Platycranus erberi Fieber 1870
Platycranus erberi Fieber, 1870
Figures 1–2, 34–36, 58, 60–63, 68–69, 73–74, 85, 102–109, 153, 156–157, 169–170, 188, 190–191.
Platycranus erberi Fieber, 1870: 252 [n. sp.]; Carvalho, 1958: 125 [cat.]; Schuh, 1995: 182 [cat.]; Wagner, 1974: 148 [descr.] Platycranus michalki Wagner, 1951: 363 [n.sp.]; Carvalho, 1958: 125 [cat.]; Schuh, 1995: 183 [cat.]; Wagner, 1974: 148 [descr.]; Carapezza, 1993: 293 [n. syn.]
Diagnosis. Recognized by the following combination of characters: head strongly flattened, brown to black (Figs. 34–36); vertex male 1.4–1.9 ×, female 2.1–2.7 × as wide as eye; pronotum 0.9–1.0 × as wide as head, anterior margin dark brown to black, scutellum brown; genital segment without field of spinules ventroapically (Fig. 74); right paramere slender at base, without basal extension (Figs. 104–109).
Clearly differs from other species of subgenus Platycranus in having extremely flat vertex, wide head almost equal in width to pronotum at base, darkened head, pronotum, scutellum, and inner margin of hemelytron, genital segment without field of spinules ventroapically, and slender right paramere without basal extension.
Redescription. Male. Middle-sized, 4.6–5.8. COLORATION. Head: dorsally pale brown to black (Figs. 34– 35), ventrally yellow; clypeus pale brown to black; antenna yellow, first segment usually orange. Thorax: apical part of pronotum pale brown to black, rarely yellow; basal part of pronotum pale to dark greenish yellow; pronotal sides yellow; mesonotum yellow to brown, sometimes with pale midline and two spots at sides; scuto-scutellar suture usually dark brown, scutellum dirty yellow to pale brown, apically whitish, usually with more or less expressed pale midline; meso- and metapleura yellow. Hemelytron: greenish yellow, usually with dark brown along claval commisure, medio-apical area of corium and inner margin of cuneus. Legs: yellow to pale brown, third tarsal segment darker, pale brown to brown. Abdomen: dorsally brown to black, ventrally yellow. SURFACE AND VESTITURE. First antennal segment without mesial stiff setae; simple setae on antenna pale. STRUCTURE. Head: posterior margin slightly concave; vertex extremely flat, 1.42–1.86 × as wide as eye; first antennal segment usually twice as thick as second segment, 0.58–0.67 × as long as width of head; second antennal segment 1.64– 1.98 × as long as width of head and 1.78–2.0 × as long as width of pronotum. Thorax: pronotum with slightly concave anterior margin and straight posterior margin, 1.63–1.80 × as wide as long and 0.92–1.0 × as wide as head. Hemelytron: cuneus 2–3 × as long as wide. Legs: third tarsal segment nearly equal in length to second segment; pulvillus extremely short, not reaching midpoint of claw (Figs. 68-69). GENITALIA. Genital segment without any distinctive ornamentation (Fig. 74); left paramere as in Fig. 85; right paramere slightly widened in apical half, with sharp apical process (Figs. 104–109); aedeagus as in Fig. 153.
Female. Middle-sized, 4.9–5.4. COLORATION, SURFACE AND VESTITURE. As in male. STRUCTURE. Similar to male except larger interocular distance, 2.14–2.67 × as wide as eye, and labium reaching only forecoxa; first antennal segment 0.67–0.72 × as long as width of head; second antennal segment 1.77–1.87 × as long as width of head and 1.87–1.98 × as long as width of pronotum; pronotum 1.67–1.87 × as wide as long and 0.92–1.0 × as wide as head. GENITALIA. Interramal lobes twin-coned (Fig. 169–170); sclerotized rings as in Figs. 156–157.
Distribution. Principally distributed along the northern and eastern coasts of the Mediterranean Sea (Fig. 58), north to France, Italy and Croatia, west to north-eastern Spain, south and east to Israel and Syria. The record from Mt. Hermon is the first record of the species from Syria.
Host associations. According to Wagner & Weber (1964) and Wagner (1974), host plants are Spartium junceum L., and Genista radiata (L.) Scopoli. Tamanini (1981) reported as hosts Genista anglica L., and Spartium junceum L. Specimens collected by the junior author in Croatia were clearly associated with Spartium junceum.
