Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
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Campsurus evanidus Needham & Murphy


Campsurus evanidus Needham & Murphy

Campsurus evanidus Needham & Murphy, 1924: 18; Traver, 1947: 379; Domínguez et al. 2006: 570.

Campsurus juradinus Navás, 1930: 129; Traver, 1947: 371; Domínguez et al. 2006: 572. NEW SYNONYM.

Type material. Campsurus juradinus Navás, male holotype (MACN, originally pinned, now rehydrated and in alcohol) from Argentina, Entre Ríos, Gualeguaychú (probably río Uruguay), S 33º 01' 10" W 58º 30' 23" (approximate), 19/IV/1924, Col. Prof. M.D. Jurado.

Campsurus evanidus Needham & Murphy type slides: holotype male imago, genitalia and wings (CUIC nº 619.1), allotype female adult wings (CUIC nº 619.2), paratype male genitalia (CUIC nº 619.4), paratype male genitalia (CUIC nº 619.3) from Brazil, Minas Gerais, Rio Sao Francisco, Pirapora, S 17º 19' 58" W 44º 53' 53" (approximate), 11-13/XI/1919.

Additional material. One male and 2 female imagos (MUR, determined by Traver) from Uruguay, Artigas, 26/I/1952. Two male and 1 female imagos and 2 male subimagos, from Uruguay, Durazno, Sarandí del Yí, Río Yí, S 33° 20' 41" W 55° 37' 07", 132 m, 22/II/2008, D. Emmerich & C. Molineri, cols. Fifteen male and 3 female imagos from Bolivia, Río Blanco near Once Por Ciento, road between Santa Cruz and Trinidad, S 15° 21' 39.7" W 63° 17' 28.8", 250 m, 14/VI/2000, E. Domínguez col.

Male imago. Length (mm): body, 9.8–14.5; fore wing, 10.0–12.5; hind wing, 4.5–6.3; cerci, 27.0–34.0; fore leg, 5.0–6.5. General coloration whitish with well-defined black markings. Head whitish, completely shaded with black dorsally (Fig. 26). Antennae whitish translucent shaded light brownish. Thorax (Fig. 26). Pronotum whitish, except pronotal hump translucent; large medial area shaded with black; medial line and hind margin shaded black; posterior half of lateral margin shaded with gray; prosternum yellowish white with a medial gray line. Mesonotum cream shaded with black on carinae; transverse dash anterior to wing insertion, and on an anterior and posterior Vshaped mark (Fig. 26), shaded diffusely with gray on mesonotum; metanotum cream, shaded dorsally with brownish gray; remainder of meso-and metathorax pale cream without marks; mesofurcasternum heavily shaded black or gray; inner margins of furcasternal plates diverging on posterior one-half. Legs: fore legs whitish widely shaded with grayish on tibia and tarsi; fore coxa with a subapical gray spot and femur only with a fine longitudinal gray line; middle and hind legs whitish translucent. Wings. Membrane hyaline; fore wings (Fig. 31) with veins C, Sc and R1 purplish turning hyaline on distal half; remaining longitudinal and cross veins translucent hyaline; hind wing (Fig. 32) veins translucent hyaline. Abdomen translucent whitish shaded with gray on median zones of all terga: a slightly paler median line is present on all terga except on VIII, median gray marks of terga as in figures 27–28; abdominal sterna pale without shading, except a pair of small gray dashes on sternum X. Genitalia: sternum IX whitish, acutely projected medially (Figs 33–35), pedestals and forceps whitish, penes whitish except dorsal sclerotized margin orangeish (Figs 35–36). Caudal filament translucent whitish.

Female imago. Length (mm): body, 11.0–16.8; fore wing, 12.0–18.0; hind wing, 5.7–8.0; cerci, 5.0–5.5. General coloration similar to male (Figs 29–30). Legs whitish shaded with gray on coxae I–II. Wing membrane translucent whitish, costal area shaded with purplish white until 3/4 from base. Abdomen with somewhat more extended gray areas on terga.(Fig. 30) Sternum VIII with a pair of partially fused, elongated and diverging sockets near anterior margin (Figs 37–38).

Eggs. Maximum length, 315–325 µm; maximum width, 265–270 µm yellowish white, bowl shaped, oval, with an extremely reduced polar cap (sometimes indistinguishable or absent) situated at the apex of the main axis (Fig. 56 C).

Diagnosis and discussion. Campsurus evanidus can be distinguished from all other species of the genus by the following combination of characters: 1) posterior margin of male abdominal sternum IX convex, acute (Figs 33– 35); 2) pedestals subtriangular, outer-posterior margin acutely projected (Fig. 36); 3) penes separated and slightly diverging distally, each arm formed by a large and sclerotized lobe, and sometimes a small ventral membranous lobe is distinguishable (Fig. 35); 4) medium to large size (length of male fore wings 10.0– 12.5 mm, female fore wings 12.0–18.0 mm); 5) blackish pigments on head and pronotum distinct, mainly on posterior half of medial line, posterolateral margins of pronotum not strongly shaded (Figs 26, 29); 7) abdominal color pattern as in figures 27– 28 (male) and 30 (female); 8) female sternum VIII with paired sockets on anterior margin, sockets elongated and posteriorly divergent (Fig. 38).

Campsurus juradinus was described by Navás (1930) from a pinned male imago. Recently the type material, thought lost, was found among some vouchers in MACN. The study of the genitalia prior and after rehydration proved it to be very similar to C. evanidus, this and the general aspect and wing venation strongly suggest that C. juradinus is a junior subjective synonym of C. evanidus. Two pictures of the dry genitalia are provided for comparison (Figs 39–40).

Distribution. Argentina (Corrientes) new country record, Bolivia (Santa Cruz) new country record, Uruguay (Durazno and Artigas) new country record. Brazil (Minas Gerais) original description.


Published as part of Emmerich, Daniel & Molineri, Carlos, 2011, A new species of Campsurus (Ephemeroptera: Polymitarcyidae: Campsurinae) from Argentina and Uruguay and redescription of C. evanidus and C. jorgenseni with new synonymies, pp. 51-60 in Zootaxa 2965 on pages 55-56, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.205154


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Needham & Murphy
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  • Needham, J. G. & Murphy, H. E. (1924) Neotropical mayflies. Bulletin of the Lloyd Library, Number 24, Entomological Series 4, 1 - 79.
  • Traver, J. R. (1947) Notes on Neotropical mayflies. Part III. Family Ephemeridae. Revista de Entomologia, 18, 370 - 395.
  • Dominguez, E., Molineri, C., Pescador, M., Hubbard, M. D. & Nieto, C. (2006) Ephemeroptera of South America in Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin America (ABLA, Vol. 2), eds. Adis, J., Arias, J. R., Rueda-Delgado, G. and Wantzen, K. M. Sofia-Moscow, Pensoft, 650 pp.
  • Navas, L. (1930) Insectos neotropicos. Sexta serie. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 34, 62 - 75.