Dicyphus miyamotoi Yasunaga
Dicyphus miyamotoi Yasunaga
(Figs. 1–2)
Dicyphus miyamotoi Yasunaga 2000: 100.
Diagnosis. Adult: recognized by yellowish green, elongate, slender body (Fig. 1 A); uniformly distributed simple, suberect, dark brown setae on dorsum (Fig. 1 C); dark brown clypeus, pale mesial and extreme apex of the antennal segment II; immaculate hemelytra; rows of obscure spots on all femora, tibia with well–developed spines (Fig. 2 A–B), and dark tarsal segments; evaporatory area well–developed, swollen with one long seta (Fig. 2 D–F), and pulvilli setiform; pseudopulvilli fleshy blunt with one side of apex extended to form leafy apically (Fig. 2 C). Male genitalia. Long setae on left paramere and simple vesica (Fig. 1 D–E). Female genitalia (Fig. 3). Bursa compulatrix very transparent, sclerotized rings thick rimmed, more or less triangular; posterior wall with chitinous plate centrally; an inverted vase-shaped semi–sclerotized membrane followed by the interramal sclerite furnished with numerous minute spines. Nymph (5th stage): eyes reddish brown; antennal segments II–III dark brown on basal half, the remainder pale green; rostrum segment IV dark brown at apex; apex of tibia and whole tarsi dark brown (Fig 1 B).
Measurements (53 / 5Ƥ) Body length: 3.99–4.23/4.27–4.58; head width across eyes: 0.63/0.62–0.66; vertex width: 0.29–0.30/0.29–0.31; lengths of antennal segments: I–IV: 0.30–0.32, 0.96–0.97, 0.89–0.93, 0.48/0.30–0.34, 0.86–0.96, 0.87–0.97, 0.47–0.54; total length of labium: 1.73–1.98/1.19–1.31; mesal pronotal length: 0.63–0.67/ 0.64–0.68; basal pronotal width: 1.06–1.08/ 1.11–1.16; width across hemelytra: 1.11–1.24/1.25–1.42; and lengths of metafemur, tibia and tarsus: 1.41–1.54, 2.10–2.18, 0.49–0.52/1.40–1.55, 2.10–2.24, 0.47–0.58.
Specimens examined. Gangwon–do: 63, 4Ƥ, Duchon–myeon, Hongcheon–gun, 26.VI.2003, on Rosa rugosa Thunb. (Rosaceae), J. Seong leg.; 1Ƥ, Hoenggye–ri, Deagwallyeong–myeon, Pyeonchang–gun, 25.VI.2007, on Rosa davurica Pall. (Rosaceae), S. Lee leg.; 4Ƥ, Mt. Gariwang, Jeongseon–gun, 1.VII.2009, light trap, J. Lim leg. Gyeonggi–do: 113, 7Ƥ, Mt. Gwanggyo, Suwon–si, 23.V.2003, light trap, J. Seong leg.; 113, 6Ƥ, Suwon arboretum, Suwon–si, 7.VII.2003, on Rosa multiflora Thunb (Rosaceae), J. Seong leg.
Distribution. South Korea (new record); Japan (Shikoku, Honshu, Kyushu).
Biology. In Korea, this species was collected from wild roses (Rosaceae) such as Rosa multiflora Thunb., Rosa rugosa Thunb., and Rosa davurica Pall, and was commonly attracted to light. During field surveys and laboratory observations nymphs and adults together were found feeding on the aphid Sitobion ibarae (Matsmura 1917) (Fig. 1 A–B).
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Additional details
- Yasunaga, T. (2000) An annotated list and descriptions of new taxa of the plant bug Subfamily Bryocorinae in Japan (Heteroptera: Miridae). Biogeography, 2, 93 - 102.