Published December 31, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Merodon nigritarsis Vujić, Radenković, Likov, Trifunov & Nikolić, 2013, n. sp.


Merodon nigritarsis group

The putatively monophyletic nigritarsis group (Radenkoviċ et al. 2011) includes the following 15 species: M. angustus Vujiċ et Radenkoviċ n. sp. (similar to M. testaceus Sack), M. crassifemoris, M. femoratoides, M. latifemoris, M. nigritarsis, M. nitidifrons Hurkmans, M. quadraticus Vujiċ et Radenkoviċ n. sp. (similar to M. latifemoris), M. taniniensis Hurkmans, M. testaceus and M. toscanus, plus species from the M.alagoezicus complex: M. alagoezicus, M. hakkariensis Vujiċ et Radenkoviċ n. sp. (close to M. lucasi), M. lucasi, M. satdagensis Hurkmans and M. schachti Hurkmans.

Diagnosis. Relatively large (11–17 mm) species with white microtrichose longitudinal stripes on black mesoscutum and white microtrichose transverse bands on orange-brown (in females orange-black) tergites (Figs. 4 B, 5A, 5B, 4A); at least tergite 2 with reddish-orange marks. Mesoscutum covered with erect, yellow pile. Pile on metasternum erect, as long as those on hind coxa. Abdomen elongate, narrow and tapering, always longer than mesoscutum and scutellum together (Figs. 4 A–B, 5A–B). Posterior part of mid coxa without long pile. Tarsi dark brown/black dorsally and orange ventrally; at least metatarsus of hind legs always darkened dorsally (exceptionally, some specimens of Merodon angustus n. sp. can have completely yellow tarsi). First flagellomere at most twice as long as wide (Fig. 6). Legs without spikes or other protuberances (Figs. 7–9). Male genitalia: anterior lobe of surstylus (Fig. 10 A: a) more or less of rhomboid shape, covered with dense short pile, except in the alagoezicus complex of species where the anterior lobe of the surstylus is transformed into a narrow, elongate, strongly curved projection (Fig. 1: a); posterior lobe of the surstylus (Fig. 10 A: p) usually longer than anterior one; interior accessory lobe of posterior lobe of surstylus narrow and long (in lateral view, Fig. 12 A: i); cercus rectangular, without prominences (Fig. 12 A: c). Hypandrium narrow, elongate and sickle–shaped (Figs. 13 A, 14A); posterior end of lateral sclerite of aedeagus tapering (Fig. 14 A: la); hypandrium usually with a pair of lateral projections (Fig. 15 A: lt); lingula developed (Fig. 15 A: l).

Species status SWE SEE AP CME SME Merodon alagoezicus + + + Merodon angustus n. sp. E + Merodon crassifemoris + + + + Merodon femoratoides + + + + Merodon hakkariensis n. sp. E + Merodon latifemoris E +

Merodon lucasi + Merodon nigritarsis + + + + Merodon nitidifrons E + Merodon quadraticus n. sp. E + Merodon satdagensis E + + Merodon schachti E + Merodon taniniensis E + + + Merodon testaceus + + + Merodon toscanus E +

Total 4 6 7 12 2


Published as part of Vujić, Ante, Radenković, Snežana, Likov, Laura, Trifunov, Sonja & Nikolić, Tijana, 2013, Three new species of the Merodon nigritarsis group (Diptera: Syrphidae) from the Middle East, pp. 442-464 in Zootaxa 3640 (3) on pages 444-445, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3640.3.7,


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