Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Forcipomyia (Metaforcipomyia) ronderosae Spinelli, Marino & Borkent, 2012, n. sp.


Forcipomyia (Metaforcipomyia) ronderosae n. sp.

(Figs. 107–111, 119, 145)

Diagnosis. Male: only species of Neotropical Forcipomyia (Metaforcipomyia) with a tarsal ratio of 2.11–2.57, wing with a dark patch on its anterior margin and at the apices of M2, CuA1 and CuA2, hind leg with tarsomeres 1–2 brown, contrasting with pale tarsomeres 3–5, parameres present and the aedeagus bearing stout, laterally directed, subapical, heavily sclerotized projections. Female: unknown.

Description. Male. Head. Brown. Eyes abutting medially for length of two-three ommatidia. Antenna (Fig. 107) pale brown with plume setae well-developed, flagellomere 10 1.30–1.66 (1.42, n = 12) X longer than flagellomere 11, flagellomeres 10–13 elongate; flagellomere 13 with apical nipple slightly constricted basally; AR 0.99–1.12 (1.05, n = 12). Palpus (Fig. 108) with segment 3 short, slightly swollen proximally, with shallow sensory pit opening at midlength; PR 1.70–2.00 (1.87, n = 12). Labrum tapering apically.

Thorax. Brown; scutellum with 6 strong setae, and several minor ones. Legs uniformly pale brown; apex of hind tibia with 4–5 spines; tarsomeres with pectinate scales; tarsomere 1 of foreleg with row of dozen spine-like bristles, tarsomere 1 of hind leg with two rows of thick setae, tarsomeres 3–5 slightly paler; foreleg TR 2.38–3.00 (2.81, n = 12), midleg TR 2.10–2.43 (2.26, n = 10), hind leg TR 2.11–2.57 (2.31, n = 12); claws curved, moderately stout. Wing (Figs. 109, 119) with pattern of pigmented membrane, with dark patch on its anterior margin and at apices of M2, CuA1 and CuA2; intercalary vein not visible; radial cells closed; fork of cubitus situated proximad to level of apex of costa; wing length 0.66–1.02 (0.80, n = 12) mm; breadth 0.22–0.34 (0.27, n = 12) mm; CR 0.42–0.45 (0.44, n = 12). Halter whitish.

Abdomen. Tergites uniformly brown. Genitalia (Fig. 110): Dark brown except gonostyli pale. Tergite 9 short, extending to 1/5 length of gonocoxite; posterior margin broadly rounded; cercus lobe-like, slightly produced beyond midlength of gonocoxite; sternite 9 broad, posterior margin nearly straight. Gonocoxite moderately stout, two X longer than greatest breadth; gonostylus 0.9 length of gonocoxite, nearly straight, narrowed to tip. Parameres represented by a pointed, posteromesally directed projection, gonocoxal apodemes deeply concave. Aedeagus (Fig. 111) shield-shaped, with subapical, heavily sclerotized projections directed laterally, apex concave; basal arch extending to 0.25 of total length.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. This species is known only from Costa Rica, from 100–2250 meters (Fig. 145).

Taxonomic discussion. The male of this species is readily distinguished from that of other Neotropical species of the subgenus except F. grandiseta by the presence of an aedeagus with stout, subapical, heavily sclerotized, laterally directed projections. However, the male of F. grandiseta has thick, reinforced setae on foretarsomere 2.

Type material. Holotype male on microscope slide, labeled “ HOLOTYPE Forcipomyia (Metaforcipomyia) ronderosae Spinelli, Marino and Borkent, Costa Rica, 15 km N. San Isidro, Avalon Reserva Privada, 2250 m, 11/ 12-III-1999, A. Borkent, trampa de luz, CD 5001” (CNCI). Paratypes, 13 males (1 male, USNM; 1 male, MLPA; 4 males, CNCI; 7 males, INBC) as follows: Costa Rica, 8 km SE Orosí, Tapantí NP, 1200 m, 11-XII-1999, Picado – Borkent, CD 5032, 1 male (CNCI). Same data except 1600 m, 12-XII-1999, CD 5040, 1 male (MLPA). Costa Rica, Limón prov., Est. Hitoy Cerere, 560 m, 12-VII-1998, E. Rojas, CD 5077, 1 male (USNM). Costa Rica, Limón prov., ACLA-C., Central, Reserva Biol. Hitoy Cerere, Est. Hitoy Cerere, Send. Catarata, 90 m, 13-V-1999, F. Umaña, Amarilla tp., CD 5181, 1 male (INBC). Costa Rica, Puntarenas prov., Península de Osa, Río Agujas, Est. Agujas, Send. Purruja, 300 m, 10/ 20-VIII-1996, A. Azofeifa, Malaise tp., CD 5079, 2 males (INBC). Costa Rica, Puntarenas prov., Pto. Osa, Est. Agujas, 300 m, J. A. Azofeifa, 15-VII / 15-VIII-1999, CD 5089, 1 male (CNCI). Costa Rica, Puntarenas prov., Corcovado NP, Golfito, Est. Agujas, Cerro Rincón, 745 m, 15-V / 15-VI-1999, J. Azofeifa, Malaise tp., CD 5183, 1 male (INBC). Costa Rica, Puntarenas prov., Golfito, Est. Agujas, 250–350 m, 15-VI / 15-VII-1999, J. Azofeifa, Malaise tp., CD 5156, 2 males (CNCI). Costa Rica, Puntarenas prov., ACLA-C., PILA., Buenos Aires, Potrero Grande, Cerro Frantzius, 2134 m, 28-III / 28-IV-1997, R. Villalobos, Manual (red, libre), CD 5339, 1 male (INBC). Costa Rica, Puntarenas prov., ACLA P. zona protector tablas Quijada del Diablo, E. Navarro, 1800 m, 16-X / 10-XI-1996, 3.1 NE de Mellizas, LS 316900N/600600E, #44869, CD 5024, 1 male (INBC). Costa Rica, San José prov., ACLA-P., Pérez Zeledón, Chirripó NP, Est. Santa Elena, Send. El Llano, 1800 m, 28-X / 27- XI-1996, E. Alfaro, Manual (red, libre), CD 5151, 1 male (INBC).

Derivation of specific epithet. This species is named after our good friend and colleague María Marcela Ronderos, from the Museo de La Plata, Argentina, who has contributed so much to our understanding of both adult and immature Neotropical Ceratopogonidae.


Published as part of Spinelli, Gustavo R., Marino, Pablo I. & Borkent, Art, 2012, A revision of Biting Midges of the Subgenera Forcipomyia (Metaforcipomyia) and F. (Saliohelea) from Costa Rica (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), pp. 1-52 in Zootaxa 3419 on pages 33-35, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.215031


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