Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Promitobates hatschbachi H. Soares 1945


Promitobates hatschbachi H. Soares, 1945

(Figs. 4 C, 7C, 9C, 11C, 13C, 16G, H, I)

Promitobates hatschbachi H. Soares, 1945: 219, Figs. 4–6; Soares & Soares, 1947a: 66; 1947b: 211 (cit.); 1947c: 241 (cit.), 250 (cit.); 1949: 237 (cat.); H. Soares, 1966: 90 (cit.); Pinto-da-Rocha & Caron, 1989: 1023 (cat.); Pinto-da-Rocha, 1993: 235 (cit.); 1995: 82 (cit.); Kury 2003: 151 (cat.; syst.). [Brazil, Paraná, Piraquara, Banhado; 3 holotype, MNHCI 164, Ƥ paratype MNHCI 163, examined].

Promitobates mendax H. Soares 1945: 222, Figs. 7–9; Soares & Soares 1945: 368 (cit.); 1947a: 66 (cit.); 1949: 238 (cat.); Pinto-da-Rocha & Caron: 1989 (cat.); Kury 2003: 151 (cat.). [Brazil, Paraná, Barigui; 3 holotype (MNHCI 160), 13 & 1Ƥ paratypes, MNHCI 156, 159 and 161, examined]. New synonymy.

Diagnosis. Four areas on dorsal scutum. Posterior margin with one pair of median spiniform apophyses, smaller than the ocularium. Free tergite III with one pair of small spiniform apophysis or unarmed. It is closely related to P. ornatus and P. difficilis, distinguished by tubercles and granules of dorsal scutum yellowish, with circular patches of same color around them.

Male redescription. Measurements (n=6). Dorsal scutum; maximum width: 3.6–4.5 (3.6); total length: 3.5– 4.8 (3.5); prosoma length: 1.5–1.9 (1.5). Leg IV; length of external apophysis of coxa: 0.9–1.6 (1.0); femur IV length: 25.5–46.4 (32.1). Tarsal formula: 8; 13–16 (13); 8–9 (8); 8.

Dorsum (Figs. 4 C, 7C). Anterior margin of prosoma with frontal hump with scattered small tubercles and with one pair of tubercles on lateral margins. Ocularium with two high rounded apophyses, divergent and directed anteriorly, and small tubercles next to them. Prosoma with tubercles behind ocularium and arranged in “V”. Area I with two median tubercles and one row of small tubercles up to the posterior groove. Area II with scattered tubercles. Areas III with a pair of spiniform apophyses (apex rounded) and one row of tubercles up to the posterior groove. Area IV with two enlarged median tubercles, and one row of small tubercles. Lateral margin of dorsal scutum with few tubercles which are placed from ocularium to area III–IV. Posterior margin with one row of tubercles increasing in size to the corners and two median spiniform apophyses. Free tergites I and II unarmed with small scattered tubercles. Free tergite III unarmed or with median spiniform apophysis. Anal operculum unarmed.

Chelicera. Segment I with two small tubercles; II unarmed.

Pedipalp. Trochanter with a small ventral spine. Femur with a small ventro-basal spine and one enlarged, subapical, prolateral spine. Tibia setation: mesal IiIi; ectal IiIi. Tarsal setation: mesal IIi; ectal IiIi.

Venter. Coxa I with one median row of five tubercles, three apical tubercles and small scattered granules; trochanter I with one median and one apical tubercles. Coxa II with median row of nine small tubercles and two apical tubercles; trochanter II with median tubercle. Coxa III with small tubercles, roughly distributed in rows and one posterior row of tubercles; trochanter III with one median tubercle. Coxa IV with small scattered tubercles and four tubercles on posterior margin; genital area and anal operculum with small scattered granules; free sternites I–III with a row of granules.

Legs (Fig. 9 C). Coxa I with a posterior dorso basal apophysis; II with one anterior dorso basal and one posterior; IV with few high tubercles, with two or three small internal spiniform apophysis and one external apical bifid apophysis. Trochanters I–III with small scattered tubercles; IV with a dorsal subapical apophysis, an external basal apophysis, and a small internal spinform apophysis. Femur IV straight with minute tubercles, more than 12 times longer than dorsal scutum length.

