Myiotabanus amazonicus Rafael & Ferreira 2004
Myiotabanus amazonicus Rafael & Ferreira, 2004
(Fig. 2. A–G male, H–K female)
Refs. Rafael & Ferreira, 2004: 326, figs. 1–3, 11–13 (rev.); Coscarón & Papavero, 2009: 97 (cat.).
Diagnosis: Mimetic of Sarcophagidae; scutum with black and white stripes, medial black stripe widest. Antennal flagellomere dark brown. Labellum partially sclerotized. Abdomen with posterior bands of light triangles. Wing predominantly hyaline.
Male. Body (Fig. 2 A) length (without antennae) 10.1 mm, wing length 8.6 mm. Head: Holoptic eyes (Fig. 2 B), glabrous, dark-reddish (dried specimen), largest ommatidia occupy the upper 2/3 and the smallest ommatidia the lower 1/3, with a clear demarcation at height of frontal triangle; ocellar tubercle not prominent; frontal triangle with whitish pruinescence; subcallus with white pruinescence, without pilosity; gena, parafacials and face with white pruinescence and pilosity. Palpus prorrect, yellowish-brown with white pilosity and some sparse black pilosity. Antenna (Fig. 2 C); scape with white pruinescence and black and white pilosity; pedicel dark brown to almost black with black pilosity; flagellum dark brown, basal plate with slight dorsal projection; antennal flagellum with three free flagellomeres distal to basal flagellomere complex. Proboscis partially sclerotized; theca unsclerotized; labellum with black sclerotized plates.
Thorax. Scutum with blackish pruinescence, covered with black pilosity, except for two longitudinal stripes and lateral margins (including notopleural lobes) whitish with predominantly black pilosity and sparse yellowish pilosity. Scutellum with whitish pruinescence and black pilosity. Pleuron with whitish pruinescence, pilosity mostly yellowish-white, except for anepisternum and katepisternum with tuft of black pilosity. Legs slender, coxae with pruinescence and pilosity concolorous with pleuron. Trochanters, femora, tibiae and tarsi blackish with black pilosity. Wing hyaline, except for costal, subcostal, marginal, 1° submarginal, 1° basal, 2° basal, anal and discal cells slightly infuscate in a few specimens; dark brown veins; basicosta without macrosetae; pterostigma brown; appendix at fork of R4 +5 absent.
Abdomen: Segments (tergites and sternites) brown with slightly whitish pruinescence, covered with black pilosity and sparse yellowish pilosity; seemingly with pattern of bands and row of triangles identical to female (Fig. 2 H),
Terminalia: Epandrium, cercus and hypoproct as in figures 2D–E. Epandrium slender, divided into two parts, broad posteriorly (touching cercus) and further narrowed from second third to anterior regions (entirely disjointed); anterior region glabrous, with sparse pilosity in middle to posterior regions. Cercus elongated (subequal to epandrium) with apex rounded, covered with pilosity. Hypoproct (dorsal view) shorter than cercus, entirely covered by cerci; rounded and almost entirely translucent (ventral view). Hypandrium, gonocoxite, gonostylus and aedeagus as in figures 2F–G. Hypandrium + gonocoxite very robust, little longer than wide, anterior margin truncated. Aedeagus long, pointed, little shorter than gonocoxal apodeme. Gonostylus enlarged at base, further narrowed then parallel-sided distally, with small lateral notch apically.
Examined material: BRAZIL, Amazonas: Coari, 04°13’S; 63°13’W, vi.2007, na luz, col. G. Lourido (4ď); Idem, Carauari, 05°05’31’’S; 67°10’03’’W, vii.2005, [armadilha] suspensa na praia, col. A.L. Henriques & F.F. Xavier-Filho (2Ψ).
Comments: The male is very similar to the female (Fig. 2 H), mainly in the color of the thorax and wing (Fig. 2 K). The abdomen is similar although the abdomens of all males observed are in poor condition. The scutellar pruinescence is different, covering the whole structure in the male and only the edge in the female. Abdomen differs in color and shape, the female has a strongly narrowed apex (like an ovipositor, Fig. 2 H). The male terminalia is very close to M. barrettoi (see Coscarón 1975), without significant differences.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Tabanidae
- Genus
- Myiotabanus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Diptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Rafael & Ferreira
- Species
- amazonicus
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Myiotabanus amazonicus Rafael, 2004 sec. Krolow, Bayless & Henriques, 2012
- Rafael, J. A. & Ferreira, R. L. M. (2004) Revisao do genero Myiotabanus Lutz (Diptera, Tabanidae) com descricao de uma especie nova. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 21 (2), 325 - 331.
- Coscaron, S. & Papavero, N. (2009) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera. Tabanidae. Neotropical Diptera, Ribeirao Preto, 16, 1 - 199.
- Coscaron, S. (1975) Notas sobre tabanidos argentinos. IX. Los generos Stenotabanus Lutz y Myiotabanus Lutz (Diptera: Insecta). Provincia Buenos Aires Comision Investigaciones Cientificas (C. I. C.), informes, 16, 1 - 39.