trochanter dark brown or partially yellow. Midleg similar to foreleg. Hindleg with basal 3/4 of femur dark brown, apex yellow; and tibia with base yellow and apical 3/4 dark brown. ABDOMEN: Dark brown; connexival segments with a small, rounded, pale yellow spot on the anterior margin of each segment; sternite VII medially with an anterior broad band or two broad pale yellow spots, sometimes sternites V and VI with median pale yellow areas. Pygophore completely dark brown or with two small, rounded, pale yellow spots below the posterior margin. VESTITURE: Densely setose. HEAD: Gula with two longitudinal rows of dense, sericeous setae; gular tubercle with short and long, dense, sericeous setae (Fig. 2 C). THORAX: Pronotum, anterior lobe with short dense setae on lateral ridges. Posterior lobe with short, sparse setae, intermixed with long very sparse setae. Scutellum with short, dense, sericeous setae on disc; lateral margins with simple, long setae. Mesoscutum with dense, simple, long setae medially on posterior margin. Legs: Fore and mid tibiae densely setose (Fig. 3 A). Hind tibia sparsely setose. Metatibial comb highly variable, composed of 1 to 25 setae, but more commonly of 15–20 setae (Fig. 3 E). ABDOMEN: Margin of connexivum with short, dense, decumbent setae; intermixed with sparse, mid-sized setae. Pygophore with posterior margin densely setose, setae very long. STRUCTURE: HEAD (Fig. 2 A, B): Basal gular tubercle medium-sized, rounded (Fig. 2 A, C). Scapus about two times anteocular length; pedicel as long as scapus, with numerous trichobothria (Fig. 2 D). THORAX: Pronotum 1.3 times wider than long (Fig. 2 E); anterolateral angle rounded; anterior pronotal lobe subquadrate, shorter than posterior lobe, about half as wide as posterior lobe, disc slightly convex, longitudinal groove as a deep ovate depression close to transverse sulcus, surface with conspicuous ridges (Fig. 2 F); posterior pronotal lobe smooth, disc slightly convex, posterior margin straight, submedian sulcus obsolete, humeral angle rounded. Thoracic pleura as in figure 2G. Scutellum triangular, lateral margin rounded, disc elevated, posterior margin rounded, not produced (Fig. 2 H). Mesoscutum visible dorsally, posterior margin gently rounded (Fig. 2 H). Legs: Stout. Fore femur similar to mid and hind femora; femora subapically slightly protruding. Pretarsus with simple claws (Fig. 3 C). Hemelytron: Exceeding tip of abdomen by about 1/3 of its length; quadrangular cell present (Fig. 3 D); cubital cell slightly longer than postcubital cell, expanded in apical half with apex acute, base narrower than that of postcubital cell; postcubital cell nearly parallel sided, apex of postcubital cell triangular. ABDOMEN: Elongate ovoid, slightly convex ventrally. Connexiva expanded beyond margin of hemelytron. Abdominal sternites distinct; spiracles of 2nd to 7th sternites flat on sternite. Sclerotized portion of sternite VIII restricted to ventral half of segment, segment VIII about half the length of pygophore, posterior margin concave, 8th spiracle in membrane. GENITALIA: Pygophore elongate ovoid, about 1/4 length of abdomen (Figs. 4 A; 5A, B), genital opening dorsally with distinct paired sclerites (tergite 9); inner margin of genital opening strongly elevated, rounded, proximal area flat (imarg, Fig. 5 A, B). Pygophore bridge absent, only strong sclerotized protuberances present (prt, Fig. 5 A, B); anterior opening of pygophore with smooth rim (rim, Fig. 5 A). Median process of pygophore bifid (Figs. 4 A, 5A), nearly vertical (Fig. 5 B); rami inserted on base (Fig. 4 B); base inserted on posterior margin; rami in caudal view gently concave, nearly horizontal, ramus shorter than base width, apical portion produced as a small, acute projection, directed downwards (Fig. 4 B). Paramere insertion in apical 1/3 of pygophore (Fig. 5 A, B); inverted L-shaped; cylindrical; apex expanded; base of paramere enlarged (Fig. 5 C, D); distal portion of body of paramere smooth; distal portion of paramere socket not produced medially. Tergite 9 divided in proximal and distal sclerites (Fig. 5 I); proximal portion rugose, with short, stout, simple setae on caudal margin; distal portion strongly convex, with short, delicate setae on whole distal portion; medial area of distal portion with a non-sclerotized, circular area (Fig. 5 I, J, arrows). Aedeagus globular. Basal articulatory apparatus broad, trapezoidal, dorsal portion enlarged (dpba; Fig. 5 H), arms wide (aba; Fig. 5 H); plate bridge stout (plbrg; Fig. 5 H), process absent; ductifer sclerotized, circular (duc; Fig. 5 H); plate extension in lateral view about as long as basal plate, angled (pext; Fig. 5 F), in ventral view with margins expanded distally (Fig. 5 F). Dorsal phallothecal sclerite (DPS) heavily sclerotized, longer than wide, posterior margin rounded, carinated; apex wide, more than half the width of the DPS; each lateral margin with a small emargination subapically (dps; Fig. 5 E); disc slightly convex (dps; Fig. 5 F). Phallosoma slightly sclerotized laterally. Endosomal struts reaching midpoint of DPS, slender, fused at base and apex, but not medially; curved in proximal half; parallel in distal half (str; Fig. 5 E). Endosoma with basal lateral lobe present, flap-like, shaped as 2 separate lobes; distal lobe lightly sclerotized, proximal lobe membranous (latlb; Fig. 5 E, F). Dorso-lateral lobe subdivided in a proximal and distal portion; completely membranous (dltlb; Fig. 5 E). Median, basal sclerotization divided in left and right portions, subdivided in proximal and distal portions; lobes highly sclerotized (mbs; Fig. 5 E); proximal lobe ovoid with apex acute, distal lobe elongate-ovoid with rounded apex and shrivelled surface. Median dorsal lobe small, with nearly transverse, non-sclerotized rugosities (mdlb; Fig. 5 F). Lateral sclerotizations with proximal portion nearly triangular in dorsal view; base of proximal portion twisted and extended medially; distal portion slightly sclerotized (lats; Fig. 5 E, F). Distal dorsal lobe with horseshoe-shaped field of strong denticles (fdt; Fig. 5 E). Basal, ventral lobes small and triangular (bvlb; Fig. 5 G). Median ventral area of endosoma with very small denticles. Distal, ventral paired lobes small (usually not inflated and difficult to see) (vplb; Fig. 5 G).

