Erymanthus vesuvioides Thomson 1856
Erymanthus vesuvioides Thomson, 1856
(Figs 37–38, 41 E)
Thomson 1856: 114, t5 f8; Murray 1867: 319; Schenkling 1903: t5 f9; Schenkling 1906: 282.
Specimens examined: Lectotype (designated here): Gd. Bassam, Type J. Thom., Vesuvioides Thoms. R. Z., Ex Musaeo James Thomson, Muséum Paris 1952, Coll. R. Oberthúr, (MNHN).
Comment on the type specimens: As Thomson (1856: 114, 115) does not mention number of specimens, it cannot be assumed that E. vesuvioides is based on a single specimen. The specimen from Grand Bassam is therefore considered a syntype (ICZN 1999: Article 73.2) and available for Lectotype designation (ICZN 1999: Article 74.1).
Others: Guinea, Type Thom., Vesuvioides Thoms. R. Z., Var A., Ex Musaeo James Thomson, Muséum Paris 1952, Coll. R. Oberthúr, (MNHN). Grand-Bassam, Aquentin, Bassam, Ex Musaeo Parry, Muséum Paris 1952, Coll. R. Oberthúr (MNHN). Gabon, Muséum Paris, Collection Leon Fairmaire 1902 (MNHN). Riviére Haut San Benito, Coll. Sedillot (RGCM). Congo Franç., Benito, Muséum Paris, Coll. M. Pic (MNHN). Gabon, Bas-Ogooué, Ex-Collection Favarel, Muséum Paris, E. Le Moult. 1923 (MNHN). Côte d'Ivoire, Rég. De San Pedro, G. Thoire 1901, Schenkling vid. 1901 (MNHN). Gabon, Bas-Ogooué, Ex-Collection Favarel, Muséum Paris, Coll. M. Pic (MNHN). Côte occid. Afrique, Ch. Alluaud 1886, Muséum Paris 1952, Coll. R. Oberthúr (RGCM). Congo Français, N' Djole, J. Arrighi, Muséum Paris 1952, Coll. R. Oberthúr (MNHN). Gabon, Bas- Ogooué, Ex-Collection Favarel, Muséum Paris, E. Le Moult. 1923 (MNHN). Gabon, W. Africa, Mocquerys (MNHN). Côte d'Ivoire, Env. De Dimbokro, Capitaine Posth 1910 (MNHN). Gabon, W. Africa, Mocquerys (MNHN). La Maboke, Rep. Centrafic., PL. 26.II.1973, Michel Boulard et Paul Kombo, Photographié, Museum Paris (MNHN). Gabon, Compare au type, ex Mus. R. Oberthur (RMNH). Gabon, Bas-Ogooué, Ex-Collection Favarel, Muséum Paris, 1923 acq. Le Moult, J. B. Corporaal det. 1923 (RMNH). Gabon, Bas-Ogooué, Ex- Collection Favarel, Muséum Paris, 1923 acq. Le Moult, J. B. Corporaal det. 1923 (RMNH). Gabon, Bas-Ogooué, Ex-Collection Favarel, Muséum Paris, 1923 acq. Le Moult, J. B. Corporaal det. 1934 (RGCM). Sierra Leone, Falaba (2), 24.VIII.1912, Jas. J. Simpson, Sierra Leone, J. J. Simpson, 1912–425, 1926 ex British Museum, J. B. Corporaal det. 1946 (RMNH). Gabon, Bas-Ogooué, Ex-Collection Favarel, Muséum Paris, 1923 acq. Le Moult, J. B. Corporaal det. 1923 (RMNH). Gabon, Bas-Ogooué, Ex-Collection Favarel, Muséum Paris, 1923 acq. Le Moult, J. B. Corporaal det. 1923 (RMNH). Gabon, Bas-Ogooué, Ex-Collection Favarel, Coll. R I. Sc. N. B., J. B. Corporaal det. 1936 (ISNB). Congo Franç., Benito, Coll. S. Schenkling, Schenkling det., Erymanthus vesuvioides West., Coll - 0 3102 (SDEI). Span. Guinea, Nkolentangan, XI.07–V.08, G. Teßmann S. G., Erymanthus vesuvioides Thoms., Museum f. Naturkunde Berlin (ZMB). Guinea, Buquet, Erymanthus vesuvioides Thoms., Hist. Coll. (Coleoptera) Nr. 17813, Zool. Mus. Berlin (ZMB). S. O. Kamerun, Lolodorf, 8.II.–27.III. 95, L. Conradt S., Erymanthus vesuvioides Thoms., Determ. E. Hintz (ZMB). Span. Guinea, Nkolentangan, XI.07–V.08, G. Teßmann S. G., Erymanthus vesuvioides Thoms., Museum f. Naturkunde Berlin (ZMB). Gabon, Libreville et env., Don M Babault Fév. 1922, Erymanthus vesuvioides Ths., R. Det. E 2225 (MRAC). Gabon, Bas-Ogooué, Ex-Collection Favarel, Sammlung P. Lepesme Eing. Nr. 2, 1949, Erymanthus vesuvioides Thoms., P. Lepesme det. (ZMUH). S. Leone 67·71, Sierra Leone 67·71, Erymanthus vesuvioides Thoms., J. B. Corporaal det. 1926, Erymanthus vesuvioides Thoms., J. J. Menier det. 1981 (BMNH).
