Published December 31, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Frewena maculata Richardson, 2013, n. sp.


Frewena maculata n. sp.

Figs 10, 18–24

Type material. Holotype: M, Frewena, N.T., 135.40°E, 19.43°S, 1 Oct.1976 (MAGD, BJR1264). Paratypes: 1F, 2M, 2 imm., details same as holotype (MAGD, BJR1265)

Etymology. The name is from the Latin for spotted.

Diagnosis. As for genus.

Description. Male: Cephalothorax mid orange with darker sides and rear surface. Surrounds of PME and PLE, dark brown. Sides of the cephalothorax and the dorsal surface of the pars cephalica covered with fine grey hairs. Clypeus narrow, brown, with a fringe of fine grey hairs. Chelicerae straight, brown with narrow black lateral edges. One medium sized, unidentate, sharp retromarginal tooth. Endites, labium and sternum yellow. Dorsal abdomen yellow overlaid with brown patina. Terminal half of the abdomen with a row of three and then a row of two large dark brown spots. Spinnerets yellow. Ventral abdomen yellow. Legs yellow with strong spines on L1 which is more robust than the other legs and without a fringe on patella and tibia. Patella and tibia of L3 darker and fringed, much longer than other legs. Palp: yellow, tibia with long thick fringe of long strong yellow hairs, and a small fine apophysis. The tegulum is long with a small proximal lobe. The embolus follows a large anticlockwise spiral and lies on the median edge of the tegulum. Dimensions: CL 1.4, EFL 0.6, CW 1.2, AEW 1.1, AMEW 0.7, PEW 1.1, AL 1.5, P1+T1 1.8, L1 2.3 (0.7+0.4+0.4+0.4+0.3), L2 2.2 (0.7+0.4+0.4+0.4+0.3), L3 3.2 (1.1+0.5+0.6+0.6+0.4), L4 2.7 (0.8+0.3+0.5+0.6+0.5).

Female: Cephalothorax yellow with scattered darker patches. Surrounds of ALE, PME and PLE, dark brown. Sides of the cephalothorax and the dorsal surface of the pars cephalica covered with fine grey hairs. Clypeus narrow, brown, with a fringe of fine grey hairs. Chelicerae straight, brown with narrow black lateral edges. Two promarginal teeth and one medium sized, unidentate, sharp retromarginal tooth. Endites, labium and sternum yellow. Dorsal abdomen yellow overlaid with brown patina. Terminal half of the abdomen with a row of three and then a row of two large dark brown spots. Spinnerets yellow. Ventral abdomen yellow. Legs yellow with strong spines on L1 which is more robust than the other legs. L3 much longer than the other legs. Epigynum: The epigyne includes a pair of faintly delineated oval-shaped fossae. The copulatory openings are placed just within the lateral edges of the fossae. The insemination ducts are long and pass around the median and proximal sides of the spermathecae before joining the lateral edge of the spermatheca. The ducts are continuous with the relatively long and narrow spermatheca. These underlie the posterior edge of the fossae. The spermathecae continue past the exit of the fertilization duct as short wide diverticula. The fertilization ducts are on the anterior dorsal edge of the spermathecae. Dimensions: CL 1.5, EFL 0.6, CW 1.2, AEW 1.1, AMEW 0.7, PEW 1.1, AL 1.4, P1+T1 0.8, L1 2.4 (0.8+0.4+0.4+0.3+0.4), L2 2.3 (0.8+0.4+0.4+0.4+0.3), L3 3.1 (1.1+0.5+0.6+0.5+0.4), L4 2.8 (0.9+0.4+0.5+0.6+0.4).

Distribution and biology. Known only from type locality (fig. 10).


Published as part of Richardson, Barry J., 2013, New unidentate jumping spider genera (Araneae: Salticidae) from Australia, pp. 460-474 in Zootaxa 3716 (3) on pages 466-467, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3716.3.8,


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sp. nov.
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Frewena maculata Richardson, 2013