FEMALE: Larger than male (Table 1), similar to it except in the following. COLORATION: Pronotum usually completely dark brown; sometimes posterior margin with a narrow, pale yellow strip on areas next to scutellum. Abdomen usually completely dark brown. VESTITURE: Legs: Metatibial comb dense (Fig. 3 F). STRUCTURE: ABDOMEN: Tergite 8 with margin entire (Fig. 4 C). GENITALIA: Syntergite 9/10 (Figs. 4 D–F; 6E) about two times wide as long; proximal half flat; lateral margins rounded, broadly produced (lmarg, Fig. 6 E); distal margin slightly emarginate (dmarg, Fig. 6 E). Gonocoxa 8 (Fig. 4 F; 6D) about as wide as long, posterior margin straight; median, posterior angle with short, dense setae; apex of lateral prolongation broadly rounded. Gonapophysis 8 with apical portion acute; cephalic portion prolonged into bursa, strongly sclerotized, apex knob-like, strongly protruding (prgap8, Fig. 6 B, C). Gonocoxa 9 (gcx9, Fig. 6 A, B) broad dorsally, narrowing on ventral portion. Gonapophysis 9 (gap9, Fig. 6 A) long and tapering, reaching apex of gonapophysis 8. Gonoplac (gpl, Figs. 4 F; 6A–C) not fused medially; dorsomedial projection short, reaching middle of apex of ventral projection; apex of dorsomedial projection with numerous (about 5–7), stout, short setae; ventral projection slightly flattened laterally and concave medially; apex of ventral projection with numerous, short (and a few long), dense setae. Bursa copulatrix membranous, without median dorsal sclerites (Fig. 6 A); ovoid, with lateral lobes, small, located cephalad (lbs, Fig. 6 A, C); anterior dorsal area of bursa sclerotized, with five, narrow, transversal folds (dfl, Fig. 6 A, C), dorsal-most fold protruding over other folds, its apex triangular, knob-like, broadly rounded (dmf, Fig. 6 A, B); anterior ventral area of bursa not sclerotized.

pronotal lobe; Clyp-Abd =Clypeus-Abdomen; IntOcDist =Interocular distance; Ped =Pedicel; PostOc =Postocular;

PostPron =Posterior pronotal lobe; Scut =Scutellum; Scap =Scapus.


