Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
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Drosophila ciliaticrus Hardy 1965


Drosophila ciliaticrus Hardy, 1965

Fig. 10

Drosophila ciliaticrus Hardy, 1965:207 –209. Holotype 3, Hawai‘i, Kaiholena Ridge [Ka‘ū], 2300 ft., viii.1952, D.E. Hardy. BPBM 6323.

Material examined. Hawai‘i: Holotype 3 and allotype Ƥ, Hawaii, T.H., Kaiholena Ridge 2300 ft. [Ka‘ū], viii.1952, D.E. Hardy, BPBM. Specimens from UHIM: 23 paratypes, same data as holotype. 23 4Ƥ, Pu‘u La‘ala‘au, Kohala Mts., 29.viii.1966, J29B11, K.Y. Kaneshiro. 33 3Ƥ, Pololū Valley trail, 1000 ft., 10.viii.1970, P50, reared ex rotten Dracaena [= Pleomele] stem, S.L. Montgomery. 33 2Ƥ, Pu‘u Wa‘awa‘a, 3600 ft., 1.viii.1971, reared ex Dracaena [= Pleomele] stem, Q6, S.L. Montgomery. 4Ƥ, Pu‘u La‘ala‘au, N. Kohala Mts., 27–, ex Tetraplasandra bark, P28, S.L. Montgomery. 13, Manukā Forest Reserve, 2300 ft., 21.viii.1976, U20, H.L. Carson. 1Ƥ, Kapu‘a (sect.), Ho‘ōpūloa (quad.), S. Kona, 2650 ft., vii.1977, D.E. Hardy. 3Ƥ, Manukā, S. Kona, 1000 ft. [sic.?], on fungus bait, 15.i.1979, D.E. Hardy. 1/ 2 mi. NW of Moanuiahea radio tower, Hualalai, 4.iv.1972, K.Y. Kaneshiro.

UHIM, labelled “ Drosophila tetraplasandrae ”: Putative holotype 3 and 23 4Ƥ paratypes, Pololū Va l le y, N. Kohala, 1000 ft., 11.viii.1970, reared ex rotten flux of Tetraplasandra hawaiiensis, P50λ, S.L. Montgomery. Putative allotype Ƥ and 13 paratype, Honokāne Nui Valley, 10.viii.1970, 1200 ft., reared ex Tetraplasandra barkflux, P50α, S.L. Montgomery. 3Ƥ, Pāpā, South Kona, 20.viii.1971, reared ex Tetraplasandra bark, Q10, S.L. Montgomery. 13, Kalapana, 100 ft., 28.ii.1972, reared ex Reynoldsia bark or flux, Q95, S.L. Montgomery. 13 1Ƥ, ‘Ōla‘a Forest Reserve behind Volcano Dump, 3200 ft.,, reared ex Tetraplasandra sap, S.L. Montgomery & W.P. Mull. 93 11Ƥ, ‘Ōla‘a Forest Reserve, 3200 ft., at bait, 14.v–, W.P. Mull.

Recent specimens at UHH: 13 1Ƥ, Stainback Highway, 3600 ft., 19.573°N 155.235°W, on bait sponge, 21.vii.2009, m0075-06, K. Magnacca. 1Ƥ, Manukā, olopua kipuka, 2300 ft., 19.118°N 155.813°W, on bait sponge, 7.viii.2009, m0100-02, K. Magnacca. 13 1Ƥ, ‘Ōla‘a Forest Reserve behind Volcano dump, 3200 ft., 19.45°N 155.206°W, 2.v.2010, on bait sponge, m0243-01, K. Magnacca. 13 1Ƥ, Stainback Highway, Tom’s Trail upper forest, 3200 ft., 19.575°N 155.216°W, on bait sponge,, m0323-01, C. Yakym. 1Ƥ, Leilani Estates, 600 ft., 19.455°N 154.912°W, collected as pupa on Tetraplasandra hawaiiensis bark-flux, 21.xi.2010, em. 4.xii.2011, m0331-01, K. Magnacca. 13 2Ƥ, F1 lab reared from Ƥ collected at ‘Ōla‘a Forest Reserve behind Volcano dump, 3200 ft., 19.450°N 155.206°W, 1.iv.2011, m0382-01, K. Magnacca.

Discussion. This species exhibits significant morphological variation based on distribution, and may be in the process of speciation. Individuals from Kohala and North Kona typically have the legs entirely yellow; mesonotum brownish and densely pollinose; anepisternum with distinct longitudinal stripes; subbasal wing spot small, not extending into cell M and remote from r-m crossvein; R4+5 with a median spot in both sexes; and usually at least some cilia on the second tarsal segment in the male. Those from Waiākea, ‘Ōla‘a, and Puna have the legs entirely dark brown to black; mesonotum dark brown to black and less densely pollinose; anepisternum often entirely dark; subbasal wing spot larger, always extending into cell M and often touching the r-m crossvein; R4+5 often lacking a median spot in males, sometimes also in females; and apparently never with cilia on the second tarsal segment (Fig. 10). The former have been reared predominantly from Pleomele hawaiiensis (halapēpē, Asparagaceae), but a few come from Tetraplasandra spp. (‘ohe‘ohe and ‘ohe mauka, Araliaceae); the latter apparently breed exclusively in Tetraplasandra and Reynoldsia (Pleomele is very rare in Puna, typically in dry sites). Many specimens of the second, darker form are segregated in collections under the unpublished name “ Drosophila tetraplasandrae ”. These also include two series of dark Tetraplasandra -reared specimens from Kohala referred to as “sp. nr. sobrina ” with collection codes P50 and Q 10 in earlier publications (Magnacca, et al., 2008; Montgomery, 1975). They were given holotype and paratype labels by D.E. Hardy (as noted above), but the name was never published. The few specimens available from South Kona appear to be intermediate, generally like the southeastern population but with yellow legs. However, specimens of the type series, from nearby Ka‘ū, are quite pale and resemble Pleomele - reared individuals from Kohala.

While extreme individuals superficially appear to be different species, in all populations many of the characters occur in various combinations. Leg color appears to be the only fixed character, and this is insufficient to separate species; D. murphyi shows a similar degree of variation in the legs, albeit without a geographic basis. DNA of a specimen from Manukā was sequenced and was over 6% different from four ‘Ōla‘a/Waiākea specimens in the COI gene—similar to the divergence found between sister species—but nearly identical at three nuclear loci (unpublished data). Even among individuals of the latter population, sequence variation is much higher than is observed in related sympatric species such as D. sproati and D. murphyi. No other recent collections from the Kona, Kaū, or Kohala populations are available to assess the full range of genetic variation. Therefore, we are retaining it as a single species across the island.


Published as part of Magnacca, Karl N. & Price, Donald K., 2012, New species of Hawaiian picture wing Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae), with a key to species, pp. 1-30 in Zootaxa 3188 on pages 27-29, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.215224


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Drosophila ciliaticrus Hardy, 1965 sec. Magnacca & Price, 2012


  • Hardy, D. E. (1965) Insects of Hawaii vol. 12. Diptera: Cyclorrhapha II, Series Schizophora, Section Acalypterae I. Family Drosophilidae. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 814 pp.
  • Montgomery, S. L. (1975) Comparative breeding site ecology and the adaptive radiation of picture-winged Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Hawaii. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society, 22, 65 - 103.