Mirollia tawai Ingrisch, 2011, sp. n.
Mirollia tawai sp. n.
Fig. 2K, 11B, 12G–H, 13C, 14F–I, 16G–H, 19D, 20D–E, 21E
Holotype (male): East Malaysia, Sabah: Tawai Plateau, 8 mi. S Telupid [6°10'N, 117°1'E], 8.ix.1977, leg. M.E. Bacchus, depository: The Natural History Museum London (BMNH).
Paratypes: 4 females, 2 males, same data as holotype (BMNH).
Diagnosis. The new species is similar to M. cerciata Hebard, 1922, M. abnormis Karny, 1926, M. lata Gorochov, 2008, and M. rumidi sp. n. It differs by the male cerci that have the recurved apical area of the cercus broadly subfused with the main cercus trunk giving the latter an obtuse apical fold and an apico-internal process that runs for a short distance parallel to the main trunk but backwards before it curves into the apical tooth. It also has three pairs of phallus sclerites but the central pair is about twice as long as the lateral pair and sinuously curved, the lateral pair is triangular and the intermediate pair larger and oval. With regard to these characters it also differs from all other species of the genus.
Discussion. One might see an evolutionary row of the cercus shape from a simply curved apical area as in M. malaya sp. n. (Fig. 14B) over a simple double-recurved apical area as in M. abnormis (Fig. 14E), then the first recurved part becoming fused to the main trunk as in M. tawai (Fig. 14F), the first recurved part getting largely reduced to a widened base of an internal process as in M. cerciata (figured in Eades et al. 2011), to finally a tiny curved internal process as in M. rumidi (Fig. 14K) or to a straight internal tooth with strongly flattened base as in M. lata (figure 50 in Gorochov 2008). The evolutionary changes were accompanied by severe changes of the phallus sclerites.
Description. Fastigium verticis furrowed, vertically descending, at tip little upcurved again (Fig. 11B). Pronotum with medial carina interrupted by second transverse sulcus; posterior margin truncate; disc with lateral angles rounded; paranota about as long as high.
Male. Stridulatory file on underside of left tegmen concave; teeth wide, at base extremely dense and indistinct, gradually getting little wider spaced to subapical area; at base with 14.8–18.3, in middle with 9.5–9.8, near apex with 7.1–7.6 teeth per 0.1 mm (Fig. 13C). Mirror on right tegmen in anterior area deeply depressed; 2.05–2.14 mm long, 1.58–1.80 mm wide; index length: width 1.14–1.36 (Fig. 12H). Second and third abdominal tergites setose in middle (Fig. 19D). Tenth abdominal tergite with apical margin obtusely excised in middle. Epiproct narrow-triangular, furrowed (Fig. 14I). Cerci long, surpassing apex of subgenital plate, in less than basal half moderately stout, then narrowed and curved laterad and again mediad towards apex; at apex strongly recurved, terminating into a triangular swelling at posterior angle and a long, stout, acute hook at proximal angle (Figs. 14F, H). Subgenital plate with central area prolonged, with medial carina; at apex narrowly split into two short lobes with obliquely truncate apical margins (Fig. 14G). Phallus with two pairs of sclerites (Figs. 16G–H): conchate lateral sclerites with serrate apico-ventral and sharp dorsal margin; medial sclerites prolonged, with recurved base thus forming two posterior projections: dorsal projection conchate with sharp margins, ventral projection prolonged, compressed, slightly sinuate with serrate margins in about apical third.
Female. Subgenital plate from apex excised with a triangular lobe at both sides and bottom of excision truncate (Fig. 20D, 21E). Cerci narrow, nearly straight, at apex curved and acute. Epiproct triangularly rounded, with dorsal furrow. Ovipositor falcate (Fig. 20E).
Coloration. Green. Scapus and pedicellus with black band on dorsal surface. Pronotum with scattered black dots and two larger dots on disc between first and second sulcus. Tegmen green with black dots mainly in posterior area and three rows with little larger black or in anterior area red dots (Fig. 2K); stridulatory area with dark brown band (Fig. 12G). Fore tibia with black marks in tympanal area. Anterior femur with dark brown dorso-lateral stroke.
Etymology. Named after the type locality; noun in apposition.
Measurements (3 males, 4 females). Body w/wings: male 26.5–27.0, female 28.5–30.5; body w/o wings: male 13.5–16.0, female 17–18; pronotum: male 3.8–4.2, female 3.8–4.2; tegmen: male 20–21, female 21.5–23.5; hind wing: male 21.5–22.5, female 24–26; hind femur: male 10.0–10.5, female 11.5–12.5; ovipositor: female 5.0– 5.5 mm.
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- Journal article: 10.5281/zenodo.278159 (DOI)
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- https://biodiversitypmc.sibils.org/collections/plazi/216B87F2FFF82B03FF1D315EFF35EDC7 (URL)
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- https://www.checklistbank.org/dataset/46463/taxon/216B87F2FFF82B03FF1D315EFF35EDC7.taxon (URL)
- Family
- Phaneropteridae
- Genus
- Mirollia
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Orthoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Species
- tawai
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Mirollia tawai Ingrisch, 2011
- Hebard, M. (1922) Studies in Malayan, Melanesian and Australian Tettigoniidae (Orthoptera). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 74, 121 - 299, pls 11 - 22; Philadelphia.
- Karny, H. H. (1926) Beitrage zur malayischen Orthopterenfauna XV. Die Conocephalinen (s. l.) des Buitenzorger Museums. Treubia, 9, 162 - 254, pl - 4 - 5; Bogor.
- Gorochov, A. V. (2008) New and little known species of the tribe Mirolliini (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, Phaneropterinae) from South-East Asia. Euroasian Entomological Journal 7, 311 - 321 [in Russian; abstract and diagnoses English].
- Eades, D. C., Otte, D., Cigliano, M. M. & Braun, H. (2011) Orthoptera Species File Online. Version 2.0 / 4.0. Available from: <http: // Orthoptera. SpeciesFile. org> [retrieval date 2011 - 03 - 10].