Published December 31, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pantecphylus (Pantecphylus) helleri Schmidt, Stelzer & Marshall 2004


Pantecphylus (Pantecphylus) helleri Schmidt, Stelzer & Marshall, 2004

[A] CH 4936 (holotype), CH 4937, 2 ♂♂

Schmidt et al. have described several new species in this genus (Schmidt et al. 2004, 2006, 2007). In the Kivu region they described five new species from five males. According to these data a second, morphologically very similar species occurs in Irangi (with the same co-ordinates as [A]), while the locality of our animal is shown at a different place in their map). New studies on more material have to show if the extreme split of the genus (Schmidt et al. 2004, 2006, 2007) has been correct.

The brilliant blue coloration of the mouth parts (Fig. 13 D) fades to yellow after death.

Song. For data on the acoustic behaviour (calling song and defence stridulation) see Heller (1996).


Published as part of Heller, Klaus-Gerhard, Hemp, Claudia, Liu, Chunxiang & Volleth, Marianne, 2014, Taxonomic, bioacoustic and faunistic data on a collection of Tettigonioidea from Eastern Congo (Insecta: Orthoptera), pp. 343-376 in Zootaxa 3785 (3) on pages 363-365, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3785.3.2,


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  • Schmidt, G. H., Stelzer, R. & Marshall, J. (2004) Description of five new Pantecphylus species from Kivu, the east province of Democratic Republic Congo (Ensifera: Tettigonioidea: Pseudophyllidae). Bollettino di Zoologia Agraria e di Bachicoltura, 36, 279 - 301.
  • Heller, K. - G. (1996) Unusual abdomino-alary, defensive stridulatory mechanism in the bushcricket Pantecphylus cerambycinus (Orthoptera: Tettigonioidea: Pseudophyllidae). Journal of Morphology, 227, 81 - 86. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1002 / (sici) 1097 - 4687 (199601) 227: 1 <81 :: aid-jmor 6> 3.0. co; 2 - s