Lagideus schmidti Smith, new species
Lagideus schmidti Smith, new species
(Figs. 5, 6, 18, 24, 28, 32)
Female. Length, 7.5 mm. Black; white only on legs as follows: trochanters, most of outer surface of fore femur, extreme base of hind femur, extreme base of hind tibia, most of fore tibia, basal third of midtibia, extreme apices of fore and midbasitarsomeres, and extreme apices of hind tarsomeres 1–3. Wings hyaline; veins and stigma black with extreme apex of stigma with white spot and extreme base of costa white. Head: Vertex and frons shiny, duller and sculptured below frons; covered with fine, white hairs almost equal to diameter of an ocellus. Antennal length about 1.5 × head width; antennomeres 3–7 serrate, wider at apex than at base; antennomeres 5–7 about 2 × longer than broad, antennomeres 3 and 4 subequal in length. Malar space broad, equal to diameter of front ocellus. Thorax: Hind basitarsomere 0.9 × length of remaining tarsomeres combined; inner hind tibial spur slightly shorter than length of hind basitarsomere. Abdomen: Sheath in lateral view straight above and below, rounded at apex; in dorsal view broad at base, tapering to acute apex (similar to Smith 1990: fig. 301). Lancet (Fig. 18) with about 15 serrulae, serrulae with fine anterior and posterior subbasal teeth, depth of serrulae decreasing toward apex; annuli 1 and 2 without hairs; annulus 3 with short hairs, dorsal halves of annuli 4–13 with long spines, equal to half or more width of segments, ventral haves of annuli 4–13 with fine short hairs; annuli 15 to apex without hairs.
Male. Length, 6.5 mm. Antenna, head, thorax, and abdomen black. Legs black with most of fore leg, midtibia and tarsus, and basal third of hind tibia white, or legs may be entirely orange with coxae and basal position of mid- and hind femur black. Antenna with antennomeres 3–8 bifurcate (Fig. 24), inner ramus of antennomere 3 long, about half length of outer ramus; fork of apical antennomere subequal to length of stem. Genitalia as in Figs. 28, 32; parameres rounded apically, medial indentation about half length of paramere; penis valve curved and rounded at apex, base of valviceps with acute tooth; penis valve with valviceps rounded at apex and distinctly curved dorsally and with blunt dorso-apical lobe.
Type material. Holotype female, “ Colombia: Cundinamarca, PNN Chingaza Alto de la Bandera, 4°31’N, 73°45’W, 3660m, Malaise, 3/30/ 01–4/12/01, L. Cifuentes, leg., M.1585” (HUM). Paratypes: Same data as for holotype (1 Ƥ, 2 3, HUM, USNM), same except 12/8/00 – 12/22/00, M.1033 (1 3, HUM), same except 3/30/ 01-4/ 12/01, M.1778 (5 3, HUM, USNM), same except 4/12/ 01-5/4/01, M.1585 (4 3, HUM, USNM); Colombia: Cundinamarca, PNN Chingaza Valle del Fraylejon, 4°31’0”N, 73°45’0”W, 3170 m, M.871, Oct. 16-Nov. 1, 2000, A. Perez, coll. (1 3, HUM), same except 8/31/00 - 9/13/00, M.732 (1 Ƥ, 1 3, HUM), same except August 2-17, 2000, M.526 (1 Ƥ, USNM), same except Nov. 10–24, 2000 (1 3, HUM), same except 9/28/00 - 10/13/00, M.805 (2 3, HUM, USNM), same except 8/31/00 - 9/13/00, M.732 (2 3, HUM, USNM), same except 3/15/ 01-3/30/01, M.1581 (2 3, HUM), same except 3/2/01 -3/15/01, Elias R. & Arnulfo P., leg, M.1487 (1 3, USNM); Colombia: Cundinamarca, PNN Chingaza Charrascales, 4°31’N, 73°45’W, 2990m, MT, Oct. 18-31, 2001, A. Cifuentes, Leg., M/2548 (1 Ƥ, HUM); Colombia: Cundinamarca, PNN Chingaza Bosque Palacio, 4°31’00”N, 73°45’00”W, 2930 m, M.869, Oct. 27-Nov. 10, 2000, E. Raigoso, coll. (1 3, HUM); Colombia: Cundinamarca, PNN Chingaza La Siberia, 4°31’N, 73°45’W, 3170 m, Malaise, 3/30/ 01 – 4/13/01, L. Cifuentes, leg., M.15.88 (1 3, USNM); Colombia: Cundinamarca, PNN Sumapaz Bocatoma, Cerro el zapato, 4°14’N, 74°12’W, 3560 m, Malaise, 2-17.i.2003, A. Patino Leg., M.3442 (1 3, HUM); Colombia: Bolivar, SSF Los Colorados La Suiris, 9°54’N, 75°7’W, 126 m, Malaise, 10/2/00 – 10/17/00, E. Deulufeut, leg., M.763 (1 3, HUM).
Etymology. Named for Stefan Schmidt, Zoologische Staatssammlung München, Germany, colleague and specialist of Pergidae.
Remarks. This species keys to L. luticus, couplet 13, in Smith (1990) and will not go past that couplet because of the long dense spines on the dorsal halves of the central annuli. Lagideus luticus (Smith 1990, fig. 318) has long, dense spines on the dorsal halves of annuli 5–12 which are longer than their respective segments and overlap spines on the preceding segments, and the central serrulae are deeper and more symmetrical than those of L. schmidti.
Males are associated by color similarities and collection dates. A number of males differ by leg color, having almost entirely orange legs with the coxae and extreme bases of the femora black. Examination of the antennae and genitalia of these color forms showed no differences, and I believe they are all color varieties of the same species. Males will not key in my 1990 work because I had none with the long inner ramus of antennomere 3 for that study. The only other species with similar antennae is L. boyaca. The genitalia of the two are similar (Figs. 27, 28, 31, 32) but the male of L. boyaca has entirely orange legs, the pronotum, mesepisternum, and mesonotum are orange, and has long golden-yellow hairs on the head and thorax.
See the preceding revised key for separation of females and males from similar species.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Pergidae
- Genus
- Lagideus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hymenoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Smith
- Species
- schmidti
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Lagideus schmidti Smith, 2012
- Smith, D. R. (1990) A synopsis of the sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of America south of the United States: Pergidae. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 34, 7 - 200.