Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Anepholcia pygaria Warren 1912


Anepholcia pygaria (Warren, 1912)

(Figs. 1–6, 25, 33, 39)

Trisuloides pygaria Warren, 1912, Novitates Zoologicae, 19: 2, (Holotype: female: [Indonesia] West Sumatra, Benkoelen [BMNH, London).

References: Jordan, Warren & Gaede, in Seits 1909–1914: 41, Pl. 5i (Trisuloides); Prout 1924: 401, Pl. 13:8, male genitalia Pl.16 (Anepholcia); Holloway 1976: 32; 1985: 301, Pl. 8, male genitalia fig. 310 (Anepholcia); Kobes 1985, 20, Pl. 3:1, 2, male genitalia fig. 16 (Anepholcia); Poole 1989: 84 (Anepholcia); Kononenko & Pinratana 2005: 133, Pl. 39:2 (Anepholcia).

Material examined. Type material. Photographs of the holotype (BMNH, London). Holotype: female, Benkoelen W. Sumatra (Ericsson)./ Rotschild Bequest B.M. 1939-1./ Trisuloides pygaria Type, female. Warr / Type. Other material: photographs of non-type specimen from coll. BMNH: 1 male, 7.22. Barisan Range Western Slope S.W. Sumatra, 2500 ft., Oct.–Nov. 1921. C., F., & J. Pratt./ Presented by J.J. Joicey Esq. Brit. Mus. 1931-444/ No allotype/ Bull. Hill Mus. I. P. 403 (1921); 2 males, N VIETNAM, Prov. Tai Nyguen, Plato Ty Nguyen, Mt. Ngoclinh, 900–1400 m, Sinyaev V. & E. Afonin leg., 10–25.viii.1996, coll. GB (ZSM), genitalia slides 7322m, 7645m; 1 male, S VIETNAM, Bach-Ma National park, 1200 m, Sinyaev V. & E. Afonin leg., 26. vii–6.viii.1996, in coll. GB (ZSM), genitalia slide 7646m; 1 male, THAILAND, Prov. Chiang Mai, Doi Phahompok, 16–20 km SW Mae Ai, Ihle T. leg., 14–19.iii.2005, 1400–2200 m, in coll. GB (ZSM), genitalia slide: 7321m; 1 male, Prov. Chiang Mai, Sansai, collector unknown, 17. ix. 1985, in coll. GB (ZSM); 1 male, Prov. Chiang Mai, Distr. Doi-Saket, OSO Hang, Nässig W. & Bänziger H. leg., 12.iii.1986, below. Doi San Yao, ca. 1260 m, coll. Kobes (ZSM), genitalia slide ZSM N 4168m; 1 male, MALAYSIA, Cameron Highland, Gunung Jasar, 1500 m, 3°30'N, 102°03'E, Shu-Wui Loh leg., 14.ii.1997, in coll. GB (ZSM), genitalia slide 7339m; 1 female, INDONESIA, SUMATRA, Upper Sunda Islands, Barisan Mts., Reg. Sumatera Utara, Prapat, HW 3, 1040–1150 m, Diehl E.W. leg.,, in coll. GB (ZSM), genitalia slide 7445f; 1 male, same locality and collector, end viii. 1982, coll. Kobes (ZSM), genitalia slide ZSM N 4169m; 1 male, same locality and collector, 15.vii.1983, coll. Kobes (ZSM), genitalia slide ZSM N 4174m; 3 males, Prapat, Holzweg 2, 1050 m, 28 km W Siantar, Buchsbaum U. leg., 4.xii. 2000 coll. ZSM, München, genitalia slide ZSM N 4193m; 1 male, Sitahoan, 10 km SE Prapat, 1450 m, Diehl E.W. leg., 24–25.xii. 1981, coll. Kobes (ZSM), genitalia slide ZSM N 4171f; 1 male, Padang, Panjang, Diehl E.W. leg., 17.x. 1981, coll. Kobes (ZSM), genitalia slide ZSM N 4211m; 1 male, near Prapat, 1150–1450 m, Diehl E.W. leg., 3–10.viii.1980, coll. Kobes (ZSM), genitalia slide ZSM N 4214m; 1 male, same locality, Malicky H. leg., 14.ii.1991, coll. Hacker (ZSM), genitalia slide ZSM N 4216m; 1 female, Prapat, 14 km OSO, HW 3, Diehl E.W. leg., 2.ix.1983, coll. Kobes (ZSM), genitalia slide ZSM N 4165f; 1 male, Bukit Subang, 1200 m, 27 km E, Schintlmeister A. leg., i. 1981, in coll. GB (ZSM), genitalia slide 0971m; 1 male, near Paritohan, 700–750 m, Kager leg., 11.i.1981, coll. Kobes (ZSM), genitalia slide ZSM N 4212m; 1 male, INDONESIA, CERAM, Moluccas, Manusela Mts. National Park, Bal leg. ex coll. Brechlin R., v.1998, 1600 m, road Hatu Metan to Manusela, coll. J. Stumpf, D, Lauda/Koenigstein;

