Published October 18, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Tetragonoschema (Tetragonoschema) undatum Steinheil 1874


Tetragonoschema (Tetragonoschema) undatum (Steinheil, 1874)

(Figs. 30, 53, 66)

Pachypyga undata Steinheil, 1874: 564. Type locality: Saint Luis [Argentina].

Pachypyga undata: Kerremans, 1885: 137 (catalogue); 1892: 115 (catalogue);

Tetragonoschema undata: Kerremans, 1903: 169 (catalogue); Bruch, 1911: 231 (catalogue); Kerremans, 1913: 582 (undulata [sic, lapsus calami], note); Obenberger, 1922: 72 (undatum, revision, key); 1930: 559 (undatum, catalogue); Blackwelder, 1944: 315 (undata, catalogue); Théry, 1944: 23 (undata, revision, key, redescription); Bellamy, 2008: 1521 (undatum, catalogue).

Anillara [sic!] argentiniensis Obenberger, 1915: 82, syn. nov. Type locality: Argentina.

Tetragonoschema argentiniensis: Obenberger, 1922: 70 (argentiniense, revision, key); 1930: 558 (catalogue); Blackwelder, 1944: 315 (argentiniense, checklist); Théry, 1944: 11 (revision, redescription, key); Obenberger, 1947: 8 (argentiniense, new localities in Argentina); Cobos, 1949: 16 (note); 1958: 87 (argentiniense, synonymy, Gondwanian origin); Bellamy, 2008: 1518 (argentiniense, catalogue).

Tetragonoschema argentiniense ssp. wagneri Obenberger, 1924: 70. Type locality: Argentina, Santiago del Estero, Rio Salado.

Tetragonoschema argentiniense wagneri: Obenberger, 1930: 559 (catalogue); Blackwelder, 1944: 315 (checklist); Théry, 1944: 12 (synonym of interioris); Cobos, 1958: 87 (synonym of argentiniense); Bellamy, 2008: 1518 (as syn. of argentiniense, catalogue).

Tetragonoschema argentiniense var. janthinum Obenberger, 1932: 145. Type locality: Argentina, Mendoza.

Tetragonoschema argentiniense var. janthinum: Blackwelder, 1944: 315 (checklist); Théry, 1944: 12 (revision, key); Cobos, 1958: 87 (synonym of argentiniense); Bellamy, 2008: 1518 (as syn. of argentiniense, catalogue).

Tetragonoschema interioris Obenberger, 1922: 71, syn. nov. Type locality: Argentina, Ampajango.

Tetragonoschema interioris: Obenberger, 1930: 559 (catalogue); Blackwelder, 1944: 315 (checklist); Théry, 1944: 17 (revision, redescription, key); Cobos, 1958: 87 (synonym of argentiniense); Moore, 1986: 26 (interioris, note); Bellamy, 2008: 1518 (as syn. of argentiniense, catalogue).

Tetragonoschema sulci Obenberger, 1932: 145, syn. nov. Type locality: Argentina, Cordoba.

Tetragonoschema sulci: Théry, 1944: 23 (revision, redescription, key); Bellamy, 2008: 1521 (catalogue).

Tetragonoschema caerulans Théry, 1944:13, syn. nov. Type locality: Argentina, Santiago del Estero, Rio Salado, Icaño.

Tetragonoschema caerulans: Bellamy, 2008: 1518 (catalogue).

Tetragonoschema fallaciosum Théry, 1944: 15. Type locality: Argentina, Santiago del Estero, Rio Salado, Icaño.

Tetragonoschema fallaciosum: Cobos, 1958: 87 (synonym of argentiniense); Moore, 1986: 26 (fallaciosum, note); Bellamy, 2008: 1519 (catalogue).

Tetragonoschema santafeanum Obenberger, 1947: 9, syn. nov. Type locality: Argentina, Garay, Santa Fé.

Tetragonoschema santafeanum: Bellamy, 2008: 1521 (catalogue).

Tetragonoschema vianai Obenberger, 1947: 7, syn. nov. Type locality: Argentina, Cordoba, Calamuchita, El Sauce.

Tetragonoschema vianai: Bellamy, 2008: 1521 (catalogue).

