Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Fannia grandis Malloch


Fannia grandis Malloch

(Figs. 6, 7, 26, 44, 62, 80, 98, 116)

Fannia grandis Malloch 1912: 3. Holotype male, deposited in the National Museum of Natural History (USNM). Type-locality: Panama, Puerto Bello.

Diagnosis. these characters apply only to the male sex. Eyes with sparse setulae, hind femur with ventral well developed pre-apical protuberance and a large tuft of densely packed setae, forming a strong hook. Redescription. Male: body length: 7.2 mm; wing length: 5.25 mm.

Head: eye with sparse setulae, short setae visible under certain angles. Frontal vitta velvety brown with orange areas, posteriorly black-greyish and pollinose. Interocular space 0.16 mm. Fr 14. Ocellar triangle greyish pollinose; oc proclinate and developed, 5 less developed setulae in the area. Poc divergent. Fronto-orbital plate and parafacial greyish pollinose. Parafacial bare. Gena grey. Lunule yellow. Scape yellow, 3–5 short divergent setae. Pedicel yellow, with dorsal setae short (Fig. 6). Postpedicel golden-yellow pollinose, 2 times the length of pedicel. Arista brown, base and basal fourth yellow, pubescent. Palpus yellow and filiform.

Thorax: grey, golden-brownish pollinose; scutum with 3 ample brown vittae, median vitta wide and irregular, ending at base of scutellum, the two lateral vittae wide, reaching the postpronotal, pre-sutural and intra-alar areas and ending on the last pair of postsutural dc; in dorsal view vitta expanded to supra-alar area; in lateral view only a brown mark is seen on supra-alar area (Fig. 7). Scutellum brown on basal half. Acr 2–3:3–4, not arranged in rows; 2 setae shorter than pre-scutellar setae near base of scutellum. Dc 2:3, arrangement of postsutural dorsocentral similar to the base of a cone.Postpronotum with 2 developed and 2 weak setae. Two short pra, larger seta closer to supra-alar seta. Proepimeral area with few weak ground setulae. Pre-basal pre-scutellar seta absent, area with short ground setulae. Subapical scutellar setae 1 pair, on the same row as discal scutellar setae. Lateral scutellar setae present.

Wing: yellowish. Calypters yellowish with margin darker, lower calypter triangular with weak, brownish apical mark. Haltere yellowish with stem whitish and base yellowish.

Legs: brown with coxae yellowish-brown and silver-golden pollinose; trochanter yellow; femur light-brown with base and apex yellow; tibia with basal third and apex yellow; tarsi dark brown and pulvillus yellowish (Fig. 6). Fore femur with 1 row of d; ventral surface almost bare; 1 row of long and strong pv on apical half; 1 row of pd; 1 row of p, longer and with curved apices on apical third. Fore tibia with 1 strong pre-apical d; 1 apical pv. Fore tarsus with basal v on first tarsomere, with 1–2 long and weak setae; tarsomeres, particularly the two apical most, slightly flattened and widened with respect to the remaining tarsomeres. Mid femur constricted on pre-apical ventral surface; 1 row of ad ending in 1 long and curved pre-apical; 1 row of short av longer and sparse on basal third and decrease in length towards apex; ventral surface with strong and developed setae on basal half and on apical half, on apical third with hooked apices and running towards posterior surface, forming a ctenidium; 1 row of long p ending on posterodorsal surface, with hooked apices on basal half and 5 strong and straight setae on apical half. Mid tibia on ventral surface strongly constricted, on apical half densely setulose and with 1 apical long and strong seta; 1 ad on edge of apical third; 1–2 short apical a; 1 long and strong apical and 1 short and weak av; 1 short p on edge of apical third and 1 pre-apical; 1 pre-apical d. Mid tarsus with first tarsomere 2 times the length of first tarsomere of fore and hind legs. Hind coxa bare on posterior margin. Hind femur lightly curved; ventral surface with pre-apical conspicuous protuberance, where a strong tuft of long and strong setae forms a hook (Figs. 26, 44); 1 row of ad running towards dorsal surface, increasing in length towards apex and ending in 7 developed setae; anterior surface with setae on basal half; 1 row of long and strong av on apical half up to pre-apical protuberance, 1 long and strong seta on apical third and 3 shorter apical (Fig. 26); posterodorsal and posterior surfaces densely setulose, with long and weak setae with hooked apices, more ventral setae extending up to protuberance (Fig. 44). Hind tibia with dorsal surface curved, 1 strongly developed median and 1 shorter pre-apical d; 2 median ad, 1 developed on edge of apical third and 1 shorter, pre-apical; 1 row of short and strong a on apical half, unordered, and 2 short pre-apical; 5–6 av on apical half, 1 strong apical.