Material examined. Lectotype of P. e r b e r i: CROATIA: Dalmatien, 45.3775 ° N 15.79305 ° E, no date provided, Erber, 1Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00336280) (NHMW). Paralectotype of P. e r b e r i: CROATIA: Dalmatien, 45.3775 ° N 15.79305 ° E, no date provided, Erber, 13 (AMNH _PBI 00336276) (NHMW).
Holotype of P. michalki: ITALY: Sicily: Capri, 40.55 ° N 14.2333 ° E, 0 3 Jul 1936, Michalk, 13 (AMNH _PBI 00183845) (ZMUH).
Paratypes of P. michalki: ITALY: Sicily: Dint. Napoli, Mt. Nuovo, 40.83333 ° N 14.06666 ° E, 17 Oct 1939 - 19 Oct 1939, Hartig, 13 (AMNH _PBI 00336930) (ZMUH). Ins. Ischia, 40.71666 ° N 13.9 ° E, 10 Aug 1936, Michalk, 1Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00336943) (ZMUH); 13 Aug 1936, Michalk, 13 (AMNH _PBI 00336929), 1Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00336941) (ZMUH); 16 Aug 1936, Michalk, 23 (AMNH _PBI 0 0 336914, AMNH _PBI 00336915), 2Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 0 0 336940, AMNH _PBI 00336942) (ZMUH).
Other Specimens Examined: CROATIA: Dalmatia: Brač Island, Sumartin, 43.28333 ° N 16.86666 ° E, 40 m, 28 Aug 2004, Kment P., 23 (AMNH _PBI 0 0 336296, AMNH _PBI 00336297), 2Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 0 0 336298, AMNH _PBI 00336299) (NMPC). Brač Island, half way between Postira and Lovrečina, 43.37305 ° N 16.65166 ° E, 20 Jul 2011, F. Konstantinov, Spartium junceum (Fabaceae), 7 larvae (AMNH _PBI 0 0 337114, AMNH _PBI 0 0 337115, AMNH _PBI 00337118- AMNH _PBI 00337122), 103 (AMNH _PBI 00337087- AMNH _PBI 0 0 337094, AMNH _PBI 0 0 337108, AMNH _PBI 00337109), 7Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00337098- AMNH _PBI 00337104) (ZISP). Brač Island, half way btw Postira and Splitska, 43.37694 ° N 16.61583 ° E, 22 Jul 2011, F. Konstantinov, Spartium junceum (Fabaceae), 6 larvae (AMNH _PBI 00337110- AMNH _PBI 0 0 337113, AMNH _PBI 0 0 337116, AMNH _PBI 00337117), 33 (AMNH _PBI 00337095- AMNH _PBI 00337097), 3Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00337105- AMNH _PBI 00337107) (ZISP). Cavtat, 42.58333 ° N 18.21666 ° E, Aug 1906, Horváth, 1Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00336199) (HNHM). Hvar (Lesina) island, 43.13333 ° N 16.73333 ° E, no date provided, Brancsik, 1Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00336197) (HNHM). Podstrana, 43.46666 ° N 16.56666 ° E, 23 Jul 1940, Novak, 13 (AMNH _PBI 00336971) (ZMUH). Split, 43.5 ° N 16.43333 ° E, 19 Oct 1948, Novak, 13 (AMNH _PBI 00336907) (ZMUH). Dubrovacko- Neretvanska Zupanija: Lopud D., 42.6928 ° N 17.9469 ° E, 1 m, 20 Jun 1948, Novak, 33 (AMNH _PBI 0 0 336908, AMNH _PBI 00336909) (ZMUH). Istria: Rovinj [Rovigno], 45.08333 ° N 13.63333 ° E, 16 Jun 1929, E. Passauro, 1Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00314155) (ZISP). Lokrum Island, 42.62833 ° N 18.11972 ° E, 23 Jun 1948, Novak, 33 (AMNH _PBI 0 0 336905, AMNH _PBI 00336906), 1Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00336928) (ZMUH). Ragusa [Dubrovnik], Dalmatia, 42.654 ° N 18.081 ° E, 0 1 Jul 1700, Handlirsch, 1Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00336281), 33 (AMNH _PBI 00336277- AMNH _PBI 00336279) (NHMW); 15 Jul 1700, Handlirsch, 2Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 0 0 336282, AMNH _PBI 00336283) (NHMW). FRANCE: Gallia meridionalis, V. Jakovlev coll., 1Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00314140) (ZISP). Languedoc- Roussillon: Pyrénées-Orientales Co.: La Racou, 42.549 ° N 3.012 ° E, 30 Jul 1956, E. Wagner, 1Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00334192) (ZISP), 1Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00336927) (ZMUH). Arles, Montagnettes, 43.67 ° N 4.63 ° E, 30 Jun 1954 - 0 2 Jul 1954, E. Wagner, 1Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00314156) (ZISP), 3Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00336924- AMNH _PBI 00336926) (ZMUH). GREECE: Tator pr. Athens [Athenae], 37.98 ° N 23.73 ° E, 20 Oct 1935, Zhenzhurist, 1Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00314158) (ZISP). ISRAEL: HaDarom (Southern District): Mt Dov, 33.29388 ° N 35.70861 ° E, 14 Jun 1986, Linnavuori, 1Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 00334834) (LCRT). ITALY: unknown locality, V. Jakovlev coll., 13 (AMNH _PBI 00314148), 2Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 0 0 314148, AMNH _PBI 00314138) (ZISP). Basilicata: Apennin Lucania, Laghi di Monticchio, 40.93027 ° N 15.60861 ° E, 750 m, 14 Jun 1968, Hartig, 33 (AMNH _PBI 0 0 314150, AMNH _PBI 0 0 334190, AMNH _PBI 00334191) (ZISP). Friuli-Venezia Giulia: Trieste, 45.6486 ° N 13.78 ° E, Graeffe, 2Ƥ (AMNH _PBI 0 0 336198, AMNH _PBI 00336194) (HNHM). Piedmont: Stazzano, 44.72758 ° N 8.87251 ° E, 231 m, V. Jakovlev coll., 13 (AMNH _PBI 00314147) (ZISP). Sicily: Ficuzza, 37.88333 ° N 13.36666 ° E, 682 m, 0 9 Sep 1952, A. Servadei, 13 (AMNH _PBI 00334831) (LCRT). Lucania M.te Vulture dint. Laghi di Monticchia, 40.93333 ° N 15.61666 ° E, 750 m, 25 Jun 1967, Hartig, 23 (AMNH _PBI 0 0 314157, AMNH _PBI 00314149) (ZISP). SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC: Hermon Mt., 33.4 ° N 35.85 ° E, 1500 m, 13 Jun 1986, Linnavuori, 23 (AMNH _PBI 0 0 334832, AMNH _PBI 00334833) (LCRT).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Miridae
- Genus
- Platycranus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hemiptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Fieber
- Species
- erberi
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Platycranus erberi Fieber, 1870 sec. Knyshov & Konstantinov, 2013
- Fieber, F. X. (1870) Dodecas neuer Gattungen und neuer Arten europaischer Hemiptera. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich- Koniglichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 20, 243 - 264.
- Carvalho, J. C. M. (1958) A catalogue of the Miridae of the world. Part III. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, 47, 1 - 161.
- Schuh, R. T. (1995) Plant Bugs of the World (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae): Systematic Catalog, Distributions, Host List, and Bibliography. The New York Entomological Society, New York, xii + 1329 pp.
- Wagner, E. (1974) Die Miridae Hahn, 1831, des Mittelmeerraumes und der Makaronesischen Inseln (Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Teil 2. Entomologische Abhandlungen, 39, Suppl. (1973), i - ii, 1 - 421.
- Wagner, E. (1951) Zwei neue Platycranus Arten aus dem Mittelmeergebiet. Entomologische Berichten, 13, 363 - 366.
- Carapezza, A. (1993) Eterotteri nuovi per le Isole Eolie, Ustica e le Isole Egadi, con nuove sinonimie. Naturalista Siciliano, (4) 17, 291 - 303.
- Wagner, E. & Weber, H. H. (1964) Heteropteres Miridae. " MDUL " In " MDNM ": Faune de France, 67, 1 - 592.
- Tamanini, L. (1981) Gli eterotteri della Basilicata e della Calabria (Italia meridionale) (Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Memorie del Museo civico di storia naturale di Verona, ser. 2, A, 3, 1 - 164.