Species Total Clyp-Abd Head AntOc PostOc AntPron PostPron Scut Scap Ped

Apiomerus barrocoloradoi

males (N= 5) Mean 21.36 17.59 4.20 1.35 1.73 1.66 2.50 1.00 2.23 2.23 SD 1.10 0.73 0.13 0.11 0.14 0.09 0.18 0.14 0.07 0.16 Range 2.89 2.01 0.33 0.28 0.36 0.21 0.48 0.37 0.21 0.39 Min. 20.20 16.60 4.07 1.15 1.55 1.60 2.31 0.86 2.12 1.99 Max. 23.09 18.61 4.40 1.43 1.91 1.81 2.79 1.23 2.33 2.38 continued.


Species Head IntOcDist AntPron PostPron Abd

Apiomerus barrocoloradoi

males (N= 5) Mean 2.10 0.91 3.15 5.59 6.23 SD 0.09 0.08 0.17 0.33 0.46 Range 0.24 0.19 0.42 0.85 1.15 Min. 2.02 0.84 3.01 5.28 5.86 Max. 2.25 1.04 3.43 6.13 7.02 Etymology. The name is taken from Barro Colorado Island, Panama, one of the localities in which this species occurs and from which many specimens have been collected.

Biology. Unknown. Some specimens have been collected in interception traps or at lights, in particular UV light traps. The latter indicates that they fly at least occasionally at night.

Distribution. Known from the Darien region in Panama west to Costa Rica (Fig. 7).

Holotype male. [PANAMA: Canal Zone]: Barro Colorado Isl[and], Canal Zone, [9.15472 ° N 79.84806 ° W], 27 Mar 1962, H. Ruckes / collected on NSF grant G 9830 / California insect survey 181391 / Holotype Apiomerus barrocoloradoi sp. nov. Forero, Berniker, & Szerlip [red label]; 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00017710) (AMNH).

