Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Ensiferella longispina Liu & Yang, 2012, sp. nov.


Ensiferella longispina sp. nov.

(Figs. 8–11)

Diagnosis. Ocellar triangle brown, shiny with broad anterior apex. Proboscis yellow; palpus brown. Scutellum and legs entirely yellow. Surstylus basally broad, triangular with spinous processes, the one on inner lateral margin elongate and incurved in ventral view. Cercus oblong, distally broad.

Description. Male. Body length 2.6 mm, wing length 2.2 mm.

Head brown without microtomentum, about 0.75 times as long as high, wider than thorax; face slightly concave in lateral view, bright brown; frons brown, about 0.8 times as long as wide, projecting only slightly in front of eye, almost entirely occupied by broad ocellar triangle; gena linear, brown with few brown setulae; vibrissal angle obtuse; parafacial unconspicuous; clypeus light brown. Ocellar triangle very large and broad, brown, smooth, shiny with blue-green metallic shimmer, reaching anterior margin of frons with broad anterior apex; ocellar tubercle brown. Occiput brown. Cephalic setae and setulae yellow, but vti and vte black; if, orb short hair-like; oc, pvt hairlike, oc procurved and divergent; pvt procurved; vte developed, recurved and outcurved; vti also developed, upright, almost as long as vte. Antenna yellow with thick grayish microtomentum, but pedicel rather short; postpedicel kidney-shaped, brown at dorsodistal portion, 0.53 times as long as wide; arista brown. Proboscis yellow with yellowish setulae; palpus brown with brown setulae.

Scutum almost as long as wide, brown in ground color with 3 black longitudinal stripes, the medial stripe extending to posterior 3/5 of scutum, without microtomentum. Postpronotum yellow with a small brown spot. Thoracic pleuron shiny, bright brown except for dorsal portion of katepisternum with a trapezoid yellow spot, lower margin with some yellow setulae; anterodorsal portion of katepimeron with a triangular yellow spot. Postnotum black. Scutellum entirely yellow, about 0.7 times as long as wide; ap sc shorter than scutellum. Thoracic setae brown and setulae yellow. npl 1+2, a npl and p npl subequal, a npl and posterior p npl hair-like, anterior p npl developed; a pa strong, longer than p pa; 1 dc also strong, as long as a pa. Legs entirely yellow. Setulae on legs yellow. Tibial organ absent. Wing hyaline, about 3.0 times as long as wide; veins brown. Relative lengths of 2nd: 3rd: 4th costal sections = 5: 4: 2; discal cell narrow and long; r-m at basal 0.45 of discal cell. Halter white on knob, yellow on stem.

Abdomen shiny, brown except tergite 1 yellow, tergite 4 rather short, tergite 5 yellow except basal margin brown; venter yellow. Setulae on abdomen brown.

Male genitalia (Figs. 8–11): Epandrium short tubular, weakly sclerotized, with 2 band-like sclerites along posterodorsal notch. Surstylus basally broad, triangular with spinous processes, the one on inner lateral margin elongate and incurved in ventral view, distal portion narrowed, distally truncate in lateral view, attached to epandrium anteroventrally with short setulae. Cercus oblong, distally broad in ventral view. Gonites arranged in a row; postgonite slightly incurved distally with pointed apex, with some sensory setulae; pregonite as long as postgonite, basally broad and flat, distally narrowed; basiphallus cylindrical; distiphallus longer, beyond lower margin of hypandrium; phallapodeme long, extended near base of basiphallus, with basal stalk broad in lateral view. Hypandrium narrowed.

Figures 8–11. Ensiferella longispina sp. nov., male. 8. epandrium, ventral view; 9. epandrium, lateral view; 10. hypandrium and phallic complex, ventral view; 11. hypandrium and phallic complex, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.

Female. Unknown.

Type material. Holotype 3, CHINA: Guangdong: Yingde, 29. III. 2003, Ding Yang. Male type specimen was stored in 75% ethanol.

Distribution. China (Guangdong).

Remarks. The new species is somewhat similar to E. formosus (Becker), but differs from the latter in the following points: proboscis yellow; surstylus basally broad, triangular with spinous processes, the one on inner lateral margin elongate and incurved in ventral view. In E. formosus, the proboscis is black; the surstylus remains as a part of epandrium, nearly triangular and its apical end directed inwards; the surstyllar apodeme has a long bifurcation attached to the inner fork of the hypandrium distally (Kanmiya 1983).

Etymology. The specific name is from the Latin longi- (“long”) and spina (“spine”), refers to the inner lateral margin of the surstylus with a long spinous process.


Published as part of Liu, Xiaoyan & Yang, Ding, 2012, Species of the genus Ensiferella Andersson from China, with a key to world species (Diptera, Chloropidae), pp. 54-62 in Zootaxa 3207 on pages 57-58, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.280197


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Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Ensiferella longispina Liu & Yang, 2012


  • Kanmiya, K. (1983) A systematic study of the Japanese Chloropidae (Diptera). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington, 11, 1 - 370.