Tetragonoschema monrosi Cobos, 1949: 12. Type locality: Argentina, Tucumán, Guardamontes.

Tetragonoschema monrosi: Cobos, 1958: 87 (synonym of argentiniense); Bellamy, 2008: 1518 (as syn. of argentiniense).

Type specimens studied. Pachypyga undata, holotype (Fig. 30) by monotypy (male, MNHN): “ S.[aint] Luis [Argentina] [h] // Type [p] // undata Stainh. Type [h] // Ex Musaeo James Thomson [p] // Pachypyga Steinheil, A. S. it. S. N. XV 1872 [h]”. Anillara [sic!] argentiniensis holotype (Fig. 31) by monotypy (male, NMPC): “ Argentina, Staudinger [h] // Typus [p, red] // Tetragonoschema argentiniense m. Type (= Anilara arg. m. Type [h] Det. D r. Obenberger [p] // Mus. Nat. Pragae [p] 22834 [h]”. Tetragonoschema caerulans, holotype (Fig. 36) by monotypy (female, MNHN): “Museum Paris, Chaco de Santiago del Estero, Bords du Rio Salado, Env. d´Icaño, 1914, R. Wagner [p] // caerulans Théry [h] Type [p]”. T. fallaciosum, paratype (Fig. 37), (male, NMPC): “Museum Paris, Chaco de Santiago del Estero, Bords du Rio Salado, Env. d´Icaño, 1904, E.-R. Wagner [p] // Juill.- Févr.[January–February] [h] // Tetragonosch. purpurascens Kerr. [h] // fastidiosum [sic] Théry [h] Paratype [p] [lapsus calami auctoris]”; T. interioris, lectotype (Fig. 34), here designated: “Arg.[entine], Ampajango, 1.xii.1920, Weiser [h] // Typus [p, red] // T. argentiniense ssp. interioris m. Type [h] Det. D r. Obenberger [p] // Mus. Nat. Pragae inv. [p] 22825 [h]”. and 6 paralectotypes, here designated (5 males, 1 female, NMPC): “Arg.[entine], Ampajango, 1.xii.1920, Weiser [h] // Typus [p, red] // T. argentiniense ssp. interioris m. Type [h] Det. D r. Obenberger [p] // Mus. Nat. Pragae inv. [p] 22826–22831 [h]”. T. monrosi, holotype (Fig. 40), (male, MNCN): “ Guardamontes, Tucumán, Rep.[upblica] Arg.[entina], Golbach leg. [p] // Ejemplar dibujado 1950 [p] // Oedeagus preparacion [p] // Holotipo [p, red] // ex collection Dr. A. Cobos [p, yellow] // Tetragonoschema monrosi mi nov. sp. [h] A. Cobos det. 1950 [p] // MNCN Cat. Typos [p] 7827 [h, red] // MNCN Ent. N o. Cat. 63830 [p, blackframed]”; allotype (1 female, MNCN): “Guardamontes, Tucuman, Rep.[upblica] Arg.[entina], Golbach leg. [p] // Alotipo [p, red] // ex collection Dr. A. Cobos [p, yellow] // MNCN Cat. Typos [p] 7827 [h, red] // MNCN Ent. N o. Cat. 63832 [p, black-framed]”; paratype (male, MNCN): “Guardamontes, Tucuman, Rep.[upblica] Arg.[entina], Golbach leg. [p] // Paratipo [p, red] // ex collection Dr. A. Cobos [p, yellow] // MNCN Cat. Typos [p] 7827 [h, red] // MNCN Ent. N o. Cat. 63831 [p, black-framed]”. T. santafeanum (number of syntypes unknown), lectotype (Fig. 38), here designated (male, NMPC): “Santa Fe—Argentina, Dep.[artamento] Sarsy, C. Maclas, M. J. Viana [p] // Typus [p, red] // Tetragonoschema santafeanum m. Type [h] Det. D r. Obenberger [p] // Mus. Nat. Pragae Inv. [p] 22842 [h]”. T. sulci (number of syntypes unknown), lectotype (Fig. 35), here designated (male, NMPC): “Cordoba, Arg.[entine] [h] // Typus [p, red] // Tetragonoschema šulci m. Type [h] Det. D r. Obenberger [p] // Mus. Nat. Pragae. Inv. [p] 22838 [h]”. T. vianai (number of syntypes unknown), lectotype (Fig. 39), here designated (male, NMPC): “ Argentina, Cordoba, Dep.[artamento] de Calamuchita, “El Sauce”, xii.1938, Manuel J. Viana [p] // Typus [p, red] // Tetragonoschema Vianai m. Type [h] Det. D r. Obenberger [p] ”. T. argentiniense var. janthinum (number of syntypes unknown), lectotype (Fig. 33), here designated (male, NMPC): “R ep. Argentina, Prov. Mendoza 190[0], C. Bruch [p] // Typus [p, red] // Tetragonoschema argentiniense v. janthinum m. Type [h] Det. D r. Obenberger [p] // Mus. Nat. Pragae Inv. [p] 22837 [h]”. T. argentiniense ssp. wagneri (number of syntypes unknown), lectotype (Fig. 32), here designated (female, NMPC): “Sgo[Santiago] del Estero, Rio Salado, Wagner Col. [p] // Typus [p, red] // T. argent. ssp. Wagneri m. Type [h] Det. D r. Obenberger [p] // Mus. Nat. Pragae Inv. 22835”.

