Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Platylepas hexastylos Fabricius 1798


Platylepas hexastylos (Fabricius, 1798)

(Figs. 2 F, 14, 15)

Lepas hexastylos Fabricius, 1798: 35, pl. 10, figs 1–2. (not seen)

Coronula bissexlobata De Blainville, 1824: 379, tab 117, fig. 1.

Platylepas bissexlobata.— Darwin 1854: 428, pl. 17, figs. 1a–d. — Weltner 1897: 253. — Gruvel 1905: 276, fig. 300.

Platylepas hexastylos.— Pilsbry 1916: 285, pl. 67, figs. 1–1c. — Broch 1924: 18, fig. 6. — Hiro 1936: 319. — 1937b: 472, fig. 43. — Kolosvàry 1943: 101. — Henry 1954: 444. — Stubbings 1967: 300. — Utinomi 1959: 384. — 1970: 360. — Newman & Ross 1976: 44. — Ren 1980: 188, fig. 2 pl. 1. — Liu & Ren 2007: 312, fig. 138. — Ross & Frick, 2011: 62. — Hayashi 2012: 117: fig. 7.

Material examined. RUMF-ZC-1561, ten specimens (BD 3.08–5.38 mm); collected from a dead sea turtle, Chelonia mydas, in a gill net, Tomari Port, 19 Nov. 2009.

Diagnosis. Shell white; 6 tubiferous plates, externally with horizontal growth ridges, internally with median longitudinal sulcus.

Description. Shell white, conical, low, outer margin of plates serrated, surfaces with horizontal growth ridges (Fig. 2 F, 14A), plates tubiferous, with median longitudinal sulcus of inner surface visible from basal view (Fig. 14 A, B), line of median longitudinal sulcus obvious, dividing each plate into two main lobes (Fig. 14 A); radii narrow. Orifice narrow, oval shaped (Fig. 2 F). Scutum rectangular, wider than high. Tergum triangular, occludent margin and basal margin forming obtuse angle.

Maxilla sub-triangular, serrulate setae apically (Fig. 14 C). Maxillule without notch, cutting margin straight, 2 large setae at upper margin followed by 8 smaller, simple setae (Fig. 14 D). Mandible with 5 main teeth, second, third and fourth bifid, secondary tooth between second and third, and third and fourth; inferior angle pectinated, covered with fine pectinations (Fig. 14 E, F). Mandibular palp oval; lateral margin covered with long, fine setae; upper margin with short, fine setae (Fig. 14 G). Labrum notched, 3 large teeth on either side of cutting margin (Fig 14 H).

Cirrus I with rami unequal, anterior and posterior rami 7- and 10-segmented, respectively, both rami with serrulate setae (Fig. 15 A, B). Cirrus II with anterior and posterior rami 7-segmented (Fig. 15 C); both rami with serrulate setae. Cirrus III with anterior and posterior rami 9- and 12-segmented (Fig. 15 D). Cirri IV to VI long, slender (Fig. 15 E), intermediate segments of posterior ramus of cirrus IV (Fig. 15 F) and cirrus VI (Fig. 15 G) with 3 pairs of long serrulate setae with very fine setules and 1 pair of shorter, simple setae.

Penis long, length about 1.5 times length of cirrus VI; pedicel with small basi-dorsal point (Fig. 15 H).

Distribution. Cosmopolitan in temperate and tropical waters; attached to the carapace, plastron, head, flipper, legs and soft skin of sea turtles.

Remarks. In Japanese waters, P. h e x a s t y l o s has been recorded on the Loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) in Niigata (Utinomi 1970b), Iwate, Fukui, Okinawa, Kagoshima, Hachijojima Island and Chiba (Hayashi 2012), on the Green turtles Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758) in Okinawa, Ogasawara Island, Wakayama and Kanagawa (Hayashi 2012), on the Black turtle Chelonia mydas agassizii (Bocourt, 1868) in Iwate (Hayashi et al. 2011), on the Hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1766) in Chiba, Fukui and Okinawa (Hayashi 2012) and on the Leatherhead turtle Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1761) in Niigata and Ishikawa (Utinomi 1970b).