Paratypes. COSTA RICA: Alajuela: Est. San Ramon, 10.88327 ° N 85.41354 ° W, 620 m, 26 Apr 1994 – 24 May 1994, Hurtado Garcia, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00014282) (INBIO). Est. San Ramon Oeste, 10.88327 ° N 85.41354 ° W, 620 m, 0 3 Apr 1994 – 19 Apr 1994, C. Cano, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00014303) (INBIO); 0 3 Apr 1994 – 19 Apr 1994, F. Quesada, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00014307) (INBIO). San Carlos, Schild and Burgdorf, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00014924) (AMNH). San Carlos, 1902, Schild and Burgdorf, 4Ψ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 10626, UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 15120 - UCR_ ENT 00015122) (AMNH), 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00012340) (HNHM). Cartago: Turrialba, 9.9 ° N 83.683 ° W, 0 1 Jan 1750, K. Cooper, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00009825) (AMNH). Guanacaste: Est. Pitilla, 9 km S. Santa Cecilia, P.N. Guanacaste, A.C. Guanacaste, 10.99261 ° N 85.42948 ° W, 700 m, Jun 1994, P.Rio s, 1 Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00014304) (INBIO). Est. Pitilla, 9 km S. Santa Cecilia Fila Orosilito, P.N. Guanacaste, 10.99261 ° N 85.42948 ° W, 700 m, Apr 1994, F. Pizarro, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00014305) (INBIO). La Maritza, Hda. Orosi, 10.9589 ° N 85.50255 ° W, 550 m, 0 2 Jun 1986 – 05 Jun 1986, W. Hallwachs, D. H. Janzen, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00014309) (INBIO). Heredia: P.N. Braulio Carrillo, Sarapiqui, La Virgen, Quebrada Cabalonga a Sardinalito, 10.31899 ° N 84.064 ° W, 600 m, 27 Apr 2005, M. Ballestero, A. Peraza, Libre, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00014308) (INBIO). P.N. Braulio Carrillo, Sarapiqui, Transecto Sardinalito, 10.33615 ° N 84.04663 ° W, 400 m, 13 Apr 2005, M. Ballestero, A. Peraza, O. Fonesca, Libre, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00014310) (INBIO). Limon: Amubri, Talamanca., A.C. Amistad, 9.51483 ° N 82.95537 ° W, 70 m, 0 6 Jun 1994 – 28 Jun 1994, G. Gallardo, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00014286) (INBIO). Cerro Tortuguero, P.N. Tortuguero, 10.58374 ° N 83.52575 ° W, 100 m, May 1990, J. Solano, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00014274) (INBIO). Estacion Hitoy Cerere, R. Cerere, Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere, 9.67177 ° N 83.0277 ° W, 100 m, 19 Apr 1992 – 29 Apr 1992, E. Lopez, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00014285) (INBIO); 0 6 May 1992 – 16 May 1992, G. Carballo, 2ɗ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 14275, UCR_ ENT 00014276), 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00014283) (INBIO); Jun 1992, G. Carballo, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00014284) (INBIO); 20 May 1993 - 0 6 Jun 1993, G. Carballo, 10ɗ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 14287 - UCR_ ENT 00014296), 5Ψ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 14297 - UCR_ ENT 00014301) (INBIO). Suretka, 9.5667 ° N 82.9333 ° W, 19 May 1924, J. C. Bradley, 2Ψ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 21241, UCR_ ENT 00021242) (CUIC). Tortuguero, 10.5833 ° N 83.5167 ° W, 16 Jul 1971 – 24 Jul 1971, J. G. Ehrenfeld, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00017677) (AMNH). Valle la Estrella, R.B. Hitoy Cerere, 9.67177 ° N 83.0277 ° W, 100 m, Jul 1994, F. Quesada, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00014281) (INBIO). Valle la Estrella, R.B. Hitoy Cerere, A.C. Amistad, 9.67177 ° N 83.0277 ° W, 100 m, Jun 1994, G. Carballo, 4ɗ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 14278 - UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 14280, UCR_ ENT 00014302), 2Ψ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 14277, UCR_ ENT 00014311) (INBIO). Puntarenas: 1.8 mi W of Rincon, Osa Peninsula, 8.7075 ° N 83.51324 ° W, 0 6 Mar 1971 – 06 Mar 1971, J.P. Donahue, C.L. Hogue, 1 adult, sex unknown [abdomen missing] (UCR_ ENT 00010912) (LACM). 2.5 mi SW of Rincon, Osa Peninsula, 8.7 ° N 83.48333 ° W, 14 Mar 1967, G. Schuster, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00011348) (FSCA). Bosque Esquinas, A.C. Osa, 8.76885 ° N 83.25676 ° W, 200 m, May 1994, M. Segura, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00014306) (INBIO). Bosque Esquinas, Pennisula Osa, A. C. Osa, 8.76885 ° N 83.25676 ° W, 200 m, May 1994, F. Quesada, 2ɗ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 14318, UCR_ ENT 00014319) (INBIO). Golfito, Camino a las Torres, 8.64982 ° N 83.16058 ° W, 500 m, 23 Apr 2004, Porras, Gamboa, Briceno, Moraga, Luz, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00014320) (INBIO). Rancho Quemado, Pen. de Osa, 8.6791 ° N 83.56671 ° W, 200 m, Feb 1992, F. Quesada, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00014314) (INBIO); Mar 1992, F. Quesada, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00014317) (INBIO); Apr 1992, K. Flores, 3ɗ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 14313, UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 14315 - UCR_ ENT 00014316) (INBIO); Apr 1992, D. Brenes, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00014312) (INBIO). PANAMA: Canal Zone: Alhajuelo, 28 May 1912, Unknown, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00009819) (AMNH). Barro Colorado Isl[and]., C[anal]. Z[one]., 9.15472 ° N 79.84806 ° W, Jul 1942 – Aug 1942, J. Zetek, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00009349) (USNM); 19 May 1967, Delong & Triplehorn, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00009350) (USNM); 19 May 1967, J. Maldonado C., 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00009348) (USNM). Barro Colorado Island, 9.15563 ° N 79.84895 ° W, 28 Apr 1964 – 30 Apr 1964, W.D. Duckworth & S.S. Duckworth, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00009357), 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00009361) (USNM); 0 1 May 1964 – 09 May 1964, W.D. Duckworth & S.S. Duckworth, 5ɗ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 0 9354 - UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 0 9356, UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 0 9358 - UCR_ ENT 00009359), 