Further specimens studied. ARGENTINA. ANDES: Hualtin env., rd. 40 to Santa Maria, 2100m, 15.–16.i.2010, S. Jákl leg. [on yellow cactus flowers] (7 males, 2 females, NMPC); BUENOS AIRES: env., 13.i.1931 (1 male, 2 females, NMPC); CATAMARCA: Andalgala, J. L. Neff leg. (2 males, CSCA; 3 males, 1 female, NMPC); xii.1961, M. Scultute leg. (1 female, MNCN); Chacabuco, i.1997 (2 males, NMPC); CÓRDOBA: Alta Gracia, La Granja, Sierras de Cordoba, 19.xii.1923, J. C. Bruch leg. (1 female, NMPC); Ampajango, 2300m, xii.1920, Weiser leg. (1 male, NMPC); Ampajango (1 male, 1 female, MFCB; 1 male, ISBN); Calamuchita, El Sauce, xii.1938, M. I. Viana leg. (1 female, NMPC; 1 female MNCN; 5 males, 1 female, JEBC); Calamuchita, El Sauce, ii.1960, M. Viana leg. (4 males, 1 female, JEBC); Chaco, Resistencia, 23.xii.1965, Mahunka leg. (3 males, CLBC); Chaco, Makalle, ii.1978, M. Viana leg. (7 males, 2 females, JEBC); Cruz del Eje, 1.–11.ii.1999, J. E. Barriga leg. (59 males, 22 females); Jesus Maria, 3.xii.1973, J. L. Noff leg. (3 males, 1 female, CSCA); La Falda, xi.1956, M. Viana leg. (1 male, 1 female, JEBC); Los Reartes, 1962, M. Viana leg. (2 females, JEBC); Difunta Correa, 6.xii.1999, G. Arriagada leg., on Opuntia flowers (8 males, MDCS); Corrientes, Iberá, xii.1974, D. Carpintero leg. (1 male, LEBC); no precise data (1 male, NMPC; 1 male, MNHN); ENTRE RIOS: Concordia, ii.1978, M. Viana leg. (2 males, JEBC); Arroyo Don Gonzalo (4 males, 1 female, JEBC); Mocoreto, ii.1977, M. Viana leg. (1 female, JEBC); La Paz, i.1974, M. Viana leg. (25 males, 5 females, JEBC); Liebig, 10.xii.1993, Mateo Zelich leg. (1 male, 1 female, JEBC); Pronunciamiento, ii.1974, S. Bolle leg. (4 males, 2 females, CLBC); Pronunciamiento, i.1960, local collector (2 females, CSCA); Pronunciamiento, x.1961 (2 males, 1 female, NHMW); Pronunciamiento, i.1962, A. Maller leg. (1 male, 1 female, MNCN); Pronunciamiento, i.1964, R. Golbach leg. (3 males, 5 females, JEBC); Pronunciamiento, xii.1962, L. E. Pena leg. (1 male, FSCA); 3.–21.ii.1977, R. Foerster leg. (4 males, MHCB); San Elena, xii.1972, D. Carpintero leg. (3 males, 1 female, JEBC); Colón, Liebig, xii.1993, L. Caire leg. (2 males, 1 female, MHCB); Jujuy, Palpale, x.1987, M. Viana leg. (1 male, JEBC); FORMOSA: Gran Guardia, xi.1960, R. Golbach leg. (2 males, 2 females, MNCN) Gran Guardia, xi.1962, local collector (15 males, 6 females, CSCA); LA RIOJA: Alparinche, 30.xi.2002, L. A. Stange (5 males, FSCA); Mascasin, xi.1967, local collector (1 male, CLBC; 32 males, 15 females, CSCA; 4 males, 1 female, NMPC); Mascasin, xi.1962 (1 male, 1 female, MNCN); Patquia, xi.1959, M. Viana leg. (3 males, JEBC); Mendoza, Santa Rosa, Reserva de Ñacuñan, 11.