Published as part of Chan, Benny K. K. & Hayashi, Ryota, 2012, Epibiotic barnacles (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Thoracica) collected by the Kumejima 2009 Expedition, with descriptions of two new species *, pp. 21-48 in Zootaxa 3367 on page 42, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.281652


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Platylepas hexastylos Fabricius, 1798 sec. Chan & Hayashi, 2012


  • Fabricius, O. (1798) Tillaeg-til Conchylie-Slaegterne Lepas, Pholas, Mya og Solen. Skrivter af Naturhiitorie Selskabet Kobenhavn, 4, 34 - 51.
  • De Blainville, M. D. (1824) Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles. Vol. 32, Mollusques. 567 pp.
  • Darwin, C. (1854) A monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia with figures of all the species. The Balanidae the verrucidae etc. Ray Society, London, 684 pp.
  • Weltner, W. (1897) Verzeichnis der bisher beschriebenen recenten Cirripedienarten. Archiv fur Naturg, Jahrg., Jahrg. 1897, Bd. I. Berlin, pp 227 - 280.
  • Gruvel, A. (1905) Monographie des Cirrhipedes ou Thecostraces. Masson et Cie, Paris, 472 pp.
  • Pilsbry, H. A. (1916) The sessile barnacles (Cirripedia) collected in the collections of the U. S. National Museum: Including a monograph of the American species. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 93, 1 - 366.
  • Broch, H. (1924) Cirripedia Thoracica von Norwegen und dem norwegischen Nordmeere. Eine Systematische und Biologische-Tiergeographische Studie. Videnskapsselskapets Skrifter, I. Matematisk-naturvidenskabelig klasse (17), 1 - 121.
  • Hiro, F. (1936) Occurrence of the cirripede Stomatolepas elegans on a loggerhead turtle found at Seto. Annotationes Zoologicae Japoneses, 15, 312 - 320.
  • Henry, D. P. (1954) Cirripedia: The barnacles of the Gulf of Mexico. Fishery Bulletin (United States), 55, 443 - 446.
  • Stubbings, H. G. (1967) West African Cirripedia fauna of tropical West African. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 15 (6), 229 - 319.
  • Utinomi, H. (1959) Thoracic Cirripeds from the environs of Banyuls. Vie et Milieu, tome X, fasc. 4, 379 - 399.
  • Newman, W. A. & Ross, A. (1976) A revision of the balanomorph barnacles: including a catalog of the species. Memoirs of the San Diego Society of Natural History, 9, 1 - 108.
  • Ren, X. Q. (1980) Turtle barnacles of the Xisha islands, Guangdong Province, China. Studia Marina Sinica, 17, 187 - 197.
  • Liu, R. Y. & Ren, X. Q. (2007) Fauna Sinica. Invertebrata. Vol. 42 Crustacea Cirripedia Thoracica. Science Press, Beijing, China. 633 pp.
  • Ross, A. & Frick, M. (2011) Nomenclatural emendations of the family-group names Cylindrolepadinae, Stomatolepadinae, Chelolepadinae, Cryptolepadinae, and Tubicinellinae of Ross & Frick, 2007 - including current definitions of familygroups within the Coronuloidea (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha). Zootaxa, 3106, 60 - 66.
  • Hayashi, R. (2012) Atlas of the barnacles on marine vertebrates in Japanese waters including taxonomic review of superfamily Coronuloidea (Cirripedia: Thoracica). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 92, 107 - 127.
  • Linnaeus, C. (1758). Systema Naturae. Holmiae, Editio Decima, Reformata 1, 1 - 824.
  • Utinomi, H. (1970 b) Studies on the cirripedian fauna of Japan. IX. Distributional survey of thoracic cirripeds in the southeastern part of Japan Sea. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 17, 339 - 372.
  • Hayashi, R., Takuma, S., Narazaki, T. & Sato, K. (2011) Chelonia mydas agassizii (Black [Pacific] sea turtle). Epibiont barnacles. Herpetological Review, 42 (2), 264 - 265.