Atractides angelieri Pešić, Smit & Gerecke, 2012, sp. nov.
Atractides angelieri sp. nov.
(Fig. 2–3)
Type material. Holotype 3, dissected and slide-mounted, France, F146, dept. Ardéche, River La Drobie NW of Ribes, 44° 32'256''N, 4° 03'364'' E, 1.v.2005 Smit. Paratypes: 3 3, 4 ƤƤ, same data as holotype, dissected and slide-mounted.
Further records. France: F122, dept. Var, Massif des Maures, stream V'on des Vaudréches, 05.v.2003 Smit, one juvenile 3 (mounted); F133 Hérault, Cevennes, Riv. Hérault, 3 km upstream of Valleraugue, dept. Gard, 505 m a.s.l., 44° 05'190''N, 3° 36'475'' E, 15.v.2005 Smit, one 3, one Ƥ (mounted); F 137, dept. Cantal, La Cére at St.- Jacques-des-Blats, 967 m a.s.l., 45° 03'159''N, 2° 42'777'' E, 15.v.2005 Smit, one 3 (mounted).
Diagnosis. Integument finely striated, muscle insertions unsclerotized. Male genital field anteromedially concave, with Ac in an obtuse triangle, female genital plates with Ac arranged in a weakly curved line, male P-2 with strongly projecting ventrodistal extension; sword seta of P-4 nearer to distoventral seta in both sexes; interspace S- 1-2 narrow (9-13); I-L-6 stout (L/HB 4.4-4.9).
General features. Integument finely striated, muscle insertions unsclerotized; arrangement of glandularia typically for Atractides (see Gerecke 2003). Coxal field: caudal margin Cx-I convex, apodemes of Cx-II directed laterally. Excretory pore smooth; Vgl-1 not fused to Vgl-2. Palp with strong sexual dimorphism on P-2 and -4, P-4 sword seta near distoventral hair. I-L-5: S-1 longish with obtuse tip, not thickened distally, S-2 basally enlarged, bluntly pointed; I-L-6 stout, slightly curved, basally thickened.
Male (holotype, in parentheses measurement of 3 paratypes; in square parentheses juvenile specimen from F122). Glandularia maximum diameter 23 (24–25) [21]; coxal field: L 284 (275–288) [269]; Cx-III W 301 (303– 310) [294]; Cx-I+II mL 113 (106–116) [96], lL 196 (191–203) [188]. Genital field (Fig. 2A,C) with concave anteromedial margin, posterior margin deeply indented, L/W 96 (88–99) [95]/106 (100–112) [114], Ac in an obtuse triangle, L Ac 1–3: 41 (36–40) [39–42], 35 (31–37) [35], 34 (32–37) [37].
Palp (Fig. 2D–E): total L 252 (251–253) [250], dL: P-1, 28 (29–31) [29]; P-2, 62 (56–64) [57]; P-3, 52 (55– 58.5) [54]; P-4, 79 (77–82) [77]; P-5, 31 (29–31) [33]; L ratio P-2/P-4, 0.78 (0.68–0.78) [0.74]; P-2 with strong ventrodistal protrusion consisting of a sharply pointed medial hump and an irregularly convex lateral thickening, P- 3 ventral margin slightly concave, P-4 maximum H near proximoventral hair; capitulum vL 104 (105–116) [98], chelicera total L 176 (174-186) [179].
I-L (Fig. 2B): I-L-5 dL 161 (154–163) [151], vL 115 (106–115) [104], dL/vL ratio (1.41–1.45) [1.45], HB 55.4 (54–58) [52], dL/HB (2.81–3.0) [2.9], S-1 L 74 (74–79) [72], L/ W 11.9 (9.5–10.7) [11.6], S-2 L 66 (66–69) [61], L/ W 6.1 (6.4–6.7) [7.3], distance S- 1-2 11 (9–13) [9], L ratio S-1/2 (1.12–1.14) [1.18]; I-L-6 L 108 (106–109) [108], HB 24 (24–25) [24], L/HB ratio 4.5 (4.4–4.6) [4.6]; L ratio I-L-5/6 (1.45–1.5) [1.4].
