Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Servaea melaina Richardson & Gunter, 2012, n.sp.


Servaea melaina n.sp.

Figs 23–29

Etymology. From μελας =dark, referring to an easily discernable difference from S. spinibarbis.


Type material. Holotype: 1F, Mount Barker, WA, 117.67°E, 34.63°S, 1 May, 1992, P.J. Mann, (WAM T 100348, BJR 465A).

Paratype: 1M, Mount Barker, 19 Osborne Rd, WA, peridomestic, 117.67°E, 34.63°S, Dec, 1992, P.J. Mann, (WAM, T66917, BJR 440); 1M, Mount Barker, 19 Osborne Rd, WA, 117.67°E, 34.63°S, Dec, 1992, P.J. Mann, (WAM, T66918, BJR 443).

Other material examined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1M, Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park, 115.77°E, 31.80°S, 1 Aug, 1993, D. Leary, (WAM T66932, BJR 460); 1F, Trigg, 115.75°E, 31.87°S, 6 Sep, 1988, D. Knowles, (WAM, T66937, BJR 483); 1M, Trigg, 115.75°E, 31.87°S, 6 Sep, 1988, D. Knowles, (WAM, T66936, BJR 484); 1F, Karrinyup Shopping Centre, 115.77°E, 31.88°S, 28 Aug, 1992, J. Waldock, (WAM, T66907, BJR 451); 1M, East Guildford, 28 Swan St, 115.98°E, 31.90°S, 8 Sep, 1999, P. Vinnicombe, G.W. Kendrick, (WAM, T66903, BJR 475); 1F, Mount Lawley, 115.87°E, 31.92°S, 30 Nov, 1986, J. Waldock, D. Terry, (WAM, T66920, BJR 445); 1F, Maylands, peridomestic, 115.88°E, 31.93°S, 17 Feb, 1990, J. Waldock, (WAM, T66910, BJR 439); 1M, Perth, outside Museum, 115.85°E, 31.95°S, 11 Oct, 1999, M.S. Harvey, J.M. Waldock, (WAM T66933, BJR 485); 1F, Nedlands, Edward St, 115.80°E, 31.98°S, 27 Nov, 1996, A. Baynes, (WAM, T66922, BJR 452); 1F, Nedlands, Edward St, 115.80°E, 31.98°S, 17 Dec, 1990, A. Baynes, (WAM, T66924, BJR 456); 1F, Nedlands, Edward St, 115.80°E, 31.98°S, 26 Sep, 1991, A. Baynes, (WAM, T66923, BJR 459); 1M, Yangebup, 115.82°E, 32.12°S, 22 Aug, 1996, D. Mead-Hunter, (WAM, T66940, BJR 486); 1M, Parmelia, 115.82°E, 32.25°S, 11 Oct, 1986, A.E. de Jong, (WAM, T66925, BJR 463); 1M, Parmelia, 115.82°E, 32.25°S, 11 Sept, 1996, A.E. de Jong, (WAM, T66929, BJR 457); 1M, Parmelia, 115.82°E, 32.25°S, 11 Sep, 1989, A.E. de Jong, (WAM, T66927, BJR 462); 1M, Parmelia, 115.82°E, 32.25°S, 26 May, 1997, A.E. de Jong, (WAM, T66930, BJR 461); 1M, Parmelia, 115.82°E, 32.25°S, 6 Nov, 1990, A.E. de Jong, (WAM, T66928, BJR 455); 1M, Furnissdale, SE Mandurah, 115.77°E, 32.57°S, 24 Aug, 1991, F.H. Uther Baker, (WAM, T66904, BJR 467); 2F, Sandy Hook Is, Recherche Archipelago, Litter, 122°E, 34.03°S, 16 Nov, 1998, J..M. Waldock, (WAM, T66934, BJR 478); 1M, Mockerdillup Rd, 15km SW Bridgetown, 116.10°E, 34.10°S, 11 Dec, 1986, D. Terry, (WAM, T66912, BJR 447); 1M, Mockerdillup Rd, 15km SW Bridgetown, 116.10°E, 34.10°S, 1 Nov, 1986, J. Waldock, D.Terry, (WAM, T66911, BJR 449); 2F, 1km N Boyup/Franklin Rds jn, W of Cranbrook, 117.55°E, 34.30°S, 18 Nov, 1992, A.F. Longbottom, (WAM, T66899, BJR 464); 1M, 1 imm, Stirling Range N.P., Stirling Range Rd, Open woodland, 118.05°E, 34.35°S, 3 Nov, 2003, R. Oberprieler, (ANIC, 42 0 0 1480, BJR 1173); 2F, 1 imm, Mount Barker/Porogurups Rd, 117.80°E, 34.68°S, 16 Feb, 1993, A.F. Longbottom, (WAM, T66916, BJR 473); 1M, 6.5 miles W of Denmark, 117.23°E, 34.97°S, 29 Dec, 1962, J. Crawley, (WAM, T66901, BJR 472).