–13.xii.2002, V. M. Diéguez leg. (4 males, 5 females, MDCS); MISIONES: Puerto Iguazu, xi.1985, P. Bleuzen leg. (1 female, NMPC); Punilla, Villa Hermoso, M. J. Viana leg. (2 females, NMPC); RIO NEGRO: Villa Regina, i.1964, L. E. Pena leg. (1 female, FSCA); SALTA: Alemania, xi.1983, M. Viana leg. (1 male, JEBC); Cafayate, ii.1983,. Viana leg. (18 males, 2 females, JEBC); Cafayate, J. L. Neff leg. (1 female, NMPC); Chicoana, i.1984, M. Viana leg. (9 males, 2 females, JEBC); Corralito, x.1982, M. Viana leg. (2 males, JEBC); Cupayobe, 21.i.1968, Williner leg. (1 male, CLBC); La Viña, xi.1983, M. Viana leg. (13 males, JEBC); Rio de Lerma, ii.1983, M. Viana leg. (2 males, CLBC; 3 males, JEBC); Salta at night, 22.x.1968, C. W. OˇBrien leg. (1 male, CLBC); Sumalao, 1400 m, i.1984, D. Carpintero leg. (2 males, 1 female, JEBC); SAN JUAN: Vale Fértil, i.1972, M. Viana leg. (4 males, JEBC); SAN LUIS: Arizona 18 km S, 250 m, 18.–23.i.1982, H. & A. Howden leg. (1 male, CLBC); SANTA FE: Rio San Javier, Estancia La Noria, 9.xii.1911, G. E. Bryant leg. (1 female, CLBC); SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO: Chaco, Le Moult coll. (2 males, 2 females, ISNB); Chaco, Rio Dulce, iii. [year?] (1 female, ISNB); Chaco, Rio Salado, Wagner leg. (1 male, 1 female, ISNB); no precise data, Wagner leg. (1 male, 1 female, MNCN); Sierra Cordoba, 12.i.1930, S. J. Williner leg. (1 female, NMPC); SAN LUIS: San Geronimo, ii.1974, M. Viana leg. (2 males, 2 females, JEBC); El Volcan, ii.1970, M. Viana leg. (6 males, JEBC); TUCUMÁN: xi.1946, R. Golbach leg. (2 males, 1 female, NHMB). PARAGUAY. BOQUERÓN: Loma Plata, 22º23'S 59º50'W, 141m, 5.–7.xii.2010, Barries, Bílý & Cate leg. [yellow dishes and Opuntia paraguayensis (Schumann) flowers] (39 males, 11 females, NMPC, WBCW); Mariscal Estigarribia, 17.–19.i.1990, G. Arriagada leg., on Opuntia flowers (5 males, 1 female, JEBC); Mariscal Estigarribia, 16.i.1990 G. Arriagada (3 males, 1 female, CLBC); NP Enciso, 21º12'S 61º38'W, 257m, 9.–11.xii.2010, Barries, Bílý & Cate leg. [yellow dishes and Opuntia paraguayensis flowers] (4 males, 2 females, NMPC, WBCW); Toledo, 126 m, 22 º 04'41''S 60º 39'54''W, 15.i.2012, J. Moravec leg. (4 males, 1 female, NMPC); CONCEPCIÓN: Colonia Azotel, N of Cororo, 187 m, 23º19'22''S 56º20'52''W, 16.–18.i.2012, J. Moravec leg. (2 males, NMPC); PRESIDENTE HAYES: Buffalo Bill, 23º26'S 58º54'W, 108m, 4.xii.2010, Barries, Bílý & Cate leg [on Opuntia paraguayensis flowers] (2 males, 1 female, NMPC); Pozo Colorado env., 16.–18.x.2009, Barries, Cate & Nagy leg. (15 males, 4 females, WBCW; 2 males, MHCB); ruta 9 km 340–380, 18.x.2009, Barries, Cate & Nagy leg. (7 males, 1 female, WBCW); ruta 9, km 344, 23º02'S 59º15'W, 116m, 5.xii.2010, Barries, Bílý & Cate leg. [on Opuntia paraguayana flowers] (31 males, 8 females, NMPC, WBCW); San Pedro, Cororo, xii.1983, M. Viana leg. (2 males, JEBC).

