Published September 5, 2016 | Version v1
Presentation Open

The impact of galactic environment on star formation

  • 1. MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany


While  spiral  arms  are  the  most  prominent  sites  for  star  formation  in  disk galaxies,  interarm  star  formation  contributes  significantly  to  the  overall  star formation  budget.  However,  it  is  still  an  open  question  if  the  star  formation proceeds  differently  in  the  arm  and  inter-arm  environment.  We  use  deep VLT/MUSE  optical  IFU  spectroscopy  to  resolve  and  fully  characterize  the physical properties of 428 interarm and arm HII regions in the nearby grand design  spiral  galaxy  NGC  628.    Unlike  molecular  clouds  (the  fuel  for  star formation) which exhibit a clear dependence on galactic environment, we find that   most   HII   region   properties   (luminosity,   size,   metallicity,   ionization parameter)  are  independent  of  environment.  One  clear  exception  is  the diffuse ionized gas (DIG) contribution to the arm and interarm flux (traced via the temperature sensitive [SII]/Halpha line ratio inside and outside of the HII region  boundaries).  We  find  a  systematically  higher  DIG  background  within HII   regions,   particularly   on   the   spiral   arms.   Correcting   for   this   DIG contamination  can  result  in  significant  (70%)  changes  to  the  star  formation rate measured.   We also show preliminary  results  comparing well@corrected star formation rates from our MUSE HII regions to ALMA CO(2-1) molecular gas  observations  at  matched  1"=35pc  resolution,  tracing  the  Kennicutt-Schmidt  star  formation  law  at  the  scales  relevant  to  the  physics  of  star formation.    We  estimate  the  timescales  relevant  for  GMC  evolution  using distance  from  the  spiral  arm  as  a  proxy  for  age,  and  test  whether  star formation  feedback  or  galactic@scale  dynamical  processes  dominate  GMC disruption.



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