Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Bathycrinus Thomson 1872


Genus Bathycrinus Thomson, 1872

Type species of the genus: Bathycrinus gracilis Thomson, 1872.

Synonymy: Bathycrinus Thomson, 1872: 772; Ilycrinus Danielssen & Koren, 1877: 45; A.H. Clark, 1908a: 236; 1915: 153–154; 1917: 389–390; Bathycrinus Gislén, 1938: 14 –15; Roux, 1977: 27–28; Rasmussen, 1978: T844; Roux et al., 2002: 815, 818, 822; Mironov, 2008: 135–136; Hess, 2011a: T153.

Remarks. It is difficult to distinguish Atlantic species using only external morphological characters as proposed by A.H. Clark (1908a) in his key to species in the genus Bathycrinus. B. aldrichianus Thomson, 1876 and B. gracilis Thomson, 1872 have similarly very serrated crowns profiles, and B. gracilis displays sharper median crests on the division series. However, A.M. Clark (1977: 160) suggested that “possibly further material may indicate that only one species can be recognized”. Both B. carpenteri Danielssen & Koren, 1877 from the Norwegian Sea and the Arctic Ocean and B. australis A.H. Clark, 1907b from the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean differ in having smooth rounded brachials. Characters other than external morphology are required to clearly distinguish among these different Bathycrinus species. As pointed out by Roux (1977), highly derived characters present in articulations of xenomorphic stalks allow a better distinction between taxa and can be used for taxonomic attribution of isolated stalks. The Bathycrinus stalk exhibits two divergent ontogenetic profiles of columnals: the first one develops rigidity in the mesistele, the second provides flexibility in the dististele (Duco & Roux 1981, Fig. 2). Below, we provide additional information on stalk synarthries and their ontogeny which can be used as discriminating characters in taxonomy.

For details on characters of external morphology used to distinguish B. aldrichianus and B. australis, see Gislén (1956) and A.M. Clark (1977). Moreover, new distinctive characters in bathycrinids such as pinnule architecture have been proposed by Mironov (2000, 2008).


Published as part of Eléaume, Marc, Bohn, Jens-Michael, Roux, Michel & Améziane, Nadia, 2012, Stalked crinoids (Echinodermata) collected by the R / V Polarstern and Meteor in the south Atlantic and in Antarctica, pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 3425 on pages 2-3, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.209419


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  • Thomson, C. W. (1872) On the crinoids of the " Porcupine " deep-sea dredging expedition. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburg, 7, 764 - 773.
  • Danielssen, D. C. & Koren, J. (1877) Fra den norske Nordhavsexpedition: Echinodermer. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne, 23, 3, 45 - 83.
  • Clark, A. H. (1908 a) Notice of some Crinoids in the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 51, 8, 233 - 248.
  • Gislen, T. (1938) A revision of the recent Bathycrinidae, with a study of their phylogeny and geographical distribution. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift N. F., 34, 10, 1 - 30.
  • Roux, M. (1977) Les Bourgueticrinina (Crinoidea) recueillis par la " Thalassa " dans le golfe de Gascogne: anatomie comparee des pedoncules et systematique. Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, serie 3, 426, 325 - 384.
  • Rasmussen, H. W. (1978) Crinoidea, Articulata, In: R. C. Moore & Teichert C., Treatise on Invertebrate Palaeontology, Part T, Echinodermata 2, 1, Geological Society of America (Ed.), Boulder, Colorado, and University of Kansas, Lawrence, T 813 - 928.
  • Mironov, A. N. (2008) Stalked crinoids of the family Bathycrinidae (Echinodermata) from the eastern Pacific. Invertebrate Zoology, 5, 2: 133 - 153.
  • Hess, H. (2011 a) Bourgueticrinina. In: Seldon P. (ed), Ausich W. I. (coordinating author) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part T (Echinodermata 2, Revised), University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, Kansas 3: T 146 - 158.
  • Thomson, C. W. (1876) Notice on new living crinoids belonging to the Apiocrinidae. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, 13, 47 - 55.
  • Clark, A. M. (1977) Notes on deep-water Atlantic Crinoidea. Bulletin of the British Museum Natural History, Zoology, 31, 4, 159 - 186.
  • Clark, A. H. (1907 b) A new stalked crinoid (Ptilocrinus pinnatus) from the Pacific coast with a note on Bathycrinus. Proceedings of the United States national Museum, 32, 1547, 551 - 554.
  • Duco, A. & Roux, M. (1981) Modalites particulieres de croissance liees au milieu abyssal chez les Bathycrinidae (Echinodermes, Crinoides pedoncules), Oceanologica Acta, 4, 389 - 394.
  • Gislen, T. (1956) Crinoids from depths exceeding 6000 meters. Galathea Report, 2, 61 - 62.
  • Mironov, A. N. (2000) New taxa of stalked crinoids from the suborder Bourgueticrinina (Echinodermata, Crinoidea). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 79, 6, 712 - 728 (in Russian).