Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Emberiza rufigularis C. L. Brehm


Emberiza rufigularis C. L. Brehm

Emberiza rufigularis C. L. Brehm, 1831: 1017.

Now. Emberiza caesia Cretzschmar, 1828. See Hartert (1904: 182).

Types (lost): unknown number of specimens, formerly in the private C. L. Brehm Collection (Renthendorf, Germany), collected by Hemprich and Ehrenberg in 1824 in “ Syrien ” [= Beirut, Lebanon]; see below.

Type locality. All “Syrian” E. caesia were collected at Beirut, Lebanon (Lichtenstein 1825); we restrict here the type locality to the latter city.

Remarks. C. L. Brehm (1831: 299) recognized “Hemprich and Ehrenberg’s” E. rufibarba as a valid species. In Additions to the book, he created E. rufigularis for specimens with more vaulted head (p. 1017). Subsequently, he merged rufibarba with E. caesia, recognizing within the latter species the following four subspecies: longirostris (1 specimen found in his estate), crassirostris (2 specimens), tenuirostris (3 specimens), and rufigularis (3 specimens) (A. E. Brehm 1866: 8). The remains of the Brehm Collection are deposited in the AMNH, including four E. caesia from “ Syria ”. They include AMNH 456097 (ad. 3; labelled rufibarba), AMNH 456098 (ad. 3; labelled tenuirostris), AMNH 456099 (juv. Ƥ; labelled tenuirostris), and AMNH 456100 (ad. Ƥ; originally labelled rufibarba, which was then crossed out and replaced with tenuirostris) (M. LeCroy, in litt. 2010). As noted by LeCroy (in litt. 2010), there is no indication that C. L. Brehm considered these specimens anything else. We thus do not consider these AMNH specimens types of E. rufigularis. While C. L. Brehm’s rufigularis was certainly based on one or more specimens collected by Hemprich and Ehrenberg in Lebanon, these specimens all seem to be lost.

Giebel (1875: 97) and Hartert (1904: 182) attributed rufigularis to C. L. Brehm (1855: 113), but the name originated from C. L. Brehm (1831) (see also Hartert 1918: 16, footnote).


Published as part of Mlíkovský, Jiří & Frahnert, Sylke, 2011, Type specimens and type localities of birds collected during the Hemprich and Ehrenberg expedition to Lebanon in 1824, pp. 1-29 in Zootaxa 2990 on page 21, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.278408


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C. L. Brehm
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  • Brehm, C. L. (1831) Handbuch der Naturgeschichte aller Vogel Deutschlands. Bernh. Friedr. Voigt, Ilmenau, xxiv + 1088 pp.
  • Hartert, E. (1904) Die Vogel der palaarktischen Fauna. Vol. 1 (Heft 2). R. Friedlander & Sohn, Berlin, pp. 113 - 240.
  • Lichtenstein, H. (1825) Verzeichniss der Gegenstande, welche die Doctoren Ehrenberg und Hemprich im Jahr 1824, in Arabien und Syrien gesammelt und in ihrer neunten (8 ten) [sic!] Sendung uberschickt haben. Unpublished manuscript deposited in the Museum fur Naturkunde an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Historische Bild- u. Schriftgutsammlungen, Bestand: Zool. Mus., Signatur ZMB S I, Hemprich & Ehrenberg, I (pp. 175 - 176) und III (pp. 183 - 185).
  • Giebel, C. G. (1875) Thesaurus ornithologiae. Repertorium der gesammten ornithologischen Literatur und Nomenclator sammtlicher Gattungen und Arten der Vogel nebst Synonymen und geographischer Verbreitung. Vol. 2. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig, vi + 787 pp.
  • Brehm, C. L. (1855 b) Der vollstandige Vogelfang. Bernh. Friedr. Voigt, Weimar, xxviii + 416 pp.
  • Hartert, E. (1918) Types of birds in the Tring Museum. A. Types in the Brehm Collection. Novitates Zoologicae, 25, 4 - 63.