Female (from La Drobie, n = 4; in parentheses from F133). glandularia maximum diameter 22-27 (24); coxal field: L 288–322 (328); Cx-III W 342–394 (372); Cx-I+II mL 109–112 (104), lL 190–219 (225). Genital field (Fig. 3A): L/W 146–163/149–163, genital plate L 99–115 (112), Ac in a weakly curved line; L Ac 1-3: 35–42 (42), 32– 40 (37), 33–37 (39).
Palp (Fig. 3 C-D): total L 262–309 (311), dL: P-1, 29–32 (32); P-2, 62–70 (70); P-3, 63–79 (79); P-4, 79–95 (95); P-5, 29–35 (35); L ratio P-2/P-4, 0.72–0.78 (0.74); P-2 without projection, ventrodistal edge rounded; capitulum vL 108-138 (97), chelicera total L 189-212 (212).
I-L (Fig. 3B): I-L-5 dL 160–185 (187), vL 115–136 (139), dL/vL ratio 1.35–1.39 (1.35), HB 55-64 (64), dL/ HB 2.9 (2.9), S-1 L 81–85 (84), L/ W 8.6 –10.7 (10.0), S-2 L 72–79 (77), L/ W 6.1 –7.6 (6.3), distance S-1-2, 9-12 (12), L ratio S-1/2, 1.04–1.13 (1.09); I-L-6 L 112–122 (117), HB 23–27 (26), L/HB ratio 4.5–4.9 (4.5); L ratio I-L- 5/6 1.43-–1.52 (1.6).
Discussion. The species is similar to Atractides nodipalpis Thor, 1899 and A. robustus Sokolow, 1940, in the combination of a finely striated integument and unsclerotized muscle insertions with, in males, a P-2 with strongly projecting ventrodistal extension. Both species (in parentheses data taken from Gerecke 2003), differs in a more slender I-L-6 (L/HB:> 5.0, mean 7.1 in 33, 8.1 in ƤƤ of A. nodipalpis; 8.77 in 33, 9.44 in ƤƤ of A. robustus), a generally wider setal interspace S-1-2 (9-31, mean 23 in 33, 25-43, mean 25 in ƤƤ A. nodipalpis; 29 in 33, 35 in Ƥ of A. robustus) and in the sword seta of P-4 located more proximally, distanced from the distoventral seta. Furthermore, males of the two compared species differs in the shape of the anteromedial genital field margin (with a deeper indentation including a small pointed central projection) and females in the generally triangular arrangement of Ac.
Due to the similar shape of the genital field (Ac arranged in a weakly curved line, anteromedial margin of male genital field weakly indented) and a narrow setal interspace, A. angelieri resembles A. legeri (Motaş, 1927) a species known from Alps, which differs not only in the lineated integument, but also in the shape of P-2 ventrodistal protrusion consisting of a medial hump with three fine denticles and an lateral smooth elevation in the male, and slightly more slender but still well developed protrusion also in female (see Gerecke 2003).
From the coll. Angelier, all slides with locality identification (in general material collected in the Pyrenees) containing male specimens of the Atractides nodipalpis group were screened, but no additional material of this species could be detected.
Etymology. Named after Eugéne Angelier, in appreciation of his studies on water mites.
Distribution. Central-Southern France.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Hygrobatidae
- Genus
- Atractides
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Trombidiformes
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Species
- angelieri
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Atractides angelieri Pešić, Smit & Gerecke, 2012
- Gerecke, R. (2003) Water mites of the genus Atractides Koch, 1837 (Acari: Parasitengona: Hygrobatidae) in the western Palaearctic region: A revision. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 138 (2 - 3), 141 - 378.