Diagnosis. Adult (Figs. 1–6). Wingspan: male 49–52 mm, female. 58–60 mm. Head and patagia ochre-brown, tegulae reddish-brown, bordered with white; thorax and abdomen reddish-brown, abdominal crest presents, most prominent on 3rd segment. Antennae of male with moderate pectinations to beyond middle, shortening gradually to serrations, which are continue almost to apex; in female pectination shorter than in male. Forewing glossy, dark brown, ochre-reddish, darker in basal and subbasal fields, suffused with whitish scales; antemedial line angled outward on M, curved inward and angled outward on A; medial shadow, if expressed waved; orbicular dark, diffused; reniform traceable, bordered with white diffused line more bright outwardly; white suffusion lies behind reniform in costal area, in females it covers terminal third of wing; postmedial line waved, diffused; ochre-brown with white inner bordering tornal mark present between postmedial and subterminal lines; subterminal line dentate, brown, outwardly bordered with whitish suffusion in mid part of wing; terminal line white, dentate opposite veins, forming row of semilunar marks along termen; fringes grey or ochre-brown. Hindwing bright-yellow, with broad terminal band with dentate yellow terminal line extending along wing and forming yellow anal angle and row of brown semilunar terminal marks; fringes brown. In male genitalia (Fig. 25) uncus broad, apex square; tegumen with wide lobes, shorter than vinculum; juxta shield-like; valva short, quadrangular, narrow posteriorly; costa and ventral margin of valva heavily sclerotised, cucullus rounded, covered with strong setae; central part of valva with prominent soft hairy extension (formed by editum); sacculus narrow, with strong horn-like acute extension curved dorsally, almost reaching apical angle of valva. Aedeagus rather wide, carina with strong scobinate cornuti; vesica projected dorsally, extended medially, bearing two pouch-like subbasal diverticula and small subapical one. In female genitalia (Fig. 33) papillae anales wide, quadrangular; apophyses posteriores and anteriores ones short, equal in length; antrum heavily sclerotised, smooth, funnel-like; ductus bursae short, membranous, corpus bursae long, rather narrow, some extended anteriorly.

Distribution (Map 39). Thailand; Vietnam; Malaysia: Malay Peninsula, Borneo; Indonesia: Sumatra, Mollucas, Ceram. The moth probably has several generations annually, as adults have been collected through the year.

Taxonomic note. Judging from the original description the species was described from a single female (Fig. 1), which is the holotype. The other male specimen from BMNH (Fig. 2) is not a syntype, however it probably had been examined by A. E. Prout (1924).


Published as part of Behounek, Gottfried & Kononenko, Vladimir, 2011, A revision of the genus Anepholcia Prout, 1924 with description of three new species from South East Asia (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Revision of Pantheinae, Contribution IV, pp. 20-34 in Zootaxa 3097 on pages 21-22, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.279116


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Anepholcia pygaria Warren, 1912 sec. Behounek & Kononenko, 2011


  • Warren, W. (1912) New Noctuidae in the Tring Museum, mainly from the Indo-Oriental region. Novitates Zoologicae, 19 (1), 1 - 57.
  • Prout, A. E. (1924) A preliminary revision of the genus Trisuloides Btlr. (Lep. Het. Noctuidae), with descriptions of new genera and new species and notes on the genitalia by G. Talbot F. E. S. Bulletin of the Hill Museum, Witley 1, 400 - 412, pls. 13, 16, 17.
  • Holloway J. D. (1976) Moths of Borneo with special references to Mount Kinabalu. Malay Nature Society & Sabah Foundation. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 264 pp.
  • Kobes, L. W. R. (1985) Pantheinae und Catocalinae von Sumatra. Heterocera Sumatrana, 4 (1), 1 - 92.
  • Poole, R. W. (1989) Noctuidae. Lepidopterorum Catalogues (New Series). Fascicle 118, pt 1 - 3. 1314 pp. EJ Brill, Leiden.
  • Kononenko, V. S. & A. Pinratana. (2005) An illustrated Catalogue of the Noctuidae (Insecta, Lepidoptera) in Thailand. Part. 1 (Subfamilies Herminiinae, Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Catocalinae, Aganainae, Euteliinae, Stictopterinae, Plusiinae, Pantheinae, Acronictinae and Agaristinae). Moths of Thailand, Vol. 3. Bangkok. 261 pp.