Montesauria macronoi Mironov, Literak, Hung & Capek, 2012, sp. n.
Montesauria macronoi sp. n.
(Figs 4 –6)
Type material. Male holotype (ZISP 4730), 12 male and 4 female paratypes from Macronous gularis (Horsfield) (Timaliidae), VIETNAM: Ninh Binh, Cuc Phuong National Park, 20°21' N 105°35' E, 1 February 2010, coll. I. Literak, Nguen Manh Hung and M. Capek.
Type depository. Holotype, 10 male and 2 female paratypes—ZISP, remaining paratypes—UMMZ, IEBR.
Description. MALE (holotype, range for 10 paratypes). Length of idiosoma 352 (345–360), width 117 (113–120), length of hysterosoma 240 (225–240). Prodorsal shield: entire, antero-lateral extensions short and rounded, lateral margins with shallow incisions extending to bases of setae se, posterior margin straight, length of shield 102 (100–105), width 88 (85–90), surface without ornamentation (Fig. 4 A). Setae ve absent. Scapular setae se separated by 53 (50–55). Scapular shields narrow. Humeral shields absent. Setae cp and c2 situated on striated tegument. Subhumeral setae c3 lanceolate, 18 (18–20) × 7 (6.5–7.5). Hysteronotal shield: length 245 (235–248), width at anterior margin 77 (70–80), anterior margin slightly concave or straight, anterior part may bear sparse transverse dashes.
Opisthosomal lobes short, slightly longer than wide, straight, posterolateral margin rounded; lobar apex with pair of blunt teeth at bases of setae h3. Terminal cleft narrow, almost parallel-sided, length 24 (22–25), greatest width 5 (3–5). Supranal concavity circular, well outlined, 13 (11–13) in diameter. Setae f2 slightly anterior to bases of setae ps2. Setae h1 situated at level of anterior margin of supranal concavity. Setae ps1 situated at level of opisthosomal lobe bases, equidistant from outer and inner margins of these lobes. Setae h3 lanceolate, 42 (39–43) long, 9 (9–11) wide; setae ps2 36 (30–36) long. Distance between dorsal setae: c2:d2 95 (92–98), d2: e2 84 (75–85), e2:h3 58 (55–60), d1:d2 39 (35–40), e1: e2 25 (22–27), h1:ps2 27 (22–28), ps1:h3 18 (18–21), h2:h2 37 (35–40), h3:h3 22 (20–24), ps2:ps2 47 (43–48).
Epimerites I fused into a Y, sternum over ½ of total length of epimerites, posterior end of sternum connected to middle parts of epimerites II by transverse branches (Fig. 4 B). Epimerites II elongate, extending to level of sejugal furrow. Coxal fields I, II without wide sclerotized areas. Rudimentary sclerites rEpIIa absent. Coxal fields I closed, coxal fields II, III almost closed. Anterior tips of epimerites IIIa connected to each other by transverse sclerite. Medial part of epimerites III with long extensions directed backward and bearing setae 4b. Coxal fields IV without sclerotized area at bases of trochanters IV. Epimerites IVa present, short. Genital arch small, with short and rounded wing-like extensions, 16 (13–16) in length, 25 (24–26) in width including extensions; basal sclerite of genital apparatus shaped as inverted trapezium; aedeagus 115 (115–120) long, almost extending to lobar apices (Fig. 6A). Genital papillae not connected by their bases, arranged in rectangle or trapezium. Anal suckers 13.5 (12–14) in diameter, corolla with 11–12 indentations, surrounding membrane with radial striae. Opisthoventral shields narrow, with short and oblique extension bearing setae ps3 at level of anal suckers. Distance between ventral setae: 3a:4b 7 (7–9), 4b–4a 55 (45–55), 4a–g 35 (33–36), g–ps3 44 (44–48), ps3–ps3 49 (47–50), ps3:h3 40 (36–40).
Legs I thicker and slightly longer than legs II; femora I, II with ventral crest, other segments of legs I, II without processes. Solenidion σ 1 of genu I spiculiform, 6 (4–6) long, situated in distal half of segment. Genual setae cG I, cG II, mG I, mG II filiform. Seta d of tarsi II, III shorter than corresponding seta f. Legs III, IV similar in size. Trochanters III without setae sR III. Solenidion φ of tibia IV extending to midlevel of ambulacral disc. Tarsus IV 20 (19–20) long, with short apical claw–like process; setae d button-like, situated at midlevel of segment, seta e indistinct (Figs 6B–E). Length of solenidia: ω 1 I 11 (10–12), ω 1 II 8 (6–8), φI 66 (62–67), φII 43 (41–44), φIII 22 (22–23), φIV 22 (20–24).
