Published December 31, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Cerchysiella Girault


Cerchysiella Girault

Cerchysiella Girault 1914: 60. Type species: C. nigrella Girault, by monotypy.

Remarks. Cerchysiella Girault (1914) is a cosmopolitan genus. Of 31 described species (Fatima & Shafee 1994; Hayat 2006; Noyes 1979; Noyes & Prinsloo 1998; Silvestri 1915; Subba Rao 1972; Sushil & Khan 1995; Tachikawa 1980, 1985; Trjapitzin 1988, 1989; Xu et al. 2005; Zhang & Huang 2004), three have been reported from China: C. koenigsmanni (Trjapitzin 1985), C. citricola (Xu et al. 2005) and C. raddeii Yang (Yang et al. 2013). One species was reported as a parasitoid of Tephritidae (Diptera), whereas eight are reported as parasitoids of Nitidulidae, one of Erotylidae, one of Cryptophagidae and two of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) (Williams et al. 1984; Dahms & Gordh 1997; Tachikawa 1998; Noyes 2012).

Cerchysiella is morphologically close to Zaommoencyrtus Girault 1916 (Noyes & Hayat 1984; Noyes et al. 1997; Dahms & Gordh 1997), but can be distinguished by the following key:

1. Female flagellum with clava 3- and funicle 6-segmented, and clava distinctively shorter than funicle (Fig. 6); fore wing with a conspicuous line of setae on proximal margin of linea calva and filum spinosum directed towards junction of marginal and submarginal veins, thus clearly converging with the setal line toward basal margin of linea calva (Fig. 9; Noyes & Hayat 1984, Fig.127).............................................................................. Cerchysiella Girault

- Female flagellum with clava 2- and funicle 4-segmented, clava longer than funicle (Noyes et al. 1997, fig.174); fore wing without a conspicuous line of setae on proximal margin of linea calva and filum spinosum not forming a clear line directed at the junction of the submarginal and marginal veins....................................... Zaommoencyrtus Girault

Besides the differences given above, Cerchysiella is also characterized by a strongly swollen parastigma that is clearly wider than the submarginal vein, and a stigmal vein that forms an angle of only about 45° with the marginal vein. Although the Palaearctic name Bethylomimus Trjapitzin 1962 (Trjapitzin 1962, 1967, 1989) is currently treated as a synonym of Zaommoencyrtus, this is very probably incorrect. Bethylomimus may be either a valid genus or a synonym of Cerchysiella (Dr. John Noyes, personal communication), but regardless, Zaommoencyrtus is restricted to the New World.


Published as part of Yang, Zhong-Qi, Wang, Xiao-Yi, Cao, Liang-Ming, Tang, Yan-Long & Tang, Hua, 2013, Cerchysiella mesosae Yang sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), a parasitoid of Mesosa myops (Dalman) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) larvae in China, pp. 154-160 in Zootaxa 3619 (2) on page 155, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3619.2.4,


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  • Girault, A. A. (1914) Records of new Chalcidoidea Encyrtidae from Australia. Societas Entomologica, 29, 59 - 60.
  • Fatima, A. & Shafee, S. A. (1994) Studies on the taxonomy of Indian encyrtids (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Aligarh Muslim University Publication, Zoological Series on Indian Insect Types, 15, 86 - 87.
  • Hayat, M. (2006) Indian Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, India, pp. 65 - 67.
  • Noyes, J. S. (1979) The West Indian species of Encyrtidae described by Howard L. D., in 1894 and 1897 (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Systematic Entomology, 4, 143 - 169. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 3113.1979. tb 00630. x
  • Noyes, J. S. & Prinsloo, G. L. (1998) A review of the Afrotropical and Malagasy taxa of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) described by Risbec J. (1949 - 1959). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 34, 71 - 97.
  • Silvestri, F. (1915) Descrizione di nuovi Imenotteri Chalcididi africani. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della R. Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura, 9, 337 - 377.
  • Subba Rao, B. R. (1972) On Zeteticontus Silvestri with descriptions of three new species (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Entomophaga, 17, 179 - 195. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / BF 02371128
  • Sushil, S. N. & Khan, M. A. (1995) A new species of Cerchysiella Girault (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from northern India. Bioved, 6, 125 - 128.
  • Tachikawa, T. (1980) A new species of the genus Zeteticontus Silvestri (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) parasitic on Encaustes praenobilis Lewis (Coleoptera: Erotylidae) in Japan. Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society, 15, 121 - 123.
  • Tachikawa, T. (1985) Discovery of a new species of Cerchysiella (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea - Encyrtidae) parasitic on Cybocephalus (Coleoptera: Cybocephalidae) from Japan. Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society, 17, 91 - 95.
  • Trjapitzin, V. A. (1988) New species of parasitic Hymenoptera of the genus Cerchysiella (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) from Brazil. Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva, 70, 166.
  • Trjapitzin, V. A. (1989) Parasitic Hymenoptera of the Fam. Encyrtidae of Palaearctics. Leningrad, Nauka, Leningrad Division, pp. 1 - 489. [In Russian].
  • Xu, Z. H., Chen, J. H. & Huang, J. (2005) Notes on two genera of encyrtids newly recorded from China with redescriptions of three new species (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 30, 609 - 612.
  • Zhang Y. & Huang D. (2004) A review and an illustrated key to genera of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from China. Science Press, Beijing, China, 166 pp, 182 figs.
  • Trjapitzin, VA (1985) New species of encyrtids (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) from south east Asia. Nasekomiye Vietnama, pp. 169 - 170.
  • Yang, Z. Q., Tang, H., Wang, X. Y., Wei, J. R. & Zhao, H. B. (2013) A new species of Cerchysiella (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) parasitic in larva of chestnut trunk borer (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from China with notes on its biology. Journal of Natural History, 47, 1 - 10. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222933.2012.742161
  • Williams, R. N., Weiss, M. J., Kehat, M. & Blumberg, D. (1984) The hymenopterous parasites of Nitidulidae. Phytoparasitica 12, 53 - 64. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / BF 02980798
  • Dahms, E. C. & Gordh, G. (1997) A review of the genera of Australian Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) described from Australia by Girault A. A. with a checklist of included species. Memoirs on Entomology, International, 9, 1 - 518.
  • Noyes, J. S. (2012) Universal Chalcidoidea Database. Available from: http: // www. nhm. ac. uk / research-curation / research / projects / chalcidoids / [accessed 14 December, 2012].
  • Noyes, J. S. & Hayat, M. (1984) A review of the genera of Indo - Pacific Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), 48, 131 - 395.
  • Noyes, J. S. Woolley, J. B. & Zolnerowich, G. (1997) Encyrtidae. In: Gibson, Huber & Woolley eds. Annotated key to the genera of Nearctic Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, pp. 170 - 320.
  • Trjapitzin, V. A. (1962) Materials on the encyrtid fauna (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) of the Caucasus. I. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 41, 426 - 435. [In Russian].
  • Trjapitzin, V. A. (1967) Encyrtids (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) of the Primorye Territory. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Leningrad. 41, 173 - 221. [In Russian].