Diagnosis. Medium-sized to large, length: 3.2–5.0 mm, entirely black-bronze or bronze, exceptionally blue; frons shallowly grooved, with rather long, white pubescence; antennae short, barely reaching midlength of lateral pronotal margins; pronotal margins broadly curved, lateroposterior depressions wide, shallow, pronotal disc exceptionally with two small, round impressions; elytra subparallel, 1.35–1.40 times as long as wide, obliquely angled to the rounded apices; maximum elytral length at suture; aedeagus elongate, flattened, parameres broadened basal to the midlength without preapical spines (Fig. 66).

Since the number of syntypes of T. interioris, T. santafeanum, T. sulci, T. vianai, T. argentiniense var. janthinum and T. argentiniense var. wagneri (all in NMPC—see above) is unknown and to avoid any confusion in the future I hereby designate the following lectotypes and paralectotypes: the male of T. interioris as the lectotype and five males and one female as the paralectotypes of T. interioris; the female of T. santafeanum as the lectotype of T. santafeanum; the male of T. sulci as the lectotype of T. sulci; the male of T. vianai as the lectotype of T. vianai; the male of T. argentiniense var. janthinum as the lectotype of T. argentiniense var. janthinum and the female of T. argentiniense var. wagneri as the lectotype of T. argentiniense var. wagneri.

Having studied the holotypes of Pachypyga undata, Anillara argentiniensis, Tetragonoschema (T.) caerulans, the paratype of T. (T.) fallaciosum, the lectotypes of T. (T.) santafeanum, T. (T.) sulci and T. (T.) vianai I fail to find any differences and I conclude they are conspecific with T. (T.) undatum, T. (T.) argentiniensis Obenberger, 1915, T. (T.) caerulans Théry, 1944, T. (T.) fallaciosum Théry, 1944, T. (T.) santafeanum Obenberger, 1947, T. (T.) sulci Obenberger, 1932 and T. (T.) vianai Obenberger, 1947 being junior synonyms of T. (T.) undatum (Steinheil, 1848). The holotype of T. (T.) caerulans and the lectotype of T. (T.) vianai are entirely blue specimens; the holotype of T. (T.) argentiniense var. janthinum possesses violet pronotal and elytral margins; the other type specimens are quite identical with the holotype of T. (T.) undatum or they differ from it in the colouration which varies from black to bronze or bronze with blue tinge. The holotype of T. (T.) caerulans is an extremely large and stout female with rather shortened elytra; in Paraguay (Loma Plata and NP Enciso) we also found completely blue males of T. (T.) undatum which quite correspond in the body-shape with the holotype of T. (T.) caerulans.

Bionomy. Although this species is very common almost nothing is known about its bionomy. In the Chaco it occurrs together with the other common species, T. nanum, and most probably the larva also develop in various Acacia species. The adults also prefer yellow and orange flowers like T. nanum.

Sexual dimorphism. The female differs from the male usually in the larger and stouter body and in the nearly black ventral surface (ventral surface in male bronze).

Distribution. Argentina, Paraguay.

