Published December 31, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Breda lubomirskii Taczanowski 1878


Breda lubomirskii (Taczanowski, 1878)

Figs 6, 24, 38, 62–67, 101

Marpissa lubomirskii Taczanowski, 1878: 319, pl. 4, fig. 8 (Female holotype from Peru, should be deposited in PAN, lost, not examined).

Breda lubomirskii: Peckham & Peckham, 1894: 94; Platnick, 2013.

Note. The species was recognized by the original description of the abdominal color pattern: “le dos de l’abdomen est occupé par une grande figure miniacée, composée d’un long triangle (...) et de trois raies transversales sinueuses, dont la deuxième est la plus courte” [the dorsum of the abdomen is occupied by a large red figure, composed of a long triangle and three transverse sinuous stripes, where the second is the smallest] (Taczanowski, 1878: 319).

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Meta: Puerto Lleras: Lomalinda, 4m, 1f, 15.XI.1986, D.T. Carroll (FSCA); ECUADOR: Napo: La Selva: 1m, 1f, 7–13.X.1988, S.W. Dunkle (FSCA); PERU: Amazonas: La Poza: 1f, 15.X.1979, J.P. O’Neil (FSCA); BRAZIL: Amazonas: Manaus: Fazenda Esteio (ZF-3, Km-23), 1m, 29.IV.1987, B.C. Klein (INPA 57); Pará: Tucuruí: 1f, VII.1984, Equipe IBSP (IBSP 5555); 1j, VII.1984, Equipe IBSP (IBSP 5551); 1j, VII.1984, Equipe IBSP (IBSP 5552); 1f, 24.VI.1980, B. Mascarenhas (IBSP 3283); Acre: Rio Branco: 1f, 28.XI.1995, R.B. Mendonça & A.A. Araújo (IBSP 7022); Rondônia: Abunã: 1j, 25.III.1922, J.W. Strohm (MCZ 60386).

Diagnosis. Breda lubomirskii differs from the other species of the genus by having the longitudinal median abdominal stripe entirely covered with orange scales in both sexes (Figs 6, 62–63). The male of this species is similar to that of Breda milvina by the shape and size of the tibial apophysis and embolus tip, but differs from this species by having the dorsal border of the embolic depression short and not projected ventrally (Fig. 65).

Description. Male (FSCA). Total length: 9.50. Carapace length: 4.50; width: 3.30; height: 1.55. Carapace dark brown, with a longitudinal stripe of white hairs like that of Breda milvina (Fig. 7). Length of the ocular quadrangle: 2.15. Width of the anterior eye row: 2.60; posterior: 2.50. Chelicera dark brown, with four or five teeth on promargin and one on retromargin. Labium, sternum and endites dark brown. RvTA with poorly developed concavity on distal end, embolus long and slender (Figs 64–65, 38). Legs 1423, dark brown; I slightly darker, with sparse white hairs. Femur I 3.40x1.12; II 2.75x0.90; III 2.60; IV 3.00. Patella I 2.20; II 1.60; III 1.40; IV 1.50. Tibia I 3.10x0.75; II 2.30x0.60; III 2.00; IV 2.90. Metatarsus I 2.00; II 1.65; III 1.85; IV 2.45. Tarsus I 1.00; II 0.90; III 1.00; IV 0.95. Leg spination: femur I, II d1-1-1, p1-2, r1, v1 pdi; III d1-1-1, p1-1-2, r1-1 (r1di); IV d1-1-1, p1-1 (p1), r1di (r0). Patella I, II, III, IV 0. Tibia I v9; II v2 -0-2-2 (v1 r-0-2-2); III p1-1, r1-1-1, v2 -0-2; IV p0, r1-1-1, v2- 1 -2 (v2 -0-2). Metatarsus I, II v2-2; III p2di, r2di, v2-2; IV p1di, r2di, v2-2. Abdomen dark brown, with a longitudinal median orange stripe, forming three transverse stripes on the posterior half (Fig. 62); anterior scutum; ventrally light brown. Spinnerets light brown.

Female (FSCA). Total length: 16.40. Carapace length: 6.60; width: 4.80; height: 2.05. Carapace as in male. Length of the ocular quadrangle: 2.80. Width of the anterior eye row: 3.47; posterior: 3.50. Chelicera dark brown, with four teeth on promargin and one on retromargin. Labium, sternum and endites as in male. Palp dark brown. Legs 4123, as in male. Femur I 3.90x1.60; II 3.45x1.35; III 3.40; IV 4.00. Patella I 2.60; II 2.25; III 1.80; IV 2.00. Tibia I 3.10x1.20; II 2.90x0.97; III 2.30; IV3.80. Metatarsus I 1.90; II 1.70; III 2.20; IV 3.00. Tarsus I 1.10; II 1.10; III 1.15; IV 1.20. Leg spination: femur I, II d1-1-1, p1-2; III d1-1-1, p1-1-2, r1di; IV d1-1-1. Patella I, II, III, IV 0. Tibia I v2; II v0; III p1-1, r1-1-1 (r1-1), v2-1 p-2 (1p-1p-2); IV p0, r1-1-1, v2-1 -1p-2 (v1 p-1p-2). Metatarsus I, II v2-2; III p2di, r2di, v2 di; IV p2di, r2di, v2-2. Abdomen dark brown, with an anterior triangle and three transverse stripes covered with orange scales (Fig. 6, 63); ventrally dark brown, variegated, with sparse tufts of white and orange scales. Epigyne as in Figs 66–67. Spinnerets dark brown.

Natural history. Specimens of this species can feed on very large prey. For instance, the female used in the redescription (16.40mm long) was collected hanging on a thread of silk feeding on a cockroach (Insecta, Blattaria) over 25.00mm long.

Distribution. The species seems to occur only in the Amazon (Fig. 101).


Published as part of Ruiz, Gustavo R. S. & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2013, Revision of Breda and proposal of a new genus (Araneae: Salticidae), pp. 401-433 in Zootaxa 3664 (4) on pages 417-419, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3664.4.1,


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Breda lubomirskii Taczanowski, 1878 sec. Ruiz & Brescovit, 2013