7Ψ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 0 9362 - UCR_ ENT 00009368) (USNM); 10 May 1964 – 17 May 1964, W.D. Duckworth & S.S. Duckworth, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00009360) (USNM). Barro Colorado Island, 9.15562 ° N 79.84895 ° W, 21 May 1966, M. G. Naumann, 1Ψ (AMNH _PBI 00035828) (AMNH). Barro Colorado Island, 9.15472 ° N 79.84806 ° W, 20 Jun 1924, N. Banks, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00009818) (AMNH); 22 Apr 1929, S. W. Frost, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00009812) (AMNH); 27 Jun 1933, J.D. & H. Hood, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00009815) (AMNH); 11 Jul 1934 – 11 Jul 1943, Otis E. Shattuck, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00009817) (AMNH); 26 Apr 1956, C. W. & M. E. Rettenmeyer, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00035990) (KU); 28 Apr 1956, Carl W. & Marian E. Rettenmeyer, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00035982), 4Ψ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 35991, UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 35993 - UCR_ ENT 00035995) (KU); 0 2 May 1956, Carl W. & Marian E. Rettenmeyer, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00035989) (KU); 0 9 May 1956, Carl W. & Marian E. Rettenmeyer, 2ɗ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 35979, UCR_ ENT 00035980) (KU); 0 9 May 1956, C. W. & M. E. Rettenmeyer, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00035984) (KU); 10 May 1956, Carl W. & Marian E. Rettenmeyer, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00035988) (KU); 11 May 1956, Carl W. & Marian E. Rettenmeyer, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00035983) (KU); 15 Jun 1956, Carl W. & Marian E. Rettenmeyer, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00035992) (KU); 23 Apr 1962, H. Ruckes, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00009821) (AMNH); 24 Apr 1962, H. Buckes, 2ɗ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 0 9809, UCR_ ENT 00009810) (AMNH); 28 Apr 1962, H. Ruckes, 2ɗ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 0 9813, UCR_ ENT 00009816) (AMNH); 29 Apr 1962, H. Ruckes, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00009814) (AMNH); 30 Apr 1962, H. Buckes, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00009811) (AMNH); 0 8 May 1966, M. G. Naumann, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00035981), 2Ψ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 35985, UCR_ ENT 00035986) (KU); 16 May 1967, R. E. Beer, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00035987) (KU); 0 6 Jun 1972, D. Engleman, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00032580) (UCB); 0 5 Jun 1978, Snyder-Molino, 2ɗ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 0 9798, UCR_ ENT 00009799) (AMNH); 21 Apr 1981, R.B. & L.S. Kimsey, 1 adult, sex unknown (UCR_ ENT 00007297) (UCD); 22 Apr 1981, R.B. & L.S. Kimsey, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00007296) (UCD); 31 May 1981, R.B. & L.S. Kimsey, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00007298) (UCD); 13 May 1985 – 21 May 1985, H. Wolda, 2Ψ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 0 7299, UCR_ ENT 00007300), 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00007301) (UCD). Coco Solo Hospital, 9.35 ° N 79.85 ° W, 23 May 1972, Engleman, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00008890) (USNM). Escobal Road, 9.21739 ° N 79.95576 ° W, 0 5 Jun 1978, D. Engleman, Light Trap, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00009824) (AMNH). Fort Sherman, 9.33333 ° N 79.96666 ° W, 26 Jun 1976, A. Thurman, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00009808) (AMNH). Colon: Fort Sherman, 9.36666 ° N 79.95 ° W, 13 Jun 1989 – 13 Jun 1989, J. R. White, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00007295) (UCD). Gatun L., Barro Colorado I, 9.15563 ° N 79.84895 ° W, 28 Apr 1981, Bruce Gill, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00018801) (BDGC). Santa Rita Arriba, 9.3378 ° N 79.78 ° W, 18 May 1976, D. Engleman, Light Trap, 2ɗ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 0 9800, UCR_ ENT 00009801) (AMNH); 21 May 1976, D. Engleman, Light Trap, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00009822) (AMNH); 22 May 1976, D. Engleman, Light Trap, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00009802) (AMNH). Santa Rita Ridge, 9.38084 ° N 79.68235 ° W, 0 7 May 1977, D. Engleman, Light Trap, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00009803), 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00009823) (AMNH). Darien: Rio Tacarcuna, 8.09931 ° N 77.29622 ° W, 579 m, Jul 1963, W. P. Murdoch, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00008891) (USNM). Panama: 10–13 km N of El Llano, 9.31264 ° N 78.96434 ° W, 29 May 1983 – 31 May 1983, E. Giesbert, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00010911) (LACM). Altos de Maje, Chepo, 9.13796 ° N 78.83546 ° W, 14 May 1976 – 15 May 1976, D. Engleman, Light Trap, 4ɗ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 0 9804 - UCR_ ENT 00009807) (AMNH). Cabima, 9.1333 ° N 79.5333 ° W, 30 May 1911, A. Busck, 3Ψ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 0 9351 - UCR_ ENT 00009353) (USNM). Canal Area, Old Gamboa Rd. km 1–5, 9.14137 ° N 79.72564 ° W, 50 m, Jun 1993 – Jul 1993, C. Snyder, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00014923) (AMNH). Cerro Azul, 9.16927 ° N 79.41629 ° W, 29 Apr 1981, E. Giesbert, 2ɗ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 0 9796, UCR_ ENT 00009797) (AMNH). Cerro Jefe, 9.2 ° N 79.35 ° W, 700 m, 20 May 1972, Stockwell, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00032581) (UCB). Km 7, pipeline road, Gamboa, 9.15825 ° N 79.7435 ° W, May 1996, S. Lingafelter, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00035827) (AMNH). Maje Station, 9.16666 ° N 78.8 ° W, 18 May 1974, A. Ramirez, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00009826) (AMNH). Nusagandi, 9.33333 ° N 78.96666 ° W, 18 May 1993 – 20 May 1993, E. Riley, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00031622) (TAMU). Pacora, 9.0833 ° N 79.2833 ° W, 21 m, 21 May 1951, F. S. Blanton, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00009820) (AMNH).