Abdomen: syntergite 1+2 with base brown; syntergite 1+2, tergites 3–4 translucent-yellow or darker, with median vitta brown, expanded on apical margin of each tergite without reaching lateral region; tergite 5 grey pollinose and with median vitta brown, expanded to apical margin (Fig. 7). Sternite 1 bare. Sternite 5 as in Fig. 62. Terminalia (Figs. 80, 98): epandrium wider than long, with developed setae; cercal plate enlarged with weak setae and two apical, long projections; surstylus strongly articulated with epandrium, straight and pointed apically, with short and weak setae and apex folded; bacilliform process spiralled; hypandrium and associated structures as in Fig. 116.

Female: not found.

Biology. label data of examined material from Colombia indicate that this species is associated with decomposing organic matter in forest areas.

Comments. Fannia grandis is a new record for Colombia. Until now the species was known only from Panama, collected by the biological entomological survey of the Smithsonian Institution in the Panama Canal in 1911 (Malloch 1912). According to Albuquerque et al. (1981) the species belongs to the grandis group. However, the phylogenetic placement of F. grandis is in the following clade: [F. h e r m a n i [F. grandis [F. ro i g i + F. losgateados ]]], sister-group of the anthracina group (Domínguez & Roig-Juñent 2008).

Type-material (not dissected): Paratypes (USNM). PortoBello\ Pan [Panama] Mar 13. 11 \ August Busck. Paratype \ No 14912\ U.S. N.M (1 male); PortoBello\ Pan [Panama] Feb 25.11\ August Busck Collector. Paratype \ No 14912\ U.S. N.M (1 male); PortoBello\ Pan [Panama]\ Feb 23 \ A Busck Coll. Paratype \ No 14912\ U.S. N.M. (1 male).

Material examined. COLOMBIA. Antioquia: 1 male San Roque, Cto. San Jos del Nus, Corpoica, VSR liver, Borde de Bosque, N. Uribe, May 0 1, 2007, CEUA 42629 (CEUA).

Distribution. Panama (Malloch 1912; de Carvalho et al. 2003). Colombia: department of Antioquia (Andean region, Central Cordillera).


Published as part of Grisales, Diana, Wolff, Marta & De, Claudio J. B., 2012, Neotropical Fanniidae (Insecta, Diptera): new species of Fannia from Colombia, pp. 1-46 in Zootaxa 3591 on pages 25-27, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.213946


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  • Malloch, J. R. (1912) New Diptera from Panama. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 59, 1 - 8.
  • Albuquerque, D. de O., Pamplona, D. & de Carvalho, C. J. B. (1981) Contribuicao ao conhecimento dos Fannia R. D., 1830 da regiao Neotropical (Diptera, Fanniidae). Arquivo do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 56, 9 - 34.
  • Dominguez, M. C. & Roig-Junent, S. (2008) A phylogeny of the family Fanniidae Schnabl (Insecta: Diptera: Calyptratae) based on adult morphological characters, with special reference to the Austral species of the genus Fannia. Invertebrate Systematics, 22, 563 - 587.
  • de Carvalho, C. J. B., Pont A. C., Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. (2003) A catalogue of the Fanniidae (Diptera) of the Neotropical Region. Zootaxa, 219, 1 - 32.