Prozercon carsticus Halaskova
Prozercon carsticus Halašková
Prozercon carsticus Halašková, 1963: 150; Vincze, 1965: 244; Karg, 1971: 305; Błaszak, 1974: 65; 1993: 311; Solomon, 1980: 51; Urhan & Ayyildiz, 1996a: 571; 1996b: 260; Urhan, 1998a: 534; Ivan & Cälugär, 2004: 9; Kontschán, 2006b: 130; Papáč et al., 2006: 190, 193; Ujvári & Kontschán, 2007: 107; Błaszak et al., 2007: 105.
Prozercon karsticus.— Petrova, 1977a: 584 (incorrect subsequent spelling).
Prozercon ukrainicus Balan, 1991b: 145 (synonymy by Mašán & Fenďa, 2004).
Material examined (Fig. 36). E-2160, Greece, Drama county, Falakro Mts., beech forest beneath the ski centre, 1186 m a.s.l., N41°17.582’ E24°00.422’, leaf litter, 31.03.2007, leg. Dányi, L., Erőss, Z., Fehér, Z., Kontschán, J., Murányi, D. (10 females, 3 males); E-2171, Greece, Drama county, Falakro Mts., rocky alpine grassland beneath the ski centre, 1350 m a.s.l., N41°17.373’ E24°01.631’, soil of alpine meadow, 30.03.2007, leg. Dányi, L., Erőss, Z., Fehér, Z., Kontschán, J., Murányi, D. (1 female); E-2201, Greece, Xanthi county, Koula Mts., limestone gorge with beech forest north of Oreo, 820 m a.s.l., N41°17.485’ E24°50.767’, leaf litter and dry rotten tree, 03.04.2007, leg. Dányi, L., Erőss, Z., Fehér, Z., Kontschán, J., Murányi, D. (8 females, 1m male); E-2191, Greece, Xanthi county, Koula Mts., Aspro Stream and its gallery beneath Oreo, 550 m a.s.l., N41°16.369’ E24°51.275’, moss on rocks, 03.04.2007, leg. Dányi, L., Erőss, Z., Fehér, Z., Kontschán, J., Murányi, D. (11 females); E-2158, Greece, Drama county, Orvilos Mts., stream in alder gallery, and limestone rocks above Katafito, 823 m a.s.l., N41°20.725’ E23°40.463’, dry rotten wood, 31.03.2007, leg. Dányi, L., Erőss, Z., Fehér, Z., Kontschán, J., Murányi, D. (3 females); E-2183, Greece, Serres county, brook in a beech forest along the Serres-Kato Vrondou road, 916 m a.s.l., N41°14.722’ E23°40.513’, leaf litter, 30.03.2007, leg. Dányi, L., Erőss, Z., Fehér, Z., Kontschán, J., Murányi, D. (10 females, 1 male, 1 DN).
Remarks. This species has been reported from Central Europe (Mašán & Fenďa 2004) and the North Balkan region.This is the first record of the species in Greece.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Zerconidae
- Genus
- Prozercon
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Mesostigmata
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Halaskova
- Species
- carsticus
- Taxon rank
- species
- Halaskova, V. (1963) On the genus Prozercon Sellnick, 1943. Acta Societatis Entomologicae C echosloveniae, 60, 145 - 169.
- Vincze, S. (1965) Einige Beitrage zur Zerconiden-Fauna Ungarns. Opuscula Zoologica Budapest, 5, 241 - 246.
- Karg, W. (1971) Acari (Acarina), Milben. Unterordnung Anactinochaeta (Parasitiformes). Die freilebende Gamasina (Gamasides), Raubmilben. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands, 59, 1 - 475.
- Blaszak, C. (1974) Monografie Fauny Polski. Tom. 3. Zerconidae (Acari, Mesostigmata) Polski. Polska Akademia Nauk, Zaklad zoologii systematycznej i doSwiadczalnej, Panstwowe Wydawnicztwo Naukowe, Warszawa, Krakow, 315 pp.
- Solomon, L. (1980) Zerconidae (Acari, Mesostigmata) new to the Romanian fauna. Travaux du Musee d'Histoire Naturelle " Gr. Antipa ", 21, 51 - 53.
- Urhan, R. & Ayyildiz, N. (1996 a) Two new species of the genus Prozercon Sellnick from Turkey (Acari: Zerconidae). Genus, 7, 569 - 580.
- Urhan, R. (1998 a) Some new species of the family Zerconidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Turkey. Journal of Natural History, 32, 533 - 543.
- Ivan, O. & Calugar, A. (2004) Studiul familiilor Zerconidae Canestrini, 1891 si Scheloribatidae Grandjean, 1933 (Acari: Gamasina, Oribatida): morfologia, taxonomia, ecologia si raspandirea speciilor din fauna Romaniei. Revista de Politica Stiintei si Scientometric (Numar special) 2005, 54 pp.
- Kontschan, J. (2006 b) Check list of the Hungarian Mesostigmatid mites. I - II. Zerconidae and Macrochelidae. Folia Historico - Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 30, 129 - 136.
- Papac, V., Kovac, L., Mock, A., Kosel, V. & Fen oa, P. (2006) Terrestrial arthropods of selected caves in the Silica Plateau. In: Bella, P. (Ed.). Vyskum, vyuzivanie a ochrana jasky n 5. Slovak Caves Administration, Hodzova, Liptovsky Mikulas, pp. 187 - 199. (in Slovak, English abstr.)
- Ujvari, Zs. & Kontschan, J. (2007) New occurences of the Zerconid mites from Hungary (Acari: Mesostigmata). Folia Historico - Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 31, 107 - 114.
- Blaszak, C., Ehrnsberger, R., Olszanowski, Z. & Szywilewska, P. (2007) Die Milben in der Zoologischen Staatssammlung Munchen. Teil 8. Familie Zerconidae. Spixiana, 30, 103 - 116.
- Petrova, A. D. (1977 a) Family Zerconidae Canestrini, 1891. In: Gilyarov, M. S. & Bregetova, N. G. (Eds.). A Key to the Soil - Inhabiting Mites, Mesostigmata. Nauka, Leningrad, pp. 577 - 620. (in Russian).
- Balan, P. G. (1991 b) A new species of mites from the genus Prozercon (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 70, 145 - 148. (in Russian, English abstr.)
- Masan, P. & Fen oa, P. (2004) Zerconid mites of Slovakia (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae). NOI Press, Bratislava, 238 pp.