FEMALE (4 paratypes). Length of idiosoma 423–455, width 125–145, length of hysterosoma 285–310. Prodorsal shield: entire, antero-lateral extensions narrow and connected with bases of epimetites Ia, lateral margins with incisions extending to bases of setae se, posterior margin strongly convex, length 120–130, width 88–93, surface without ornamentation, postero-medial part sclerotized more strongly than remaining surface of this shield (Fig. 5 A). Setae ve absent. Setae se separated by 53–58. Scapular shields narrow. Humeral shields absent; setae cp and c2 situated on soft tegument. Setae c3 lanceolate, 17–20 × 6.5–7. Anterior and lobar pieces of hysteronotal shield separated dorsally by narrow transverse groove but remain connected ventro-laterally by narrow bands. Anterior hysteronotal part of shield roughly rectangular, anterior margin straight, length 215–236, width at anterior margin 88–95, surface without ornamentation, median area sclerotized noticeably more strongly than lateral parts of this shield. Length of lobar region 77–82, width 73–75, anterior margin shallowly concave. Terminal cleft parallel-sided, narrow, lateral margins almost touching, length 48–52, width at midlevel 2–8. Supranal concavity circular, small. Setae h1 situated near anterior margin of lobar shield. Setae h2 spindlelike, 40–45 × 7–8. Setae ps1 equidistant from inner and outer margins of opisthosomal lobes. Setae h 3 17–21 long, about 1/4th the length of terminal appendages. Distance between dorsal setae: c2:d2 115–122, d2: e2 95–100, e2:h2 37–40, h2:h3 55–57, d1:d2 40–45, e1: e2 35–37, h1:h 2 11–13, h2:ps 1 28–33, h1:h 1 23–29, h2:h2 50–58.
Epimerites I fused into a Y with very short and acute stem. Lateral parts of coxal fields I, II without heavily sclerotized areas (Fig. 5 B). Epimerites IVa absent. Translobar apodemes of opisthosomal lobes present, wide, fused to each other anterior to terminal cleft. Epigynum horseshoe-shaped, outer margins without ledge, greatest width 60–68. Copulatory opening situated ventrally, immediately anterior to margin of fused translobar apodemes; proximal end of primary spermaduct slightly thickened, distal one third of primary spermaduct strongly enlarged forming bursa copulatrix; head of spermatheca shaped as tea cup, with sinuous margin; secondary spermaducts short, 11–13 long (Fig. 6F). Distance between pseudanal setae: ps2:ps2 39–41, ps3:ps 3 21–23, ps2:ps 3 13–15.
Legs I slightly thicker than legs II; femur II with angular ventral crest (Fig. 6G); other segments of legs I, II without processes. Solenidion σ 1 of genu I 6.5–7.5 long. Genual setae cG I, cG II, mG I, mG II filiform. Setae d of tarsi II–IV slightly longer than corresponding setae f. Genua III, IV without noriceable dorsal inflation (Figs. 6H, I). Trochanteral setae sR III absent. Length of solenidia: ω 1 I 14–15, ω 1 II 7–8, φI 62–70, φII 45–47, φIII 24–26, φIV 3.5–4.5.
Differential diagnosis. Montsauria macronoi sp. n. strongly differs from all Montesauria species characterized by the presence of setae f2 (Mironov 2006). Among previously described species, this species could be formally compared with species of the heterocaula species group, for instance with M. nesocharis Mironov and Fain, 2003 from Nesocharis shelleyi (Alexander) (Estrildidae), because of having elongated epimerites II and lanceolate setae h 3 in males and of the absence of setae ve in both sexes. Montsauria macronoi differs from that species and other representatives of the species complex “with setae f2 ” by the following features. In both sexes, trochanteral setae sR III are absent, coxal fields I, II lack large heavily sclerotized areas. In males, the terminal cleft is parallel-sided and narrow, setae ps1 are situated in the middle of opisthosomal lobes and approximately equidistant from their inner and outer margins; the aedeagus almost extends to the level of lobar apices. In females, setae ps1 are situated dorsally and approximately equidistant from the margins of opisthosomal lobes; the head of spermatheca is cup-shaped, the distal one third of the primary spermaduct is enlarged forming a rather long bursa copulatrix.
In both sexes of M. nesocharis, trochanteral setae sR III are present, lateral parts of coxal fields I, II are heavily sclerotized; in males, the margins of the terminal cleft are strongly divergent, setae ps1 are situated on the inner margin of the opisthosomal lobes, the aedeagus does not extend to the level of the terminal cleft; in females, setae ps1 are situated on the inner margins of the opisthosomal lobes, the head of spermatheca is cylindrical and longitudinally striated, the primary spermaduct is enlarged near the copulatory opening only.
Remark. Montsauria macronoi sp. n. and the next species, M. pellornei sp. n., are strongly different from all previously described species, and we arrange them here into a separate species group macronoi. Based on the set of characters proposed for diagnoses of species groups of the genus Montesauria (Mironov 2006), the macronoi species group is characterized by the following combination of features. Both sexes: setae f2 present; coxal fields I, II without large sclerotized area; setae c2 situated dorsally and off hysteronotal shield, trochanteral setae sR III absent. Male: setae h1 anterior to terminal cleft; setae ps1 situated in the middle of opisthosoma, distantly from inner margins of lobes; opisthosomal lobes short (not longer than wide), not narrowed apically, lobar apex with pair of blunt teeth, lateral margin with rounded extensions at base of setae h2; setae h3 lanceolate, genital arch small with short lateral extensions; sternum long and connected to epimerites II; coxal fields III open, coxal fields IV without large sclerotized areas; legs III, IV without ventral apophyses. Female: setae ps1 situated dorsally, distant inner margins of opisthosomal lobes, anterior hysteronotal and lobar shields separated dorsally; legs I, II not modified.
Etymology. The specific epithet is taken from the generic name of the host, and is a noun and is a noun in the genitive case.
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Additional details
- Family
- Proctophyllodidae
- Genus
- Montesauria
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Astigmata
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Species
- macronoi
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Montesauria macronoi Mironov, Literak, Hung & Capek, 2012
- Mironov, S. V. & Fain, A. (2003) New species of the feather mite subfamily Pterodectinae (Astigmata: Proctophyllodidae) from African passerines (Aves: Passeriformes). Bulletin de la Societe Royale Belge d'Entomologie, 139, 75 - 91