Diagnosis: Erymanthus vesuvioides can be confused with E. melanurus. Erymanthus melanurus is 9–12mm long and has light brown femora. Erymanthus vesuvioides is clearly recognizable by its black metafemora and the total length of 12–20mm.
Length: (31 specimens measured) 12–20mm (average 15.77mm).
Head: Light brown, on disc darker; frontal umbo with two rounded grooves; with flavous anteriorly directed pilosity; antennae brown.
Pronotum: Pronotal length to width ratio 1.06:1 to 1.18:1 (average 1.11:1); light brown, posteriorly darker; pronotal groove dark and quite deep; gibbosities inconspicuous; with dense fine punctation; with relatively dense anterior directed flavous pilosity.
Scutellum: Black; vested with white setae.
Elytra: Elytral length to width ratio 1.82:1 to 2.18:1 (average 1.98:1); anterior half light brown, posteriorly dark brown to black; conspicuously dilated apically; punctation basally circular, apically elongate-ovate, first 2–4 rows slightly rasp-like, width of interstices variable, irregularly distributed; anteriorly with isolated black and flavous pilosity, posteriorly partly with dense white and flavous pilosity; gibbosities A, B, C and D with dense white setal tuft, E with black setae.
Legs: Pro- and middle legs light brown with dark marking dorsally on the femora, hind legs dark brown to black.
Lower surface: Dark brown to black with indication of light spots lateral of each abdominal segment; with white pilosity.
Male genitalia, pygidium, ventrite VI: Tips of tegminal lobes blunt, tegminal lobes one-fifth length of tegmen; tegminal struts broadened until one-fourth length and tapering lanceolate until tip; phallic tip clavate; posterior side of pygidium angular and very slightly pointed; processes of ventrite VI pointed.
Distribution: Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon.
Seasonal occurrence: Collected from November to August.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Cleridae
- Genus
- Erymanthus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Thomson
- Species
- vesuvioides
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Erymanthus vesuvioides Thomson, 1856 sec. Gerstmeier & Salvamoser, 2014
- Thomson, J. (1856) Description de dix coleopteres, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, (2), 8, 12 - 118.
- Murray, A. (1867) List of Coleoptera received from Old Calabar, on the West Coast of Africa, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 20, third series, 314 - 323.
- Schenkling, S. (1903) Coleoptera. Malacodermata. Fam. Cleridae. In: Wytsman, P. (Ed.), Genera Insectorum, Fasc. 13, P. Wytsman, Bruxelles, 124 pp.
- Schenkling, S. (1906) Die Cleriden des Deutschen Entomologischen National-Museums, nebst Beschreibungen neuer Arten, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1906, 241 - 320.