Penis (Fig. 16 G, H, I). Ventral plate with a dorsal median transversal depression, lateral convex, apex straight and distal margin corner rounded and directed ventrally; three pairs of long distal setae; three pairs of basal setae arranged in “V” and one pair of basalmost small ventral setae. Stylus unarmed, apex straight and swollen. Ventral process almost parallel to the stylus in lateral view, truncus short, spoon-shaped apex, with long serrate margins directed ventrally.

Coloration (in ethanol). Dorsal scutum, chelicerae and pedipalps dark brow; tubercles and granules yellowish with a circular patch on of same color around them. Apophyses of ocularium, area III and tubercles of posterior margin of dorsal scutum yellowish. Apophyses of area III and apex of external apophysis of coxa IV blackish.

Female redescription (Figs. 11 C, 13C). Measurements (n=8). Dorsal scutum; maximum width: 4.2–4.7; total length: 3.8–4.9; prosoma length: 1.4–1.8. Femur IV length IV: 10.2–14.1. Tarsal formula: 5–7; 12–15; 8–9; 8–9. Apophyses of area III larger than those on males. Posterior margin of dorsal scutum with one pair of high median pointed apophyses, directed posteriorly. Free tergites II and III with one median spiniform apophysis. External apical apophysis of coxa IV strongly reduced and single-branched, internal absent. Trochanter IV unarmed or with small internal apical spiniform apophysis; femur IV shorter than male.

Geographical distribution (Fig. 3 A). East of Paraná and southeastern of São Paulo States.

Remarks. The specimens studied of Promitobates hatschbachi show a wide variation in number of tubercles on dorsal scutum, even in same locality. The study of a large sample of this species (79 specimens) lead us to conclude P. mendax is within this variation, justifying its synonymy. Remarkable intraspecific variation has been observed in some species of gonyleptids (see Kury 1990a; Bragagnolo & Pinto da Rocha 2009; Hara & Pinto-da-Rocha 2010).

Other material examined. BRAZIL. Paraná: Piraquara (Banhado), VI.1944, G. Hatschbach leg., 1 Ƥ (MZSP 1695); idem, 1 Ƥ (MZSP 1694); idem, 1 3 (MHNCI 3303); idem, V.1946, C.N. Gofferjé leg. 2 3 and 2 Ƥ (HS 0146); idem, 1 3 and 5 Ƥ (MZSP 1019); idem, 13.I.1991, R.Pinto-da-Rocha leg. 1 Ƥ (MHNCI 6173); Ipiranga, G. Hatschbach leg. XII.1944, 1 3 (MZSP 1080); Morretes (rio Mãe Catira), W.B. Wosiacki leg, 26.IX.1988, 1 Ƥ (MHNCI 6121); idem (Porto de Cima), XI.1948, Gengnagel leg. 1 Ƥ (MNRJ 18798); idem, 29.X.1988, R. Pintoda-Rocha leg., 1 3 (MHNCI 6120); idem (Parque Estadual Marumbi), 6–9.IV.1999, R. Pinto-da-Rocha & A. Chagas leg. 1 3 (MZSP 18766); idem, P. Labiak leg, 4.X.1998, 1 3 and 1 Ƥ (MZSP 17984); idem (Serra da Prata), M. Bornschein leg, 31.X.1990, 1 Ƥ (MHNCI 6809); idem, XII.1945, S. Imaguirei, 1 Ƥ (MHNCI 026); idem (Véu da Noiva), 8.IV.1999. R. Pinto-da-Rocha leg. 1 Ƥ (MZSP 18811); idem (Rio Taquaral), IX.1945, G. Hatschbach leg. 1 3 and 1 Ƥ (MHNCI 1283); São José dos Pinhais (Usina de Guaricana), R. Pinto-da-Rocha et al. leg., 7.VIII.1988, 1 3 and 1 Ƥ (MHNCI 6114); idem, R. Pinto-da-Rocha et al. leg, 08.III.1999, 1 Ƥ (MNRJ 5802); idem, 4.II.1989, R. Pinto-da-Rocha leg., 1 3 and 1 Ƥ (MNRJ 18799); idem, 7.VIII.1988, R. Pinto-da-Rocha, M.V. Segalla & J.C. Moura-Leite leg. 1 Ƥ and 1 3 (MHNCI 6114); Barigui, X.1944, B. Lange leg. 3 Ƥ and 2 3 (MZSP 943); idem, VIII.1944, F. Lange leg. 1 3 (MZSP 1697); Curitiba, 1948, Gengnagel leg. 1 Ƥ (HS 0222); idem, XI.1948, Gengnagel leg. 1 Ƥ (MNRJ 18797); Curitiba, XI.1948, Gengnagel leg. 1 Ƥ (MNRJ 18797); idem, VIII.1945, C.N. Gofferjé leg. 1 3 and 1 Ƥ (MZSP 970); (Boicininga), 19.V.1989, 2 3 and 2 Ƥ (MHNCI 6526); Ponta Grossa, (Vila Velha), 5.I.1991, R. Pinto-da-Rocha, M.M. Argel-de-Oliveira leg. 1 3 (MHNCI 6827); Dr. Ulisses (Gruta do Varzeão), R. Pinto-da-Rocha et al. leg. 13–14. X.2000, 1 Ƥ (MZSP 18776); Adrianópolis (Rio Ribeira), S. Morato leg. 19.VIII.1989, 2 3 (MHNCI 6603); Almirante Tamandaré (Morro Azul), 17.V.1987, R. Pinto-da-Rocha leg. 1 3 (MHNCI 6127); Quatro Barras (Alto da Serra), 12.VIII.1989, R. Pinto-da-Rocha leg. 1 3 (MHNCI 6609); Campina Grande do Sul (Fazenda Capivari), 1.XI.1990, R. Pinto-da-Rocha leg. 1 3 and 2 Ƥ (MHNCI 6802); Rio Branco do Sul (Gruta do Pinheirinho), R. Pinto-da-Rocha leg., 07.IX.1988, 1 3 (MHNCI 6128); Serra da Graciosa, 10.X.1997, R. Mermudes leg., 1 3 (MZSP 29496); Limeira (Serra da Prata—Guaratuba), 22.III.1992, M. Pichori & B. Reinert leg., 1 3 (MZSP 29461); São José dos Pinhais, I. IV.2000, M.A. Rosloski leg., 1 Ƥ (MZSP 679); Tunas do Paraná (near Gruta dos Jesuítas), 9–11.VIII.2002, R. Pinto-da-Rocha leg., 1 3 (MZSP 29462); (Parque Estadual Campinhos), 02.XI.1989, R. Pinto-da-Rocha leg. 1 3 (MHNCI 6666). São Paulo: Iporanga (Parque Estadual de Intervales), B. Buzzato & B. Requena leg. X.2003, 7 3 (MZSP 29450); idem, F. Osses leg. VI.2003, 1 3 (MZSP 29452); Apiaí (Fazenda Victoria), A. Masalli leg. 25.XII.1952., 2Ƥ (MZSP 29421); idem (Minas de Chumbo), O. Schubart leg., 27.XII.1952, 4 3 and 2 Ƥ (MZSP 29440).