Diagnosis. It can be differentiated from S. incana, S. villosa and S. zabkai as the fertilization duct is large and long and is visible externally as a deep red mass in the centre of the fossa and by the presence of a median gap between right and left insemination ducts. It differs from S. narraweena as the insemination duct crosses the middle of the epigynum and enters the spermatheca on the anterior edge and from S. spinibarbis as the chelicerae are black or dark brown rather than light brown, L1 is long (P1+T1 more than 90% of CL) rather than short (P1+T1 less than 80% of CL), the bulb is narrower than the palp and the accessory gland is towards the middle of the insemination duct rather than terminal or sub-terminal.

Description. Male: Cephalothorax dark orange covered with pennate grey hairs over dorsal surface and lateral surfaces. Integument surrounding ALE, PME and PLE, black with thick covering of grey hairs. Clypeus narrow, with long sparse fringe of grey hairs. Chelicerae geniculate, black grading distally to dark tan. A toothlike protuberance, projecting forwards off a tubercle on the anterior face of each chelicera, three large promarginal teeth on a single pediment and one large straight fissident retromarginal tooth. Endites dark tan grading to yellow with a protuberance on the distal edge. Labium black and sternum mid brown. Abdomen without a central anterior cleft, mid brown with dark brown mid line stripe and patterning that stretches to the margins. Ventral abdomen same colour as dorsal surface of the abdomen on the sides with a darker median stripe and with scattered white patches of guanine. Spinnerets mid brown. L1 and L2 more robust than L3 and L4. All femoras, patellae, tibiae yellow, tarsi and metatarsi mid brown without fringing.. L3 and L4 femora with three transverse darker stripes, L1 and L2 plane. Palp: brown, tibia with single fine apophysis. Tegulum relatively broad with anterior lateral lobe and a proximal lobe, origin of the embolus distal, forming a tapering single anticlockwise spiral around the bulb. Dimensions: CL 2.65±0.05 (12) 2.35–2.91, EFL 1.05±0.03 (12) 0.87–1.24, CW 2.05±0.04 (12) 1.80–2.29, AEW 1.85±0.04 (12) 1.67–2.04 AMEW 1.04±0.02 (12) 0.93–1.11, PEW 1.81±0.04 (12) 1.61–2.04, P1+T 1 2. 74 ±0.10 (11) 2.17–3.22.

Female (Holotype): Cephalothorax dark orange covered with pennate grey hairs over dorsal surface and lateral surfaces. Integument surrounding ALE, PME and PLE, black with thick covering of grey hairs. Clypeus narrow, with long sparse fringe of grey hairs. Chelicerae geniculate, black grading distally to dark tan with four promarginal teeth on a single base and a single, large, fissident, retromarginal tooth but no protuberance on the front face. Endites and labium mid brown. Sternum yellow. Abdomen without a central anterior cleft, mid brown with dark brown mid line stripe of variable intensity and patterning that stretches to the margins. Ventral abdomen same colour as dorsal surface of the abdomen on the sides with a darker median stripe. Spinnerets mid brown. Ventral abdomen same colour as dorsal surface of the abdomen on the sides with a darker median stripe and with scattered white patches of guanine. Palps yellow. L1, L2 and L3 similar sizes with a slender build. L4 similar but longer. Legs yellow grading distally to mid brown, femur without three dark brown transverse bands, patella with a single transverse brown band, tibia with two transverse brown bands, metatarsus with two transverse bands and tarsus with a single transverse band. Epigynum: consisting of two large fossae and a sclerotised margin. A distinct brown patch varying in shape is found in the middle of each fossa. Guides and copulatory openings indistinct. Accessory gland either terminally or in the distal third, on the dorsal surface of the insemination duct. Insemination duct passes laterally across the middle of the fossa to the mid line and then moves posteriorly until entering the spermatheca on the anterior mid line. Spermatheca small, rounded and within the margin of the fossa but at the posterior edge. Right and left spermatheca and insemination ducts well separated. The fertilization duct is large, arising from the ventral anterior edge of the spermatheca and curving dorsally in an incomplete circle (Fig. 25). Dimensions: Holotype, CL 2.85, EFL 1.11, CW 2.23, AEW 1.86, AMEW 0.99, PEW 1.91, AL 3.10, L1 4.76 (1.42+0.80+0.99+0.0.99+0.56), L2 4.20 (1.30+0.74+0.93+0.0.80+0.43), L3 4.45 (1.61+0.80+0.87+0.74+0.43), L4 5.38 (1.73+0.80+1.05+1.30+0.50): General, CL 2.58±0.07 (9) 2.32–2.97, EFL 1.07±0.02 (9) 0.93–1.18, CW 2.08±0.05 (9) 1.86–2.35, AEW 1.82±0.03 (9) 1.67–1.98, AMEW 1.05±0.02 (9) 0.99–1.11, PEW 1.89±0.04 (9) 1.67–2.04, P1+T1 1.90±0.05 (9) 1.67–2.20.

Distribution and biology. Found in south-western Australia (Fig. 30) on non-sandy soils, surprisingly also found in the Swan River valley sympatric with S. spinibarbis. Found under bark in eucalypt forest and woodlands. Likely IUCN Red List Category LC.


Published as part of Richardson, Barry J. & Gunter, Nicole L., 2012, Revision of Australian jumping spider genus Servaea Simon 1887 (Aranaea: Salticidae) including use of DNA sequence data and predicted distributions, pp. 1-33 in Zootaxa 3350 on pages 18-21, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.212467


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sp. nov.
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Servaea melaina Richardson & Gunter, 2012