Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Manota usubi Hippa & Kurina, 2012, sp. n.


Manota usubi sp. n.

Figs 25 A–D

Male. Colour. Head pale brown, vertex and dorsal part of occiput dark brown. Antenna brown, scapus and pedicellus slightly paler than the more distal parts. Mouthparts pale yellowish. Thorax brown, posteromedial part of scutum and scutellum darker brown, ventral part of preepisternum 2 paler brown. Legs pale yellowish, apical third of femur 3 infuscated, traces of slight infuscation at base of F2 and F3. Wing pale brown; haltere pale brown with dark brown knob. Abdomen brown, sternites paler than tergites. All setosity pale, yellowish or brownish, the thicker setae seeming darker than the finer setae and trichia. Head. Antennal flagellomere 4, Fig. 25 A. Palpomere 3 of maxillary palpus with apicomesial thumb-like extension, with 5 apically expanded curved sensilla; palpomere 4 with parasegment, palpomere 5 ca. 1.4 times longer than palpomere 4. Number of strong postocular setae 9–10. Thorax. Anepisternum setose, with 52–60 setae; anterior basalare non-setose; preepisternum 2 setose, with 11–16 setae; laterotergite non-setose; episternum 3 setose, with ca. 25 setae. Legs. Mid and hind tibial organs absent. Wing. R1 meeting C well on the basal half of the costal margin; the sclerotized part of M extending to the level of the tip of R1, wing length 1.8 mm. Hypopygium, Figs 25 B–D: Sternite 9 half the length of gonocoxa, lateral margin sharply delimited, posterior margin slightly concave, anterior margin deeply incised, the setae similar to the ventral setae of gonocoxa. Ventral mesial margin of gonocoxa simple, convex. Parastylar lobe subtriangular or slightly sickle-shaped, with 4 setae at anterior end. Paraapodemal lobe distinct, exposed in ventral view. Dorsal mesial margin of gonocoxa simple, convex, the dorsal posterior margin simple, at the angle between the mesial and posterior margin a rounded setose lobe. Two juxtagonostylar setae present, both are sinuous megasetae arising from separate rather low basal bodies. Gonostylus long, as long as gonocoxa, sigmoid, attenuating towards the apex, with a basodorsal leaf-like lobe; the ventral setae similar to those of gonocoxa, one of the setae at the middle of the mesial side stronger than the others, the dorsal side non-setose, the dorsal lobe setose along the margins. Aedeagus unusually small, subtriangular, without distinct lateral shoulders, the apex curved ventrad. Hypoproct posteriorly extending near the middle of gonostylus, the ventral setae in two groups: a mesial longitudinal stripe of ca. 10 setae flanking the apex of the aedeagus and a more posterior elongated group of ca. 20 setae on each half. Cerci medially separate, simple, the setae confined to the apical part, short, the longest ones not twice the apical width of cercus.

Female unknown.

Discussion. Manota usubi is similar to M. clurina, M. ephippiata and M. kibaleensis and follows them in the key. It is easily distinguishable by the narrow, sigmoid and particularly long gonostylus and by having the posterolateral lobe of the gonocoxa inconspicuous. The subbasal mesial lobe on the gonostylus differs from that in the other mentioned species in being wholly dorsal in position, i.e. free from the mesial margin of the gonostylus.

Etymology. The name usubi is Swahili and means gnat.

Types. Holotype. Male, UGANDA, Kibale NP, Kanyawara Biol. St., 0 0o 33’54,2’’ N, 0 30o 21’31,3’’ E, 1513m, Malaise trap (No 4),–4.vii.2010, leg. O. Kurina & Co. (on slide, in IZBE). Paratypes. 1 male, same data as holotype except 4–11.iii.2010 (on slide, in IZBE); 1 male, same data except 26.xii.2010 – 2.i.2011 (on slide, in IZBE); 1 male, same data except 17.iv–1.v.2011 (on slide, in IZBE); 1 male, same data except 12– (on slide, in IZBE).


Published as part of Hippa, Heikki & Kurina, Olavi, 2012, New species and new records of Afrotropical Manota Williston (Diptera, Mycetophilidae), with a key to the species, pp. 1-48 in Zootaxa 3455 on pages 41-42, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.209019


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Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Manota usubi Hippa & Kurina, 2012