Other material examined. Apiomerus nigricollis Stål, 1860. BRAZIL: Amazonas: Benjamin Constant, 11 Feb 1942 – 01 Mar 1942, August Rabaut, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00010736) (AMNH). Espirito Santo: Santa Thereza, Dec 1946, R. Arle, 1Ψ (UCR_ ENT 00017672) (AMNH). Parana: Iguacu N. P., 20 Oct 1982 – 23 Oct 1982, Dr. L. Gomez, 2Ψ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 17670 - UCR_ ENT 00017671) (AMNH). Santa Catarina: Nova Teutonia, 10 Dec 1944, Fritz Plaumann, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00010738). Sao Paulo: S. Bernardo; 15 Jan 1942, Spitz, 1ɗ (UCR_ ENT 00010737) (AMNH).

Apiomerus saileri Costa Lima, Campos Seabra, & Hathaway, 1951. BOLIVIA: La Paz: Guanay, Oct 1993– 01 Nov 1993, L. Pena, 4ɗ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 0 9394 - UCR_ ENT 00009397), 2Ψ (UCR_ ENT 0 0 0 31223, UCR_ ENT 00031224) (USNM).

Apiomerus shannoni Costa Lima, Campos Seabra, & Hathaway, 1951. PERU: Loreto: Iquitos, 3.748 ° S 73.247 ° W, Mar 1931 – Apr 1931, R. C. Shannon, 1ɗ (UCR_ENT 0 0 0 0 7982 [cat Type No. 61896 USNM]) (USNM).

Apiomerus venezuelensis Costa Lima, Campos Seabra, & Hathaway, 1951. VENEZUELA: Unknown locality, 1ɗ (UCR_ENT 0 0 0 0 7985 [cat Type No. 61885 USNM]) (USNM).


Published as part of Forero, Dimitri, Berniker, Lily & Szerlip, Sigurd, 2010, A polychromatic new species of Apiomerus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae) from Central America, pp. 44-60 in Zootaxa 2522 on pages 46-57, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.196308


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sp. nov.
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Apiomerus barrocoloradoi Forero, Berniker & Szerlip, 2010