Published as part of Bragagnolo, Cibele & Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo, 2012, Systematic review of Promitobates Roewer, 1913 and cladistic analysis of Mitobatinae Simon, 1879 (Arachnida: Opiliones: Gonyleptidae), pp. 1-48 in Zootaxa 3308 on pages 18-20, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.280969


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  • Soares, B. A. M. & Soares, H. E. M. (1945) Novos opilioes do Departamento de Zoologia da Secretaria de Agricultura do Estado de Sao Paulo. Papeis Avulsos Departamento de Zoologia do Estado de Sao Paulo, 5 (27), 251 - 270.
  • Soares, B. A. M. & Soares, H. E. M. (1947 a) Alotipos e novas formas de opilioes Paranaenses. Papeis Avulsos Departamento de Zoologia do Estado de Sao Paulo, 8 (5), 63 - 84.
  • Soares, H. E. M. (1966) Opilioes da colecao Gofferje (Opiliones: Gonyleptidae, Phalangodidae). Papeis Avulsos Departamento de Zoologia do Estado de Sao Paulo, 18 (10), 87 - 102.
  • Kury, A. B. (2003) Annotated catalogue of the Laniatores of the New World (Arachnida, Opiliones). Revista Iberica de Aracnologia, vol. especial monografico, 1, 1 - 337.
  • Kury, A. B. (1990 a) Synonymic notes on Mitobates Sund. With redescription of the type species M. conspersus (Perty) (Opiliones: Gonyleptide). Bulletim of the British American Arachnological Society, 8 (6) 194 - 200.
  • Hara, M. R. & Pinto-da-Rocha, R (2010) Systematic review and cladistic analysis of the genus Eusarcus Perty 1833 (Arachnida, Opiliones, Gonyleptidae). Zootaxa, 2698, 1 - 136.