Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Fannia lepida Wiedemann 1817


Fannia lepida (Wiedemann, 1817)

(Figs. 7–9)

Anthomyia lepida Wiedemann, 1817: 82. Type locality: Germany, Kiel.

Aricia mutica Zetterstedt, 1845: 1580.

Fannia lepida (Wiedemann): Pont, 1986: 49; Rozkošný et al., 1997: 26; Xue & Wang, 1998: 817; Wang & Xue, 2002: 56.

Redescription. Male: Body length 4.90–5.05 mm. Eye bare, facets slightly enlarged on anterior margin in upper part; postocular setae in one row, irregular in length; occipital setae behind the postocular setae on vertex in one shorter row; fronto-orbital plate and parafacial with dense greyish-silvery pruinosity; frons about 1.5 times as wide as anterior ocellus, about 3/5 of the width of postpedicel; frontal vitta black, linear in the middle; frontal setae 9 or 10, situated on the lower 4/5 of frontal vitta, some short setae between them; orbital setae absent; parafacial bare, about 1/2 the width of postpedicel at middle; antenna black; postpedicel about 2.2 times as long as wide; arista bare; epistoma not projecting to vibrissal angle; vibrissal angle behind frontal angle in profile; subvibrissal setulae in one row, outside with one short row of setae; gena with greyish-brown pruinosity; gena and genal dilation with black hairs; upper margin of gena without upcurved setae; prementum with greyish-yellow pruinosity, its length about 2.5 times as long as its width; palpus black, stick-like, slightly longer than the length of prementum. Thorax black in ground-colour; scutum with dark brown pruinosity, without distinct vitta; presutural acr biserial; postsutural acr triserial, only prescutellar pairs strong, the distance between the two outer acr rows narrower than the distance between acr row and dc row; dc 2+3; ia 0+2; pra 2, about 3/5 the length of posterior notopleural seta; notopleuron without setulae; basisternum, proepisternum, anepimeron, meron and katepimeron bare; katepisternal setae 1+1; katepisternum without ventral spines; anterior spiracle yellowish, posterior one brown; calypters yellow, the lower one projecting beyond the upper one. Wing brownish; veins brown; tegula black; basicosta brownish-yellow; costal spine inconspicuous; node of Rs bare on ventral and dorsal surfaces; veins R4+5 and M conspicuously close to each other distally; vein R4+5 straight; crossveins without obvious cloud; halter yellow. Legs entirely black; fore coxa without anterior spines on ventral surface; fore femur with complete pd and pv rows; fore tibia without ad and median p; mid coxa without any hooked spines or spine-like setae on lower and outer margins; mid femur with stout av row on basal 2/3, towards apex with a gap, comb-like on distal 1/4; pv row complete, long and sparse on basal part, towards apex slightly shorter; p row complete; mid tibia slightly swollen at distal half, with 1 ad, 1 pd and numerous slender hairs on ventral surface, the longest one about equal to mid tibial width; mid first tarsomere without basal tooth-like spines on ventral surface; hind coxa with 2 long setulae on posterior surface; hind femur with 2 long av on distal 1/3, 3 or 4 stout ad on distal 1/3, without pv; hind tibia with 1 av, 13–15 ad in one row, irregular in length, 1 median d and 10 p in one row. Abdomen oval, depressed and flattened, black in groundcolour, with dense bluish-grey pruinosity; syntergite 1+2 to tergite 4 each with 1 broad median inverted triangular vitta; tergite 5 with 1 narrow median vitta; sternite 1 bare.

Female: Not known from China (female described in Chillcott, 1961a: 81).

Material examined. CHINA: Shanxi: Hunyuan: 1 male, 14.vii.1985, M.F. Wang col., 1 male,, M.F. Wang col.; Shanxi: Qinshui: Xiachuan, 1 male,, M.F. Wang col.; Sichuan: Mt. Balang, alt. 4300–4600m, 1 male, 3.viii.2005, M.F. Wang col.; Jilin: Mt. Changbai: Songjianghe to Changbai, alt. 1000–1965m, 1 male, 28– 30.vii.2008, C.T. Zhang col.

Distribution. China (Jilin, Shanxi, Sichuan), Japan, common throughout Europe (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Great Britain, Holand, Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Albania, and Bulgaria), North Africa (Algeria); and Nearctic Region (USA and Canada).


Published as part of Zhang, Dong, Wang, Jing, Wang, Ming-Fu & Li, Kai, 2011, Taxonomic review of the lepida - group of Fannia R. - D. (Diptera: Fanniidae), pp. 57-62 in Zootaxa 2803 on pages 61-62, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206692


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Fannia lepida Wiedemann, 1817 sec. Zhang, Wang, Wang & Li, 2011


  • Wiedemann, C. R. W. (1817) Neue Zweiflugler (Diptera Linn.) aus der Gegend um Kiel. Zoologisches Magazin, 1, 61 - 86.
  • Zetterstedt, J. W. (1845) Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descripta. Vol. 4. Officina Lundbergiana, Lundae [= Lund], pp. 1281 - 1738.
  • Pont, A. C. (1986) Family Fanniidae. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Vol. 11. Scathophagidae - Hypodermatidae. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, pp. 41 - 57.
  • Rozkosny, R., Gregor, F. & Pont, A. C. (1997) The European Fanniidae (Diptera). Acta scientiarum naturalium Academiae scientiarum Bohemicae-Brno, 31, 1 - 80.
  • Xue, W. Q. & Wang, M. F. (1998) Family Fanniidae. In: Xue, W. Q. & Chao, C. M. (Eds.), Flies of China, Volume I. Liaoning Science and Technology Press, Shenyang, pp. 809 - 835. [In Chinese.]
  • Wang, M. F. & Xue, W. Q. (2002) Taxonomic study on Fanniidae of China (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha). In: Li, D. M., Kang, L., Wu, J. W. & Zhang, R. Z. (Eds.), Innovation and Development in Entomology. Science and Technology Press of China, Beijing, pp. 54 - 59. [In Chinese.]
  • Chillcott, J. G. (1961 a) A revision of the Nearctic species of Fanniinae (Diptera: Muscidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 14, 1 - 295.