Note. The colouration, T. (T.) undatum is rather variable: from completely black through bronze (most common form) to completely blue (T. (T.) vianai, T. (T.) caerulans). Specimens from a higher altitude (Hualfin, Catamarca, Argentina, 2100 m) are somewhat larger and intense bronze.


Published as part of Bílý, Svatopluk, 2012, A revision of the genera Anilaroides Théry, 1934, stat. nov. and Tetragonoschema Thomson, 1857 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Buprestinae: Anthaxiini), pp. 1-38 in Zootaxa 3521 on pages 30-33, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3521.1.1,


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holotype , lectotype , paralectotype , paratype
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Tetragonoschema (Tetragonoschema) undatum Steinheil, 1874 sec. Bílý, 2012


  • Steinheil, E. (1874) Symbolae ad historiam coleopterorum Argentiniae meridionalis, ossia enumerazione dei coleotteri raccolti dal prof. P. Strobel nell'Argentinia meridionale, e descrizione delle species nuove. Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali, (1872) 15, 554 - 578.
  • Kerremans, C. (1885) Enumeration des Buprestides decrits posterieurement au Catalogue de MM. Gemminger & de Harold. 1870 - 1883. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 29, 119 - 157.
  • Kerremans, C. (1903) Coleoptera Serricornia. Fam. Buprestidae. Pp. 49 - 338. In: Wytsman P. (ed): Genera Insectorum. Fasc. 12 b, 12 c, 12 d. Verteneuil & Desmet, Bruxelles.
  • Bruch, C. (1911) Catalogo sistematico de los Coleopteros de la Republica Argentina, pars V, Familias Buprestidae, Trixagidae, Monommidae, Eucnemidae, Elateridae. Revisto del Museo de La Plata, 17, 226 - 260.
  • Kerremans, C. (1913) Collections recueillies par M. E. - R. Wagner dans la Republique Argentina. Coleopteres buprestides. Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, 19, 580 - 589.
  • Obenberger, J. (1922) Studien uber die Buprestiden. Entomologische Blatter, Krefeld, 18, 68 - 73, 121 - 129, 178 - 188.
  • Blackwelder, R. E. (1944) Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Part 2. United States National Museum, Bulletin, 185, 189 - 341.
  • Thery, A. (1944) Monographie des Tetragonoschema (Coleop. Buprestidae, Anthaxini). Novitates Entomologicae, 14 (4 e suppl.), 1 - 25.
  • Bellamy, C. L. (2008) A world catalogue and bibliography of the jewel beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestoidea). Volume 3. Buprestinae: Pterobothrini through Agrilinae: Rhaeboscelina. Pensoft Series Faunistica No. 76, pp. 1265 - 1931.
  • Obenberger, J. (1915) Einige Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Anthaxien (Coleoptera, Buprestidae). Coleopterologische Rundschau, 4 (4 - 5), 73 - 83.
  • Obenberger, J. (1947) Faunae Buprestidarum Argentinae additamenta I. Dodatky ke zvirene krascu Argentiny (Col. Bupr.) I. Acta Entomologica Musaei Nationalis Pragae, 25, 5 - 28.
  • Cobos, A. (1949) Nuevas especies del genero Tetragonoschema Thoms. (Col. Buprestidae, Anthaxiini). Graellsia, 7, 9 - 17.
  • Obenberger, J. (1924) Kritische Studien uber die Buprestiden (Col.). Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 90 (A) Heft 3, 1 - 171.
  • Obenberger, J. (1930) Buprestidae II. Pars 111. Pp. 213 - 568. In: Junk W. & Schenkling S. (eds) 1926 - 1935: Coleopterorum Catalogus, Volumen XII W. Junk, Berlin-Den Haag, pp. 1 - 934.
  • Cobos, A. (1958) Tercera nota sobre Buprestidos (Ins. Coleoptera) neotropicales descripciones y rectificaciones diversas. Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 15, 83 - 102.
  • Obenberger, J. (1932) Buprestidae regionis neotropicae I. O novych druzich krascu neotropicke oblasti. C asopis C eskoslovenske Spole c nosti Entomologicke, 29, 138 - 164.
  • Moore, R. T. (1986) Contribucion al conocimiento de los Buprestidos neotropicales (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 13, 21 - 29.